1st Grow, PC Grow White Widow


Well-Known Member
Alright, well one of the intake fans quit working when I moved the case. idk why... I am getting a 12v dc adapter, I have a 9v one now. Also getting 4 more pc fans. Might not use them all though. May add a 3rd exhaust and a 3rd intake. It is close to summer and I live in california, the temp in the case was getting to high 80s.

EDIT: I fixed the "broken" fan. Still gonna get those others and higher output adapter for more air flow.

well here is a picture for day 14, it has been getting big fast. I may just find a way to auto water it for the week while I am gone. I read they can go a while without water.

The tube is from a ghetto bottle with yeast water and sugar. I read that more CO2 can let the plants take more heat. I had some yeast already so why not.

Here is a picture of some new growth that will be coming soon.


Since CO2 is "heavier" than oxygen it will fall to the bottom. Instead of having the tube in the middle of the plant you should put it on top, so that the CO2 will fall and surround the plant. There is a really good guide on how to make one with an air lock somewhere on the forums.


Well-Known Member
Just realized something. I can keep my temperatures waaaay down if i have the lights off during the hottest parts of the day... Wow. I feel like an idiot! Well now my blueberry baby should do better....

Oh, and when I was taking the case out the cup fell over and it hit the exhaust fan on the way down (got wedged between the DVDs and the wall) and it chopped up a few leaves... The whole thing didn't fall upside down though so that is good. I transplanted to possibly the final container which will not have a problem with tipping over. I will post pictures in a little bit.


Well-Known Member
Going to use an additional bulb while I am around the plant and it is cool.

Here are some pictures of the damaged leaves.



Well-Known Member
I have began to LST, once I LST her around most of the container I will probably let her grow taller and maybe scrog a bit then flower. I am going to have the top and new growth on one halfe and the 3 biggest groups of leaves on the other half... Let's see how this goes.
Day 16


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was worried about that cup falling over... and it finally did and leaves got chopped. They are still messed up but the growth continues rapidly.

Responded well to the LST, I topped it and the 2 new main branches are looking good (these were never cut up from the fan)

I raised it closer to the light since she is shorter now. The temp is still staying in an acceptable range ~85F the new 12v dc adapter should be installed tomorrow, hopefully there won't be too much of a sound increase...

I will upload pictures tomorrow!

If anyone has had experience with DP Blueberry feel free to post your experience growing it. problems, tips, etc.


Well-Known Member
So with the 12v adapter instead of the 9v the temp in the case has only gotten up to below 81F. I know this isn't how scrog or lst is done (as far as I know) but I am going to try something I thought up.. unless someone else has done this. I'll be training some branches to go over to the other half and fill up the whole thing. here are some pictures:

Day 19

The roots have been going crazy. lol



ive never seen anything like it either. always thought that the scrog "screen" had to be a bit higher. but this is some legit height control


Well-Known Member
Alright, i was actually gonna upload some pictures today lol.

Day 22 Lights just turned on

Did some more lst/scrog lol dunno what to really call this.

The roots again i water about every other day. the soil does get pretty dry

Still have them close to the light


Well-Known Member
I think I may build a new container out of acrylic custom to the case that will be taller also. then i need to figure out how to make another scrog screen higher up.


im curious, how strong is the tension on those rubber bands? i feel like as the plant grows its going to push the rubber bands up