600w 4x4 HydroHut Silver Edition Grow With Multi Strains


Well-Known Member
Well, if have too many large buckets for your lights footprint..yes that makes sense. It;s not normal for a hydro guy to want you to spend less money in their store.

I am so glad I found another store (closer to the grow even). The place is literally 4 - 5 times larger than the place I was going to.

LMAO, come to think about it one of the first things an employee said to me (at the new store) when I told him I was using the GO line was that I shouldn't play with the pH. Funny thing is...they don't even carry that line. ;-)

I'd do some hunting around on that info Terror, but if you were buying a good # of large buckets and trying to shove them under that 400w...your hydro guy did you a favor buy suggesting smaller pots.

That way you can still fit the # of plants you wanted.

All a guess on my part though.
Got ya, that makes sense


Well-Known Member
wats up statik. Yeah I took a big dive about a year ago actually but thats past me and im back, your shit is lookin primo, lets gets some updated pics! and yeah man I remember you, that was years ago.


Well-Known Member
wats up statik. Yeah I took a big dive about a year ago actually but thats past me and im back, your shit is lookin primo, lets gets some updated pics! and yeah man I remember you, that was years ago.
Yeah man, your like one of the first people I started talking to on here...you and Subcool.

I just remember watching your first grow. That shit came out sweet man. I really wanna give the dutch tray/drip to waste system you got going on. I think it would work great with Coco.

Yeah I wanna see some updated pics myself bro. I ain't seen the girls in almost 3 days now. :-(

I'll see what I can do about that.

Anyway, is that a new grow in your sig there? If so, I'm all over it.


Well-Known Member
yaaaaaaaah duuuude!!! ru8fru was one of my first homies on here too! :D hows the ladies doing statik?!? btw i posted a couple pics in my thread! :D


Well-Known Member
yaaaaaaaah duuuude!!! ru8fru was one of my first homies on here too! :D hows the ladies doing statik?!? btw i posted a couple pics in my thread! :D
Just a made a phone call. The voice on the other end didnt pick up. I expect to have to go over there honestly.

I have been doing some more research into coco. I was right in originally wanting to install a drip system. So I am pretty sure I will be mimicking ru8fru's drip to waste this next run..only in coco instead of rockwool.

I am indeed supposed to be treating the coco as hydro. My pH should be between 5.5 and 6.0 max. Which is kinda weird cause I had their pH at 6.3 for a while there in veg and they loved it.

Guess they would have been happier with their pH lower. So, this next run should be a lot smoother. I redid the timing and I think my cut day is going to be March 7th. No matter what they trichs look like.

I just cant hold my clones in veg any longer than that. Some of them are starting to take off in the rubber maid totes.

I looked over the Dr. Who last time I was there...I probably should have pulled the damn thing. Was popping bananas pretty bad. I plucked all I find (spent a good hour or more looking that plant over just to be sure).

I am most likely just going to cut it down next time I am there.

BTW, Terror...I lopped that one hermie GreenTea (b). It had no flush or anything, been drying it the last few days. I decided to take a small popcorn bud and check it out. It was a lot smoother than I expected.

I think the GO line is going to bring out a lot of flavor in our smoke man. This stuff is still wet, but it doesn't taste that bad at all really. Can't wait to taste a proper flush/cure sample...but I guess I have to don't I? :weed:


Well-Known Member
JEEEZ statik!!!! DOIN IT arent u! youve been lurkin in my thread how long and i havent seen this! Oops. NICE setup tho dood, LOVE those tents.


Well-Known Member
JEEEZ statik!!!! DOIN IT arent u! youve been lurkin in my thread how long and i havent seen this! Oops. NICE setup tho dood, LOVE those tents.
Thanks Fuzzy, that means a lot coming from you. :joint:

Sadly these plants have been through hell and back. I am still debating on whether or not to run through another seed grow, go with clones from the known 100% females, or to team up with another friend/patient/RIU member and go perpetual in two tents. bongsmilie

I could hold a good amount of mothers, and between the two of us we have some nice strains. He has a 1000w light and an actual Co2 tank setup. So harvests would be a lot larger indeed.

It's just that the seeds I have, well...they have been around for some time now. I am a bit worried about them losing their viability. :-?

I guess a perpetual would allow me to go ahead and pop those seeds, and pic out some new moms (while still keeping moms from this run).

It all depends on his other half really, she's cool and all...but a bit sketchy on everything even though it's all medical and even under our counties limits (24 plants per patient).

Oh well, I have a few weeks to figure it all out anyway. So we shall see what happens I guess.

On another note, as soon as I do some image resizing here..I finally have some new pics (from last night, but still).

I'll fill you all in on whats happening in the hut along with the pics I upload...might smoke one while I'm at...got some OG Herojuana and my neck/shoulders are kind of killing me right now. bongsmilie The stuff does wonders for that kind of pain.

Be back with some pics in a bit.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I know I know. I lag ass on getting pics in with my updates. Life happens... bongsmilie

Anyway, lets get to it shall we?

So things are going a bit better. I was still experiencing Phos defs even though I was feeding full nutes and pH in the buckets has been around and below 6.5!?

So this is when I started to look into growing in coco a bit more. I have my pH down to 5.9 at least in most buckets. I still have to fix some of them, but time just did not allow for it yesterday.

The one's that are not fixed are the ones that looked the best of course...and in the same breathe they just so happen to be the Sativa's. So I think they will be fine for the time being.

So, I went about taking pics in a different fashion this time. I went from one plant..took a general shot of it...then the next pic was an up close shot of the same plant.

Oh yeah, before I forget...this pics are of day 48 in flower. I plan on letting them go 10 weeks if I can.


These pics are of the W.O.W. (A)...

By the way I have found out this is actually a cross between White Russian and White Rhino...these bitches STINK good. :bigjoint:

These pics are of my OG Kush which has just taken off lately. It's cola is going to be pretty nice...much like that Diesel pic Gnome posted earlier on. She's a stinky lady as well.

These pics are of my W.O.W. (B). This thing is short and squat. Its nugs are pretty dense. It's still showing some nitrogen issues I think (over fed N, damn worm tea was stronger than I thought). I'm not too concerned about it though. Seems to be growing just fine. It's doing better than the taller W.O.W (A) in terms of production both in weight and trichromes. This is most likely the pheno I will hold onto.

Def smell the Widow lineage in her. Makes since wince White Russian and White Rhine both have Widow parents.

This is my Super Silver Haze (A). I have one other that is not doing anywhere near as well. Funny thing about his plant, I don't think it's pure SSH. Unless of course they have been known to turn purple....that's bagseed for ya. Hey, I'm not complaining.

Sadly I don't have a shot of the coloring, I will get it next time for sure though. Depending on how the smoke is I think I will keep her around. I'll just harvest the majority and rejuvenate it. If it's a keeper I'll slice it up into clones and have a handful of them.

This is my Oregon Grape...and boy does it smell of dark purple grapes. It looks like it is going to finish earlier than the rest. A good percent of the pistils are dying back already. It is an Indica after all, so it would be nice to have a true 8 - 9 week strain.

This sad little thing is a Pre 98 Bubba Kush. I picked it up from the club..it was decently healthy. I somehow cooked it I guess cause it just does not want to grow. Also, I know its fried because it's pistils just look cooked on the lower buds. It's really only the top that is even doing anything. Not much else to note on this poor thing. I should probably toss it...but w/e I'll see what the smoke would have been like.

This is another clone from the club, its a Blue Berry Hogs Breathe. It's doing o.k. for not having any veg time I guess. I threw it straight into flower. It really wasn't that healthy when I got it....buts its a made a turn around.

This is yet again another clone from the club. It is a Purple Extreme (Querkle x XXX Skunk). It is actually doing pretty well. Looks like it's going to be a cola sticking out of a pot. That's fine by me. (BTW none of the clones had veg time)

This is my GreenTea (A). I have already killed the (B) of this strain due to massive hermie issues. Sadly, this plant has now decided it is part boy as well. It is still mild at this point and I only have a few weeks left. I am going to give it a chance to ripen a bit more...but if I see too many more bananas it's getting the chop.

I kind of cut of the top in this first pic, but you get a better idea of what that looks like in the next couple pics afterward.

This is my Purple Krush (not Kush damnit..lol) It's a NorCal strain bred from a Purple Afghani and a California Orange Crush. Sadly it too is a hermie, but it is extremely mild. I think I have pulled maybe 10 flowers from it in 7 (almost 8 now) weeks of flowering.

She is by far the denser of my plants (yeah, I squeezed some lower buds..bad I know). Extremely stinky (sweet purple candy type smell) and extremely sticky.

I just remembered I still have about 10 seeds of this strain..so I am hoping for a true female with all the right phenos next time around. Should have the phenos though..the seeds were made from self pollination.

This is a PKOMG (Purple Kush Oh My God). I still have no idea what the hell its parentage is. I hope to find out someday. I just gotta get someone else to place a phone call to an old friend. She also smells great, hard to describe though. Sticky, dense..all around not a bad plant. Indeed see some coloring in calyxes on a few buds..and temps have been no colder than 65 degrees at with the lights off (same goes for my purple krush too).

This is my other Silver Haze (B). Like I said...just not as happy as the other one. I don't think I will be holding onto this pheno. I see nothing desirable when compared to SSH (A). Not much to report here. Pics do enough talking. It's not a BAD plant..it could just be a LOT better IMHO.

The Dr Who....well...

I still don't know what it's lineage is..or if its a BS name. Either way...popping way too many bananas. So like I had thought, I killed it and it is now hanging upside down in a box two rooms away from the tent.

I never got to smoke any of the stuff the seed came from, but from what I am told it's a heavy Indica. I hope it is, cause my back and neck have been killing me bad lately.

Anyway, these next few pics are just general garden shots. Pictures speak for themselves. BTW, the light is closer to the plants than it looks in these pics. Sadly as tall as my one WOW is it kind of bites the bullet when it comes to light. I can't let it dictate how much light the rest of the garden gets now can I?

I think that is about it for now. I have the clones in the tubs. They are all rooted, all fed, and have been treated with Azamax twice already. So one more time and I should have no bug issues this next grow. bongsmilie

On that note guys, I think I am off to bed. The wife is currently :sleep: on the couch...lol. Gotta love her....


Well-Known Member

Man, all that work on that last update and.....nothing? Ok ok....my grow sucks I know...but hell. lmao


Well-Known Member
damn man. Everything seems to be looking nice in your bloom room. Looks like the resin is starting to dump on and they should start to thicken up alot here soon. you said 10 weeks and ur on day 48 meaning like what 25ish more days maybe a month left? I would slowly start to think ahead and feed them as strong of nute solution as you can before your flush. And check your trichs soon to since you have alot of strains you wont know a exact flower time for each so Id suggest basing it on your 10weeks and your trich color. Other then that badass dude, I should be harvesting sometime soon after you and am excited to compare some bud shots!

also whats your ec/ppm at right now? you feed daily?


Well-Known Member
damn man. Everything seems to be looking nice in your bloom room. Looks like the resin is starting to dump on and they should start to thicken up alot here soon. you said 10 weeks and ur on day 48 meaning like what 25ish more days maybe a month left? I would slowly start to think ahead and feed them as strong of nute solution as you can before your flush. And check your trichs soon to since you have alot of strains you wont know a exact flower time for each so Id suggest basing it on your 10weeks and your trich color. Other then that badass dude, I should be harvesting sometime soon after you and am excited to compare some bud shots!
Things could be looking better Ru8fru, we both know it. :neutral:

Thank you all the same though. :joint:

Like I said, they have been through hell from day one. I expect a much better turn around from the next run (assuming I can keep summer temps under control). I guess all things considered, they are packing on some weight.

These pics do not do the trichrome production justice. I will take some out of the tent shots next time I am there watering.

I hope I get to keep at least one good female White Russian from the seeds I have left. They all turned out male on me this time around. :-?

Anyway, so you think I should be pumping up the nutes a bit eh? I have to tell you some of them have been showing slight over fert sings (slight burnt tips, just a lil white)...some inner leaf drooping...extreme dark green fan leaves.

Do you still think I should add more? I guess the main nute I overfed was N (fucking gallon of worm tea diluted across 10 gallons was still too much)...since my bloom nutes have very little N I may be able to get away with it I guess.

Maybe I should give them a quick flush through to wash out any extra N and then give them some heavy handed bloom nutes again? I can get away with dumping that much water...50/50 coco/perlite mix does not stay soaking wet for very long at all. :joint:

What do you think Ru8fru? Still add more before the flush?

As far as Trichs go, yeah I have a 100x scope. Some of them are starting to turn cloudy on a few plants. Such as the Oregon Grape..which is another reason I think it will be coming down maybe next week or so.

I went with 10 weeks because I have a mix of strains as you said. Most will finish (or be close enough) in that time frame I think. Some of the Sativa's could prolly go 12...but I cant wait that long. Clones will be too damn large by then.

And thanks Gnome, what do you mean by RIU dying off? Just less knowledgeable people around and more 15 y/o kids? yeah...ive noticed that too.


Well-Known Member
Things could be looking better Ru8fru, we both know it. :neutral:

Thank you all the same though. :joint:

Like I said, they have been through hell from day one. I expect a much better turn around from the next run (assuming I can keep summer temps under control). I guess all things considered, they are packing on some weight.

These pics do not do the trichrome production justice. I will take some out of the tent shots next time I am there watering.

I hope I get to keep at least one good female White Russian from the seeds I have left. They all turned out male on me this time around. :-?

Anyway, so you think I should be pumping up the nutes a bit eh? I have to tell you some of them have been showing slight over fert sings (slight burnt tips, just a lil white)...some inner leaf drooping...extreme dark green fan leaves.

Do you still think I should add more? I guess the main nute I overfed was N (fucking gallon of worm tea diluted across 10 gallons was still too much)...since my bloom nutes have very little N I may be able to get away with it I guess.

Maybe I should give them a quick flush through to wash out any extra N and then give them some heavy handed bloom nutes again? I can get away with dumping that much water...50/50 coco/perlite mix does not stay soaking wet for very long at all. :joint:

What do you think Ru8fru? Still add more before the flush?

As far as Trichs go, yeah I have a 100x scope. Some of them are starting to turn cloudy on a few plants. Such as the Oregon Grape..which is another reason I think it will be coming down maybe next week or so.

I went with 10 weeks because I have a mix of strains as you said. Most will finish (or be close enough) in that time frame I think. Some of the Sativa's could prolly go 12...but I cant wait that long. Clones will be too damn large by then.

And thanks Gnome, what do you mean by RIU dying off? Just less knowledgeable people around and more 15 y/o kids? yeah...ive noticed that too.
ok lets see..

First off whats your ec/ppm at right now? Did you flush after you had that over N problem? If not id say flush immediately, then go back to the same nutes your on now. Flushing helps things get back to ground zero alot. I would flush now, go back to the same str. nutes you were at for one feed, see how they respond. then I would probably raise it on your next.

You are doing a great job though. You have 2 rooms running, that's a lot of work and something I wish one day to have going.

Your both right about riu. It has died off over the years, because of all the inexperienced people here and the veterans all left, atleast the cool ones. Were holdin it down tho :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
ok lets see..

First off whats your ec/ppm at right now? Did you flush after you had that over N problem? If not id say flush immediately, then go back to the same nutes your on now. Flushing helps things get back to ground zero alot. I would flush now, go back to the same str. nutes you were at for one feed, see how they respond. then I would probably raise it on your next.

You are doing a great job though. You have 2 rooms running, that's a lot of work and something I wish one day to have going.

Your both right about riu. It has died off over the years, because of all the inexperienced people here and the veterans all left, atleast the cool ones. Were holdin it down tho :eyesmoke:
I don't have an EC/PPM meter sadly. One thing I am lacking actually (plan to get one though). I have been giving them the full strength of this line of nutes (and upping the Macro bloom nutes by about 5/ml per gallon as of late..think I should go higher after the flush?):


And a bit of super thrive and added mycorrhizae (here and there).

I have given the plants minor flushes while adjusting pH. A full on flush...no. I was actually planning on doing one soon anyway, so it kind of coincides with what we are talking about anyway.

By the way I am not feeding daily. I am currently hand/top feeding every 4 days or so. I know it should be more often but it's all the time I have to pop over to the grow pad. Damn day to day life.... :roll:

Oh, you also misread my other post. I am not currently running two rooms...unless you count my two rubbermaid clone/veg tubs of course. If so, you got room for that bro...takes up very little room. And if you put in a little pc fan for exhaust and use a passive intake.. hell you can even stack them up no problem.

I just have my rooted cuttings in 5x5 inch square pots in the tubs. Working out great so far. bongsmilie

What it I was talking about with another tent was with another friend/patient/RIU member. He just got a tent, 1000w light, and has a proper Co2 tank.

Think we could easily go perpetual between what we both have. We shall see what happens with all that though. Like I said his lady is a cool chick and all...but she sketches on the plants.

Anyway, would you mind telling me exactly how (or linking me to a post describing) your drip to waste system Ru8? I am seriously thinking that it will solve a lot of the problems I had this grow.

Thanks for all the help and kind words man. bongsmilie

As far as all the vets leaving goes..nah there are some of them lurking around here and there.

Some of these new folk though...damn. Seems like there is a group of people out there that are more out to hurt your plants with their advice. WTF? If you don't actually know the answer to someones question just STFU. The maturity level, and all around respect of some of the members around here as of late is no short of atrocious.

That's why I was so stoked when I saw you were still around Ru8. Come to think about it Gnome...I do remember you being in Ru8's threads now. bongsmilie

Anyway, yeah there are enough of us middle class growers (thats how view myself anyway) around to keep the newbs (who want to listen) from killing their plants.


Well-Known Member

I am on my way out the door to the grow pad. I should have another pic update soon. I think I may try to get them flushed while I am there like discussed above. I think I will go ahead and bump up the bloom nutes after that for a couple more waterings. After that, I think I will be going with 1/2 strength nutes from there on out. I'm organic, and in coco..a true final flush is not actually needed from all the reading I have done.

Not only that but I cut down a hermie GreenTea that had full nutes running through it, it's smoke is close to cured now and is surprisingly smooth.

Anyway, wish me luck guys. I am hoping the 2nd GreenTea (A pheno) will not have popped many more bananas in the few days I have been gone. I'f I see more than 3 - 4 new ones it's a dead bitch.


Well-Known Member
I hope so, it doesn't always work out that way though. My camera sucks so I use a borrowed one. In order to snag the pictures from said camera I remotely log into another person PC and transfer files to mine. It's kind of a bitch, but better than emailing them to me.

Sometimes camera owner goes to bed before I can steal my pics... :sad: