220 plants omega garden


Well-Known Member
How do you water these?

How long do you veg them?

What's the expected yield?

Not many of us have ever seen this setup in real use.......... Take as many pictures showing you doing what you do =)


Well-Known Member
Last time i seen one of these most of you were in diapers!
They are great!

keep lower humidity and A atmosphere generator
To prolong the life of these parts.

THats the only draw back on these
Well we wanted a better reflector..


Well-Known Member
there is a tray that sits on the rez its at the bottom of the wheel i just fill the tray and turn the motor on its chin driven takes an hour for a complete turn
i vegged 11 days
i did 110 plants before used mostly durban p but that shit went squirrly but off the 40 skunk kushes i got just a few g's shy of an elbow and theres is a crammed garbage bag of the durban that smells so sweet and is a nice purple but it seeded itself so hash its is ,,its coated with resin though
ill get some pics of the watering when lights go on


Well-Known Member
i burnt them a touch last week ,theyre fine now. even at 650ppm some of the weaker ones got a touch burnt


Well-Known Member
002.jpg006.jpg001.jpg005.jpgany input on thinning out the canopy appreciated,its a jungle in there, ive hacked the bottom 3rd004.jpg


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
i've never come close to growing like this, but i'd have to say an effective pruning method for the device is probably "lollipopping" like you would in a tightly packed(flat) sog. Eliminate branching entirely and go for single colas imo.
i have hacked quite abit from the bottoms i think the dicks will have some big balls,i think ill get more ive never been able to grow a 18inch kola just by itself ive tried next round ill try a few trays though i keep thinkin bout it but hate to think im choppin too many nice future buds