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  1. swirledbong


    It's getting so close to first harvest! I was wondering what all options are out there for trimmings, etc? I know of a few already. Does there need to be an excess of trimmings before you can do anything worthwhile with it? Only growing 2 plants, both are in flower but one will be harvested...
  2. swirledbong

    Almost harvest time!

    One of my little ladies, not so little anymore, is getting closer and closer to harvest! This being my first harvest and all, I was wondering if anyone has any tips or little tricks? I've done plenty of research on how to harvest and whatnot, but there's a difference between reading and doing...
  3. swirledbong

    Stuck in IL, where to go next?

  4. swirledbong


    Earlier today my husband and I were talking to one of our friends, talking about how far along our ladies are coming. She was telling us how she put room temp coffee in the soil of her tomatoes this past spring and how they just shot up after that. She said we should try it with our plants. I...
  5. swirledbong

    First time grow :D

    Hey guys! This is the first grow for my husband and me! We're pretty excited. I just wanted to share, see how everyone else's growing is going. I'd love to hear any tips or feedback! One of our plants attached is a few weeks away from harvest (we think) and the other is just starting to really...