1st grow - CFL's - Top 44 and unknowns


Well-Known Member
No hermies yet, I haven't posted in a while but everything is going ok - with yellowing of some leaves.

I went away for 3 days, I watered before leaving, but when i got back home the soil was VERY DRY.

We also had some hot days, so temps may have gone above 85 degrees in the grow box. Because of these 2 things, some bottom leaves look a little yellowish, one dried up and fell off. I HOPE this is the reason.

Extra Info: The top 44's are bushy and happy, the 2 unknown sativas are being LST'd because they are growing tall and straight UP. Currently, I have 6 CFL's - (2) 6500k, (2)5500k, and (2)2700k.



Well-Known Member
So last weekend, the plants started yellowing from bottom leaves up and they had stopped growing.

I finally concluded it was either from under watering, nitrogen deficiency, or because i had added two 2700k lights.

So I removed the 2700k bulbs, gave the plants lots of water with nutes high in N, and low P K. They seem to be doing better, growing again and getting greener.



Well-Known Member
going to add second 1 gallon pot under current pots since i dont have room to transplant into bigger pots and switch to 12/12 in a few days


Well-Known Member
I haven't added the second pots yet, I am going to get square pots that are about 2 gallon that don't taper towards the bottom to maximize space in my box.

I have topped and LSTd all of them so they are all pretty bushy and low. So far one plant has shown sex and it is female :D

I am going to add the second pots this weekend and switch to 12/12. Flower time. The bottom pots will have same mix of soil i am using now, but will also have worm castings which i have been creating in a bucket.

That's all for now - for whoever is watching, oh lonely grow but happy grow.



Active Member
Hey smoothdemon looks good, i have 5 top 44 seeds that just broke ground yesterday! I am excited I was wandering how your plants are doing! I am curious what to expect


Well-Known Member
Hey Hutch - so far i really like Top 44 - out of 3 of them, one turned out to be male which i will post about next. They pre-flower really fast - mine started showing sex after 5-6 weeks of vegging. They also are very bushy and havent had the leaf discoloration like the other 2 random strains i have. My next grow will be Top 44 only. They are a good low maintenance plant i think.


Well-Known Member
So my plants are doing very well. I switched them to 12/12 last friday (11/07/08). The Top 44's had already shown there sex, 2 females and 1 male. So i killed the male - pic attached - the other 2 sativa plants still haven't shown their sex so i am waiting on them. i will take new pics and post them soon.



Well-Known Member
Sweet grow man, are you really only using 4 CFLs still? What size?
I just added two 23w to my room which had four 42w in it already. Mine arnt as close together as yours but i thought they needed more light.
keep up the grow man :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the support guys - it's tough being a lone grower with nobody to share words with.

These are the latest pics. As you can see it's a crowded jungle -plants fighting for light and space. I only intended to grow 2-3 plants but I have to wait until 2 of the 4 show preflowers. Until then, they will be very tight. Last pic shows female hairs from one of the 2 Top 44s.

I have 6 bulbs right now:
2 - 42 watt 2700k
2 - 27 watt 2700k
2 - 27 watt 5500k

Temperature is at 80 degrees average thanks to the cool weather lately.
Plants are double stacked from 1 gallon to 2 gallon to give more room for roots and conserve space. So far so good - cross fingers.



Active Member
Hey smooth hows those top 44's comin along? mine are almost 2 weeks and lookin pretty damn good! get anymore females?


Well-Known Member
Hey Hutch

I have been so busy with stuff that I haven't had much time to pamper the plants or update this thread. I feel like i have been neglecting their nutes, water, and light. Every day i adjust their LST wires, raise the lights a little and forget about them.

Otherwise they are very healthy looking. The 2 sativas finally showed sex, one male (killed it) and one female. So I have 2 Top 44 and 1 unknown sativa.

The Top 44 are awesome, they are so hardy and grow so fast, they are maturing far ahead of the sativa.

Things i need to do this week - get a few more bulbs, add nutes to their water, and look into adding molasses and possibly peroxide? anything to make them happier.

Any other ideas/advice?

(from now on i will show large photos instead of thumbnails - maybe this will attract more people to the thread )

the jungle

close up of sativas flowers, the top 44's are bigger - will show close ups next time

dead male



Well-Known Member
So the above post includes photos from last night. The lights just turned on today and I noticed some fan leaves with Major discoloration: yellowing and dark spots all over...

what could this be?

gonna post in plants problems too.



Active Member
got any pics of the top44 that finished?? I got some seeds and they said it was magnum44. I assume its tops44 and theyre dumb or full of it. Trying to figure out what Im workin with.


Well-Known Member

i decided to water the plants with a heavy dose of nutes. they ended up responding well, leaves look very healthy other than the ones that i ended up cutting off. i dont know what they were missing but now they are ok.