A member asked if pinching buds would make more


Well-Known Member
I finally have an answer to that question. You may snip off the flowers right where they form at the node, and after a couple of times the plant will produce more flowers. Do expect your flowering time to take an extra month if you do try this. Also note some strains won't respond to this as favorably as others.


Well-Known Member
I've snipped buds to see what happens.. It was 28 days 12/12 iirc.. That was with NL5, and they beefed up like mutated mofo's, forming divergent cola tips kind of like a Y.. Thing is, most of that extra beef was in the stem (there were odd stems all through the upper part, and the ones you'd expect to exist were thicker..), not the smokables, and it may be psychosomatic of sorts, but I didn't like that bud as much as other buds from the plants, or their sister clones..
I didn't notice maturity time differ though, but again I didn't snip at the nodes, I did it about an inch or two from the top.. Also, I was quite green back then, and used red-hairs as my indicator, not trichromes:(.. Come to think of it, the disappointment was similar to premature weed..