54ltr top fed dtw coco bucket , aussie clone critical kush x og kush # 4


Well-Known Member
Gotta love that noob lucky , never ec'd or ph'd

Just ran tap water with dutch fest nutes and watched it grow ,
If it looked sick of overfed id just put a few litres of plain water in the res , and it would bounce back within an hour or two

Rather frustrating looking back now , all iv learned seems to make more problems then solve.

But i guess you dont become a really good grower with always having no problems , i always learn so much when my room looks like shit

But i really do miss having zero issued


Well-Known Member
Lol, yeah I kinda just fell into good luck when I started too, then became friends with the local hydro shop guys and took off from there...a base knowledge of chemistry helped me out a lot!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys nd girls.

Appoligies abour lack of updates

Tis the weekend , and i primaraly reserve them for spending time with friends and the mrs

Things are looking well . Will post a few piccies when i get home , pretty bent tonight , pure mdm is my flavor for the evening :)

Going to try and rough up the missus and smash

Then ill upload a few more boring veg pics

Hope everybods well



Well-Known Member
Hey guys nd girls.

Appoligies abour lack of updates

Tis the weekend , and i primaraly reserve them for spending time with friends and the mrs

Things are looking well . Will post a few piccies when i get home , pretty bent tonight , pure mdm is my flavor for the evening :)

Going to try and rough up the missus and smash

Then ill upload a few more boring veg pics

Hope everybods well

Sounds like you got a great night ahead, I'm very jealous, been looking for md here for a while now and it's not so easy to find in Oz these days...apparently!
Enjoy mate and look forward to the pics!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Appoligies about the lack of updates over the last few days.

Well im hoping you will agree shes blown up in the last 6 days

It seems to me thats its majority of the growth was in the last two days
Shits been explosive!

Shes starting to bush out and growing nice lush foliage out of the secondary colas off the mains and the middle is starting to push back up ,
I really need to pull my finger out and make this scrog frame smaller to make it fit in my tent and string it up because if things keep going the wat they are (not and wont hold my breath ) haha but yeah if this continues like this i may even be able to flip in a 2 weeks , maybe 1.5
But ill say 2.5 weeks more to stay safe.

I want to note that i had been monitoring a little bit of clawing ( nitrogen tox was my diagnosis )
And i looked at my feed regimine and noticed all i was doing that was new was a product called
Advanced floraculture bloom cal,

This has been my cal/mag product because flairform cmx had not been avaliable at my dro shop recently.
Anyways heres a pic of the product and npk ratio image.jpegimage.jpeg

At the present i was at 2.5 mil/ litre of a+b house and garden cocos
1 mil/ litre of advanced cal bloom
1 mil / litre of cyco ryzo
And started great white bennies last watering ( large pot and smallish plant has had me watering once per 6-7 days

Anyways for the first few days after watering i had been noticing reasonable growth, and after a few days it slacked off , claw was still around and no real vigior ! , it didnt appear to look unhappy , just neuteral if you could imagine

So after that it was when i had noticed the npk of the cal mag from
Advanced floraculture.

All signs pointed to nitrogen being the culprate , but i was adviced to leave it the further 2 days to make up the week between waterings.

So after that happened , it was sunday just gone i believe , id already got some more cmx from flairform , and i made up my usual feed of 2.5 ml/ ltr a+b cocos
Gave my 2nd dose of great white
And went a bit easier on the cmx , just .5 mil per litre

And before i introduced that i just gave her 2 litres of plain ph'd water to wash down and dilute any leftover food from last feed ( because i was thinkin N tox ) , and then gave her the new feed with flairform cmx as appose to the product i was using prior.

Things escillated very quickly

Sunday morning prior to feed with plain water before hand
Plain water 2 litres
Nutrient soloution 3 litres

And this is today

Just now actually

So as you can see , or maybe you cant because of this rubbish iphone 5s camera
But its looking really lush , deep green and praying toward the light !

So im quite confused weather it was the advanced floraculture bloom cal , and the rate of 1/ml litre i was using it that had helped cause this claw business coupled with the 2.5 mil a litre of house and garden a and b , anybody please feel free to chime in about this because im scrathing my head over it

Maybe it was because i added that fresh water before i gave it its feed , and thus dialuting the feed and overfeeding has been my issue all along.

Or maybe iv just been impatient and this is just the point wheres shes gone into overdrive. By that i mean when a cuttings no longer a cutting and its grown into a eatablished plant ? And this is that point where growth gets explosive from that slow stage where it devellops its roots for uptake

Im just confused as how its made such a improvement in 2 days

Its the first time shes been praying tp the light properly , all the foliar is literally shiny and glowing and reflective against the lamp.

Anyways , im keeping my fingers crossed somebody may be able to help identify what i did that helped, because at the moment i got no idea , and now its looking super healthy i dont want to mess around with it

Honestly imo this strain really dosent like to be watered

Like she preferes a dryish sort of container
She really dont drink all that much
, maybe arttrubuted to the size of the plant in the container its in and its only been like 3 weeks since transplant , i guess it does take a while to fill a 50 litre tub of coco with roots. But to me she just prefers a dry environment.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
And also wanted to note that the purple vertical striping hasnt gone away it was present when i got the cut and still now after using cal mag products since the start its still striping all through my stems , all the new groth comes through white and after a few days when its hardened up and gone green theres purple striping again, like progressing slowly up stems after new growth , also all my fans are getting purple veins and stems from the fans , but for some reason its not affecting growth rates and the plant looks healthier then ever ,

I was thinking cool temps may be it
But iv been keeping my room warmer at night over the last week and theres been no change and still purple striping has been progressing .

The last thing i think it may just could be is the genetics.

The guy said it did purple out under cooler conditions and said this plant fades very colourfully , so maybe its just that

Most likley not but i cant help but think that it might be because it looks healthy and temps are in check and feeds have been monitored


Well-Known Member
Nice work bud, definitely some explosion happening now! Good pick up on the N tox too. Pretty much all cal/mag supps have nitrogen as it is magnesium nitrate and calcium nitrate. I only supplement with it if i see a deficiency as it can negatively impact if there is too much. Start with a low dose and go from there.


Well-Known Member
Yeah well things took off after i went from 1ml / litre of that advanced floraculture to
.5 ml / litre of cmx by flairform.

Defenetley a challenge thus far but it seems to be coming into her own now.

Im going to continue with 2 litres of plain ph water next time , thus dialuting the soloution im feeding her.... Might be able to identify when shes hungry as appose to toxic, then ill work my way up from


Well-Known Member
I do love house and garden , honestly i do

But since im up to my 4th grow now and am gaining a little more expierence and knowledge , i do worry sometimes that h&g isnt really right for my needs.

As you may or may not know .
Theres only coco a + b

No grow a and b or flower a and b

I realise it does work , i did my last crop with it with great success , but i may go back to a two part nutrient ( grow & bloom ) company for next round... I have a feeling it may stop me casuing myself these lockouts.... Weather it be from genettics that are not very nute tollerant , or from myself over / underfeeding


Well-Known Member
Like if the plant dont like 2.5 ml in veg
Hows it going to cope with that 3.00 in flower , remembering that it all comes from the same two bottles.

I do hope your able to understand what im sayin easty


Well-Known Member
Totally get it mate, I've had the same dilemma before too. I ended up going with a 2 part nute that is used for both veg and flower and must say it works awesome! House and garden are good though, their rep hooked me up with a free large container of great white mycos which is $70 here!
Just keep experimenting mate, you'll get there with the nutes.


Well-Known Member
Any time mate :)
Lol, yep that search for perfection is ongoing, always something to improve on ha ha.
I've got some Sin City strains (BLP, Platinum delights and sinmint cookies), a bigworm6969 strain (Qrazy elephant) and some of my own cross Nightcap (C99 x (blueberry x medicine man) x Nightmare og going at the moment in organic and hempy. I've got some pics in my thread if you want to check them out https://www.rollitup.org/t/a-few-pics-before-the-journal.890361/page-16


Well-Known Member
Update time

No pics today , things still look good. Just cant be stuffed getting in there everyday now im a little more relaxed because things are moving at the rate they should be , i always freak in the two weeks after transplanting cuttings in giant containers , as i usually have a slow start , probably because it has a lot of ground to cover to find its feet in its big new home. And im just a big impatient a.d.d. Fuck when the plang hasnt become a case of jack and the giant beanstalk overnight. And yes , i do baby them and spend way to much time in there in the first few weeks.

On a different note . Girls been thirsty , im thinking its attributed to the growth spurt its had in the last few days , more foliar for photosynthesis , more roots to uptake , iv also been keeping room a bit warmer in the night cycle to move things in that right direction,

Its been lovley weather here during the day but nightimes are getting rather chilly so iv limited airflow through the room in the evenings .

I was watering around every 7 days till last watering, its been 3 days and this afternoon the container felt lighter then it had in 6-7 days prior to the last growth spurt, fucking things sucked 5 litres in 3 days gad dayummmm 8)

I probably could have watered this arvo, but im realising its pretty established now , and im going to try and harden her up a bit now , leave that container dry a little more until i feel that shes real
Thirsty like and then ill give it too her , im also going to start giving more litres too , probably go 6 this time , gone from 1 , 3 to 5 just to bring her up to speed. But im fairly convinced this is the point where its going to require lots less attention and just larger waterings and observe to see what shes telling me afterward

Pretty incredible how it seems like 2 days real time , and my cannabis plant has gone from having the metabolic rate of a elderly person on palative care to that of a kenyan track stars bahahahahah . The cannabis plant really does blow me away , and had done so since i planted my first seed/cut

This makes me breathe easy at this point

Strap up bitches , im predicting beast mode is about to initiate


Well-Known Member
Hey nerd , glad to see you lurking in the background buddy . Stay a while if you like , think shits going to get pretty hairy in the coming weeks ,

Probably going to flip the switch in 2 weeks ;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah , i was thinking i might reinvest in my room after harvest and start using mh for veg , iv always been hps all the way because i only been doing this for a year or two and have been a bit slack on using the money i make to put back into my room , having heard what you said about vivosun i might grab one off ebay , love my dro shop but basicly all bulbs there are like 60% more expencive then on ebay


Well-Known Member
I basicly feel my dro store is like 7-11

Its all there , but at a price

I get most of my stuff from there because of the weath of knowledge about the products i do choose to buy , but some stuff like , bulbs and ballasts , scales and measuring devices , theres just no price comparison