Search results

  1. PrivateEye6

    TSA Music Video

    Wow, just wow. In Sean Pauls new music video the TSA is portrayed as sexy and the video itself is titled "She Doesn't Mind". Fck the people behind this bullsht. Watch it and see what im talking about, the sad thing is that it WILL actually help to make people believe that getting your genitals...
  2. PrivateEye6

    Kitten got run over

    my kitten named stalker got run over by one of those sports bike with the thin wheels. He ran to safety and took a shit while on his back and was stunned, the tire must of ran through his belly or something causing his crap to come flying out at first i thought it was his guts. He looked about...
  3. PrivateEye6

    Meaning of Dreams

    Dreams, we all have them. There is 2 in particular I wanna talk about then you guys can post yours!! What do reoccurring dreams signify? What about dreams you had one time many years ago maybe even as a child but still vividly remember them? Teeth Dream Ive heard of many others having this...
  4. PrivateEye6

    Thc at bottom of plastic container

    Whats the best way to get all the fallen thc from the bottom of plastic containers? Some will just fall of but alot is caked on all along the edge. Any known sure fire method to get these guys out the container and into a my peice?
  5. PrivateEye6

    God, Religion and other ish

    This has got to be the most controversial topic imaginable, RELIGION. Religion sucks so bad. Why must we be placed in categories, each strict in its own beliefs? Why must we accept their god? I believe in highly advanced beings having a part in our existence on earth but i do not believe a...
  6. PrivateEye6

    Need Piano Lessons

    Hello RIU users, ive spent some time searching for programs, Pdfs and such for some lessons on piano but theres too many! I was hoping fellow cannabis users are as into music as i am and wanted to ask for recommendations. I need to learn chords and chord progression, melody building, music...
  7. PrivateEye6

    Must get rid of plant-What to do with it?

    I have a marijuana plant and for reasons i cant say i need to get rid of it. So my question is what can i do with it so i wont just toss it out and waste it? Its very small maybe 10 inches with about 8 bud spots which are the size of a marble with few white pistils. Very immature plant. But i...
  8. PrivateEye6

    To Be or Not To Be (Trendy)

    Most music now a days is crap. You used to have been required a soul/emotions to make beautiful songs that talk to people now it only takes trance-like rhythms and hate laced lyrics in a way that our brain accepts the tune and its message. To be a trendy is to accept and embrace what is...
  9. PrivateEye6

    In Search of Knowledge

    Someone please help, im looking for a very special book by Dr. York "Leviathan 666 The Beast as the Anti-Christ" It seems that those key words are on googles blacklist or something. I was hoping to find a pdf file but my searches indicate its non-existent. No hits on torrent websites or...
  10. PrivateEye6

    Thc alcohol extraction Help

    Ok so i have about 2 grams of stem and one little bowl of weed in a bottle of tequila with about 2 shots worth of liquor. how long will extraction take with so little stem and weed? its been three days and the liquor has changed into a darker color. i think its 40% alcohol. Im guessing this one...
  11. PrivateEye6

    Games to Play When High

    I love to play video games when im blown and im sure im not alone. Heres a list of all my favorites, i play on pc but all the games listed are available for console Dues Ex *5/5* An amazing RPG as well as a thrilling shooter, the player gets to make choices in how he advances in the game. This...
  12. PrivateEye6

    Zero Dollar PC Grow Box Project

    Simple... I love weed, Im flat broke I have very little experience growing but ive done it before so im no newbie SO FAR.... Emptied out old PC as best I could and scrubbed it clean Germinated 4 seeds 2 Chronic 2 Bagseed Planted them in some mystery soil from a plant outback and waited for them...