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  1. JonnyPopperseed

    Citrus/Mocha Strains?

    SWIM got the chance to grab some green crack and sensi star the other week or so: The Sensi has a mocha sour-citrus smell. The G.C. is VERY similar but has more of a... kick? more sour/citrus and skunky:hump: So I looked it up and that seems to be the actual strain qualitys not due to any...
  2. JonnyPopperseed

    Pipe Cleaning?

    agreed, thats straight up how its done man
  3. JonnyPopperseed

    Old/New Idea for Bubblebag Hash..?

    Hey RIU, I was just hitting a bowl.. and had an idea about water/ice hash; Basically this originated out of the useless water after you strain your bags... take the useless water and preform a giant steam distillation (heating that water between 75 to 90 degrees to extract whatever resins...
  4. JonnyPopperseed

    BHO / Honey Oil Connoisseurs

    it all depends on what you want really. as for you first question vaporizing anything is generally better for you body than smoking as for oil itself if you want golden oil then you have to pretty much use pure whole (de-shaked) buds.... if you dont want to use/waste buds you can use shake...
  5. JonnyPopperseed

    Questions on Steam Extraction

    the thread is about steam extraction im quite knowledgeable with BHO thanks anyway
  6. JonnyPopperseed

    Questions on Steam Extraction

    Hey RIU, I had a few questions about the extraction of cannabis through steam. I heard that THC has to high of a boiling point to turn into steam to be extracted, my question for you is: if you extracted the cannabis in a solvent with a lower boiling point (such as ethanol, iso or butane)...
  7. JonnyPopperseed

    roor bongs

    weedstar has some pretty killer glass GEAR looks promising too
  8. JonnyPopperseed

    Bubble hash vs Hash oil

    awesome thread guys, took me awhile to read it up to this point and im suprised nobody mentioned this: try drying hash with a dehumidifier next to it.... helps speed up the process. happy smokin'
  9. JonnyPopperseed

    gnats easiest way 2 kill them +rep for help

    plant a venus flytrap :P
  10. JonnyPopperseed

    Home made Vaporizer

    :shock: are you serious? you need to smoke more then.
  11. JonnyPopperseed

    Zong Bongs?

    I bought a 3ft Zong for 110$ last week... ill let you know if you are looking at a big one ITS A BEAST :D takes about 2 good pulls (one to pop it, one to clear it)
  12. JonnyPopperseed

    Will you ever quit the herb?

    Short answer: No. Long answer: NoooooooooooooooOOoOoooOoooOooooooOOoooooOOOOOooooo.... :)
  13. JonnyPopperseed

    do you guys have to wait till weed hits in?

    well when i first started it took about 30 minutes before my body noticed the THC and started reacting... but it wore off after about a month of smoking and now i feel it instantly (than again i use a popper* not joints... but it shouldnt matter to muchh [except for me personally... i find that...
  14. JonnyPopperseed

    Drying necessary for cooking?

    Dry or wet makes no differance (to potency at least) when your cooking!!! :) bake away!
  15. JonnyPopperseed

    Tasty Puff Good? Bad?

    its awesome but i hate when people use it on the stuff they sell.... sell strains and dont bullshit people. :)
  16. JonnyPopperseed

    Worst Joke Ever?

    a baby seal walks into a club... thats all... (you'll get it in about 5 seconds)
  17. JonnyPopperseed

    This looks like a good camera fr chronicling a chronic grow.

    no flash? all IR... AWESOME!!!! i might grab one for myself. :)
  18. JonnyPopperseed

    what is the lgeality of cannabis in canada

    Be safe bro, but yes! if you have a med card you can either buy: pre-dried buds grow your own have a caregiver
  19. JonnyPopperseed

    Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

    jesus was blessed with hemp seed oils when he was born... plus a ''burning bush'' ... the bible is loaded with weed so YES SMOKE!