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  1. G

    RARE!! - 3 leaf per node - TRIPLOID!!!!!!!! from seed ( PIC )

    I've seen a few of these in my garden lately. Mine have all eventually reverted to normal 2 node growth paterns.
  2. G

    All of a sudden spots appeared

    Oh... plus a deficiency would show over a much longer period of time. Did you spray them with anything yesterday? Did you feed them in the last few days?
  3. G

    All of a sudden spots appeared

    Seems like eaither a serious over-feeding or a serious deficiency. Over-feeding would be much more common.
  4. G


    Yea.... We're fucked.
  5. G

    I found afids and a spider on my plants help!

    I use a regular Neem Oil program. Works great, and I grow in a relative jungle with some serious buggins out to get my babies. Mix 3 tsp Neem Oil with 1 tsp dish soap and 1 gal of water. The soap is there as an emulsifier. Spray liberally over all the leaves top and bottom (very important to hit...
  6. G


    Oh yea.... I almost forgot.... Fuck You BP!!!! My city smells like an old gas station and all our oysters are already screwed. Fuck you.
  7. G

    We got a leaner

    Perhaps the bottom nugs grow slower and the brown pistols are from some of the original growth. Perhaps you notice the brown pistols more on the bottom because those nugs are not so full of other/fresher pistols. .... perhaps.
  8. G

    What's the problem with my baby....

    Sure looke like over neut all around to me.
  9. G

    We got a leaner

    dunno about the pistols. I know they brown as a function of age... but no real clues other than that.
  10. G

    We got a leaner

    I tie my from the top of my growing chamber.... but that's a very handy answer for my specific setup. At any rate... you have a good problem my friend. I'm sure most growers would tell you that they don't shed too many tears when their plants get heavy with buds. A fan will help them next...
  11. G


    Learning can suck. Welcome to the classroom my friend!
  12. G

    River Water

    River water could be fine... but could be very bad too. Many minerals are disolved into the water as it winds it's way to your garden and those minerals may or may not be good for your babies. Here's a test.... are you willing to use that same water and drinking water? If so, I might consider...
  13. G

    Attention Atheist

    History is mighty long my friend... and you've only been here to witness the smallest of historical slivers. Religions come and go but humanity remains. The gods the your distant prodigy will worship may be VERY different than the ones currently available. If you were to choose a diety on...
  14. G

    ready for flowering ?

    Really... the question should be directed back at you. Rule of thumb... they'll double in height. Are they 1/2 the finished height you're shooting for? Will they fit in your grow chamber when they're done? You get the idea. The bigger they are before you veg, the bigger your buds will be...
  15. G

    What's the problem with my baby....

    Sorry... forgot to give any actual advice.... Flush the crap out of them. Lots of fresh water... maybe even a flushing agent like Clearex. Your soil has too much nutrients in it and you need to try to get some of it out of the soil. It will take them forever to recover.
  16. G

    What's the problem with my baby....

    neutrient burn. too much neuts in the mix. start over. If you use MG... don't add anything to the soil. It's SOOOOO easy to overneut in MG soil.
  17. G

    Soil question.

    I feel your pain. Back when I was doing seeds, I usually planted 4x the seeds to account for males and possible growing catastropes.
  18. G

    Soil question.

    Been there.... done that. We call it "The joys of growing". I always use clones these days for just that exact reason. When I buy seeds, I grow them normally, put them in veg and wait for them to show their sex, them put them back into flower and clip them for clones after they've switched back...
  19. G

    mircle gro frys?

    MG is fine. Folks have problems when they try to add nutrients to the soil that already has the MG timed release neuts in it.
  20. G

    gnats and little white worms (new member)

    Neem based products or mix your own Neem oil will work great on the little buggers. Soil treatment with Neem Oil- 3tsp Neem oil + 1tsp dish soap + 1 gal water Use the mix like you would normal water.