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  1. Vansterdam

    3 Year Cure, Does It Look OK?

    I vaped with a VaporGinie, you use a lighter to heat the ceramic. It was my first time, I think I got the flame too close to the ceramic which I've read could cause combustions. I'm definately allergic to ragweed, I supose I'll be sensitive to weed as well...time will tell. The Bud is definitely...
  2. Vansterdam

    3 Year Cure, Does It Look OK?

    Mostly Bud and picked when trichs were at 50% amber. Here's a pick a couple of weeks before harvest (taken off one of my threads from 3 years ago), all my finished pics are on a dead hard drive.
  3. Vansterdam

    3 Year Cure, Does It Look OK?

    correction. It was LA Woman that I vaped last night, I just realized looking at the jars today. So the Church is suposed to be stronger...
  4. Vansterdam

    3 Year Cure, Does It Look OK?

    So I vaped a little last night, probably 0.20g in my new VaporGenie. The vapor did irritate my lungs and throat, but nothing like when I rolled the same stuff up 3 years ago. It's possible it got too hot or I held the flame too close to the ceramic (newb still learning). I've also read THC is an...
  5. Vansterdam

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    So I only need one, thanks for the info. Can you tell me what size? I've been tying to find the diameter of a 16 gauge wire, but I'm just not getting it. Chart shows 0.0502 and 1.3mm, but that doesn't make sense to me. The units I see online come in 7mm, 8mm, etc...cheers
  6. Vansterdam

    3 Year Cure, Does It Look OK?

    In 2010 I grew a few lbs of bud on my terrace. I gave most of it away as I didn't smoke at the time, but I did keep a couple onces of everything I produced. I cured everything in mason jars (after dried), burping regularly for a few months. I threw it all on a shelf in my closet and forgot about...
  7. Vansterdam

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Can someone explain the Ferrite Clamps to block or contain RFI noise. Do i just need to clamp 1 unit to the cord leading from the ballast to the light? What size clamp do I need for a 16 gauge cord? I had a visit from the cable guy a couple of years ago, I'm not looking forward to another knock...
  8. Vansterdam

    RDGgreenthumb 2010 Outdoor Grow

    There is no way my haze's will finish, I think I'm about 3 weeks away and I know they can go 4 weeks. I'm probably going to cut them down tonight, I'm going to take pics. Although I live at sea level, my plants are an 1.5 hours away in the mountains. Temps are supposed to go down to 34 tonight...
  9. Vansterdam

    Cutting away rot when manicuring???

    I've been harvesting various plant the last week and will continue to over the next week or 2. While manicuring I'm cutting away the bad bud. In some cases I find some early rot (slight browning on the inside of the bud near the stem). The question is, if I miss a little of the early forming...
  10. Vansterdam

    2-3 weeks left for my outdoor Sativa's...have to chop

    weather is turning cold and it's rained a bunch, will continue to rain off and on for the next 2 weeks in the pacific northwest (north of the border) last weeks statistics Max Temp: 18.3 °C (high 60's) Max Temp.Date: Oct.13 2010 Min temp: 3.5 °C (high 30's) Min Temp. Date: Oct.11 2010...
  11. Vansterdam

    Music that makes your trip soo much better :)

  12. Vansterdam

    RDGgreenthumb 2010 Outdoor Grow

    looking good. I got to see my outdoor plot for the first time in about a month yesterday. I have 3 Churches planted (thought I only had 1), 1 LA woman, 3 Himalaya golds and around 15 Arjans Haze #1. I was completely blown away by how great everyting looked. The Church's have turned purple from...
  13. Vansterdam

    Mold spores and specks of powdery mildew

    Question for the Pro's I'm going to have some mold spores and specks of powdery mildew that are going to get missed at harvest time. Will these guys die during the drying and curing process? I'm assuming these spores and specks of mildew are going to end up filtering through my bubble ice...
  14. Vansterdam

    have to harvest early...Bud Rot. What do you think of the trichs???

    My plants went through 7 straight days of 100% humidity and rain, although 4 of the 5 did not experience direct rain. The one that did, developed some rot within 2 days on the bottom branches, but it might have been pest induced. The other plants were tightly fit into my green house which...
  15. Vansterdam

    have to harvest early...Bud Rot. What do you think of the trichs???

    OK I've put off havest until Sunday, 3 days of sun and 80's on my deck (love having the dark house and large tile tarrace, it raises temps about 10-15 degrees above actual). was high 70's yesterday, 90's on my deck. I've performed surgery on the effected bud sites and will treat these sites as...
  16. Vansterdam

    RDGgreenthumb 2010 Outdoor Grow

    Nice, the race is on for the Himalaya's 8-)
  17. Vansterdam

    have to harvest early...Bud Rot. What do you think of the trichs???

    Unfortunately I'm having to harvest early. A few days ago there were a few bud rot spots on my Chruch's, today they are 3X as many and a few main colas are under attack. The shitty part is the weather turned better 2 days ago, 80 degrees on my patio and sun and it's supposed to last another 3...
  18. Vansterdam

    Hey man, Himalaya's are coming along, I've updated my thread. Unfortunately I'm having to...

    Hey man, Himalaya's are coming along, I've updated my thread. Unfortunately I'm having to harvest all my Church's about a week early, bud rot outbreak Himalaya thread
  19. Vansterdam

    Concerned about my Himalaya Gold's

    Sept 30 update HG's are supposed to be technically done, But i'm thinking 3 weeks left at least. The Church is right on track LA Woman is probably on track for mid Oct. From left to right, HG X 2, Church X 3, La Woman X 2
  20. Vansterdam

    Bud Rot or Pest

    At first I thought it was nute burn, but then some people said it could be caterpillars. I've found a new patch on the plant and don't know what this is... First pic is an infected bud from 3-4 days ago, I cut it off. Second and 3rd pic are of the new breakout, just one bud site, but near...