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  1. M

    Problems from soil to hydro

    Ok so here's my first real hydro grow and I'm having problems diagnosing my leaf discolorations. Ok so heres my setup: Auto Flowering Hindu Kush Top feed drip system w/ 3g pots 600w HPS Botonicare PRO series along with silica blast and sweet Plants are about 5 weeks old, 12" tall Ok...
  2. M

    Smells Like Cucumbers?

    Ok here's the run down: Lowlife Auto Hindu Kush Soil Full Botonicare Product Line -ProGrow -ProBloom (soil) -Silica Blast -Sweet (berry) -Cal-Mag Used recommended dosages for all products but did see some nute burn so I pulled back a little bit. While they were growing they had a mild...
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    Dry Time For New Seeds?

    Just made some seeds for the first time. Was wanting to plant some back into the new crop but ran into a problem. After cutting down the plants I let them dry and pulled out about 30 seeds. Put them in a moist napkin, into a bag, and in the dark. Two days now with no sprouts. Is there a...
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    My Secret To Lowering Water PH

    Well I dont know if this is much of a secret but I just figured it out and havent seen anyone else on here say yay or nay about it yet. Brita water filter. Just bought the one that you fill up and put in your fridge while it filters through. My tap water PH was 10.6 and after filter it went...
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    Colloidal Silver PPM?

    What is the optimal ppm for using colloidal silver on your plants? Plan on using this with some Lowlife Automatic Hindu Kush. Thanks
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    Colloidal Silver PPM?

    Im planning on making my own colloidal silver and was wondering what is the optimal PPM for use on plants?
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    Problems With Nirvana Site

    A couple of days ago I got an email from Nivana saying that my payment had not went through, eventhough I recieved my seeds about a month ago. The payment didnt go through because I called the credit card company and cancelled payment because the charge showed up as another website and at the...
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    20"X22"X53" - Proper Lighting?

    What would be the proper lighting for a 20"x22"x53" space? This is a wardrobe closet so theres not much room for expansion. Was thinking a 150-250w HPS?
  9. M

    Botanicare Silica Blast?

    Anyone use this? See results? Have a feeding schedule? Thanks
  10. M

    Tap Water PH 10.1 Other Options?

    To bring my tap water down to a reasonable level for growing what can I use besides ph down? Too much ph down will hurt them right? Plus thats a lot of money in ph down. If I put a water filter on my faucet will that lower the ph? Or just takes out the impurities?
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    Leafs Dieing At The Tips

    My new babies are starting to die at the very tips of the center leaf. Also some plants are showing a spot or two where it starts to lose color then blackens. When looking at the spots before they blacken it also looks like a sticky substance on the leaf. You can look at an angel and see a...
  12. M

    Get Rid Of Root Rot?

    Just started my first grow about 2 weeks ago. First set of 4 plants are about 3 in. tall with about 6-7in. roots from bottom of netpot. Starting to see brown on the roots and the water in the res is getting very hot it seems like. Feels like bath water to the touch. There is also a stink in...