1 150W HPS vs 8 26W CFLs


Well-Known Member
I'm planning a scrog in a space roughly 5' high, 3' wide and 2.5' deep. I will be using a bubbleponic system with the scrog-so

Would it be better to use 8 6500k CFLs & 2 2700k for veg, then 8 2700ks and 2 6500ks for flower? This puts out 16000 lumens.

Or should I get the Sun Systems HPS 150W? It puts out 16000 lumens.

I think with the CFLs I might be able to get better light coverage because i can disperse and move them around, but at the same time I want the most efficient and effective set up. Would 16000 lumens of HPS lighting be more effective than the CFLs? I was planning on having the CFLs a few inches away from the plants, but I could see with the HPS that heat would be an issue.

kinda baked so I forgot the other question I was going to ask ... :joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
You have room for two 150's?? That's what I'm running right now but, I started out growing using CFL lights.

But, I wasn't happy with the airy buds, and weak yields. Although, CFL lights can be used throughout the entire life of the plant

and still be able to get big dense harvest's. I've seen it done.

But yeah, I switched to just using one 150watt HPS system plus a few CFL bulbs which I mounted vertically for side lighting. The exact one your talking about actually.. 'Sun Systems' Inc.

But, I thought.. shit, these 150 systems are durable looking and 16,000 lumens per unit isn't to shabby either... plus the cheap price... So, yeah I ended up getting another one about two weeks later. So I'm now running an estimated 32k of lumens and 300 watts total HPS spectrum lighting. But, also see I only grow two or three plants at a time.. since I grow for my personal usage only. So, that's plenty of lumens and watts for two or three plants. Also, I think this next grow I'm going to try topping one of my plants once, and the other one twice. Plus give them some "LST" as well. ;) That should def. help with end yields..

Now that I think of it, I think now that I've got a good feel of how this Nirvana Ice strain grows.. and its likes and dislikes.. I've got two more feminized seeds waiting to be germinated from my last order.. I think once I harvest my current grow (in about another two to three weeks) I'll go ahead and clean up my grow area and start germinating the other two Ice seeds... but with this grow I think I'm going to try doing 'LST' method, and! then top the plant as well. Maybe top it twice?? Never know.. I just may. Sorry for rabbling.. I'm stoned right now.

Peace everyone. have a great weekend.

P.S. - Yeah buddy, I would at least get yourself one 150watt HPS. If nothing else, at least get you one of them. You'd be surprised at how much of a difference you would see.. just from one 150. Speaking from experience.
Either way, I would get one. Peace and good luck to ya's.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
The lumens dont add up that way. The CFLs only put out the intensity of the brightest bulb, but you get more of them and get to place them everywhere. Picture a room full of candles, its not bright, but the light has many sources. (and heat sources) I'd go with the HPS, it has greater intensity. (brighter) The HPS puts out 16000 lumens, the CFLs put out around a thousand, no matter how many you use. Remember, the 3 factors of quality light are INTENSITY, SPECTRUM, and DURATION. Duration is set by timer, spectrum on either set up will do the trick, but only the HPS has the proper intensity.
Plus, you will have to adjust the CFLs daily on a growing plant to keep them close enough to work, but far enough to not burn, which is a pain in the ass. If you insist on CFLs get 40w or higher.

Preferably the 125 watters. http://www.amazon.com/Feliz-Watt-Grow-Light-6500K/dp/B0034QE9ZY


Well-Known Member
Go with the 150 w HPS bro.

CFLS are a hassle. You have to constantly adjust them to be as close as possible to the plant, and even
then it won't give you the yield a 150 w HPS will.

Invest in something to deal with your heat issues and you won't regret it.