1000watt hps vs. 220 watt CFL ROFL


Well-Known Member
sog is way more efficient use of light. those cfls would have yielded way more with say 20 smaller plants and finished sooner.
Yes I agree, SOG or scrogg is the way to go. Especially for smallish grow rooms. What should be the average grams/watt for CFL and HPS?....I run 12 plants under a 1000w HPS and get about 3 oz per plant give or take...Thats roughly 3 lbs 6 oz, which is also aroung 1gr/watt........

Current grow
Like I said I can care less about efficiency it more than pays for itself. You do not pull over a pound in 45 days. what do you grow. Put your system up against mine and I will produce more than you every time. I will take on any challengers you need to have chronic or sour desiel and we will go plant for plant and we will see who produces more per plant. You wont be the first person to lose i can tell you that.
This is god leting you know not to gloat too much, I made the fucking plant...
Like I said I can care less about efficiency it more than pays for itself. You do not pull over a pound in 45 days. what do you grow. Put your system up against mine and I will produce more than you every time. I will take on any challengers you need to have chronic or sour desiel and we will go plant for plant and we will see who produces more per plant. You wont be the first person to lose i can tell you that.
This is god letting you know not to gloat too much, I made the fucking plant...


Well-Known Member
:finger::clap:Can I get a donkey punch for the guy trying to compare the efficiency of a 1000watt hps compared to that of a 220 watt cfl grower... LOL... :wall:

What do you guys think of that comparison:idea:

How can you say its more efficient unless your going for MASS YIELD..

Please come all haters come all thread jackers. Tell us your theory, your practices with photos.. WHORE ME UP
Well I'm no hater but it sounds like you might be one. With all the venom against CFL's. Its almost like your girl left you for a CFL grow light salesman or something...boarders on weird dude, and you really don't know what your talking about at all when it come to lights. First off, you cant compare 1000 watts in CFL with 1000w hps and expect the same results because the average for cfl's at that output hovers around 16,000 lumen when using smaller bulbs (more efficient than larger cfl's) while the new 1000w hps bulb give around 20k in USABLE lumen to the plants. That's why I use 2000w cfl units that get 32,000 to the plants. Oh yea! They only use 460 watts and run a hell of a lot cooler, so go ahead and keep rocken your lights. I get my 2lb+ per 8 plants no problem. I guess its all in the grower....