A trip report worth reading.


Well-Known Member
This is definitely a trip report worth reading it might give you some insight!

Last night I had the best day of my life. Thats just it, I was literally in tears with two of my very close friends.. It was a COMPLETELY religious and spiritual experience and it taught us all something very very important. It started off 3 days ago, we have been taking dxm daily and just tripping on this trail, the spot we always hung out at is called 'the circle'. We've always called it that because its like a circular sewer that faces straight up to the sky.

But yesterday night was different. We practically got these mushrooms thrown at us. I ate A gram. 1 single gram. So did all three of us. But as the mushrooms were kicking in we started walking around this trail. There was another man walking on it too and he walked right by us and didnt say anything, then we started talking about how he was a hallucination because we really didn't know it was weird, but then he turned around and he started talking to us.

This was no normal man. He was perfect. He was like a perfect circle himself. He kept saying 'I'm just a rapper' and he kept showing us these rapping videos he had on his phone of him raping and all his cars and money and drugs, and kept talking about how fucked up he was on dxm because thats the same drug we were on it was one odd coincidence. His words were perfect, they just kept coming out of his mouth.

We kept asking him if he was real because he was too perfect we realized from the beginning that there are not people like that in this world. He was the exact image of everything we wanted to be, a projection of all of the things that we wanted to teach ourselves. He kept proving to us that he was real by punching us and saying do you feel that? Well Im real arent I? 'I'm just a rapper'.

Then we smoked a bowl with him, We went to this sewer which is my smoking spot since I was a kid, Here one odd thing happened too. Davids biggest fear is spiders. Well. At this sewer they just so happened to be hanging from everything, there were literally hundreds. We all saw them, and just sat under them, not afraid.. The guy told us not to be scared because those weren't the poisonous ones. The man literally knew everything. He knew the answer to every topic that came up in conversation. I looked at the trees and they looked like imprinted snow flakes on the sky, the visuals were just beautiful. The whole sky was engulfed with rainbows and electricity...

Then he conveniently departed to go to the gas station, we realized that this just couldn't have been real since us had been discussing how he was a hallucination when we first saw him, and our whole theory on how everything is a circle was proved because the man was a perfect circle himself. We started discussing how he was a godsent angel here to teach us a lesson because he literally was a mere image of absolutely everything we have been trying to teach ourselves.

We started to cry. Out of happiness, which hasnt happened to me in awhile.. We all three did. Three grown adults. crying. It made us all believe that there is something. Something higher than us. Our lives are literally worth a thousand times more. Because of the man who had a thousand tails and the pictures to 'prove it'. Later he came back, after all he said he'd be right back, 'I'm not a liar, I just needed some smokes'. Then after that he just smoked with us and talked to us as we were crying. We were asking him if he was real calling him god and all sorts of stuff and he kept saying' Im not god, Im just a rapper'. He'd rap for us, he showed us just the most beautiful rap song IVE never heard aha.. Never was there for a reason because thats not a fucking real song.

After a walk with him we ended up were we started the trip. At 'the circle', thats were it came down, then we left. Parted ways. We had looked the dude up because he said his name was nick goodwin, he had pictures and videos and pictures of him in different crazy situations and shit and he was only 22. And guess what, he doesnt exist. Also it just so happened to be a full moon last night. 'Circle'.

Still to this moment I do not believe he was just a normal person, but I guess we will never know.. He wasn't just some crazy motherfucker in the woods, he was something.. Something supernatural touched us all last night. And we shared our tears.. It gave a whole new meaning to our lives and its EXACTLY what we all needed at this point.

There is hope in something. Who else can say they've smoked a bowl with god?


Active Member
What the....??? This is one interesting read. I refuse to believe that all 3 of you had the same hallucination from 1 gram of shrooms lol. But anything is possible! Either way, that's pretty cool that you all had such a powerful trip. I've yet to have an experience as powerful as yours. Congratulations!


smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
This was an awesome read man....good for you guys.... maybe go to the courthouse and see if there ever was a nick goodwin....maybe he was a ghost that dies years before....never know....lol..


Well-Known Member
Damn man, that's a great story :P Some crazy shit definitely went down, but if he did exist, I bet he has a good story as well haha.

I repped you for that, not sure if you got my ":D" face because my finger hit the enter button :\


Active Member
If it were a hallucination wouldn't he have dropped the bowl?
Damn man go back to that spot next full moon and do the SAME thing, see if he comes back :)


Well-Known Member
i say he was just really fucked up on dxm and dilluted the thought he was a rapper because thats what he does when he trips lol

wht ever happened you guys both have stories lol


Well-Known Member
Like I'm pretty sure he was a real person, we've been discussing it all day because its just mindblowing, another thing thats really fucked up is we made him sign a piece of paper and he took out this business card and caught this stick on fire, and used the ember to etch his signature into the card, and in his signature was the exact symbol of tha band 'a perfect circle' like it was over his name not even part of it.. He signed it as 'nick cuddi' he called himself cuddi.. If I can get the card from my friends girlfriend I'll scan it on here tomorrow.. Its fucking weird. It sounds like a lot of BS but I couldnt even make all this up if I tried haha also there were weird hieroglyphics etched into the circle circle that we called the sewer which kinds freaked us out because they look kinda similiar to this.

I'm not even a superstitious person but that just changed my life around.. For all of us..
Was it Kid Cudi? That would be dope. LoL


Love that song.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could like remember all the things he said, there were subliminal meanings in everything.. 4 hours of non stop insight and wisdom.. Its just so fucking unreal its beyond weird. Today we went back and talked about it.. Like one other thing he said is that the circle thing used to be a well.. And what weird is the very day before me and my two friends tripping on the circle were talking about how it was a wishing well, and we threw our change in there.. I wished for happiness.. It just really it doesn't seem possible at all, I hope this teaches you guys some stuff too because its just not right.. We took a picture with the dude too I will put this up here, he was a real dude, angel or not the whole concept still applies. My friends girlfriend took the picture, so shes not in it but my friend, me, and god are.. haha


Well-Known Member
Haha I wish it was kid cudi, he very well could be famous some day today we did our research on him, hes a real dude. One trippy motherfucker I must say.. We still believe he was like some sort of a messenger.. A messiah maybe.. Just something. Look him up, he's been on the radio where we live and his rap is actually really good. I dont even like rap that much haha


Well-Known Member
Lemme do the thinking on my dosages.. They all took the same amount I did so whatever I took they took. Thursday night I took 600mg. The next day which was friday I took 12 triple c's which is 360mg. Later that day I took a total of 40 robitussin pills which is 600mg. Then the next day I took 16 triple c's which is 480mg, then took 10 more later on that night. Sunday I laid off until about 7:00 I took 600mg in robitussin. The followed my the dosage of mushrooms at about midnight. Aha! I mapped out that whole thing thanks for making em think about that I was wondering it myself ha


Well-Known Member
The circle thing is just weird too. If you think about it, everything acts in circles. Everything somehow intertwines into an infinate loop. It starts in one place and ends in the same. Its one odd thing to think about while tripping, our minds are constantly changing sometimes going back to the same thoughts. Going in circles. You fail, you learn, over and over. Constantly at change constantly looping. Think about it next time some wonderful substance is pumping through your veins.


Well-Known Member
Stars, planets, moons, orbits, meteors, all rotating in circles, all circular shaped. All constant, all ever changing. Think about it. Your heart beats, the blood circulates throught your body and ends up in the very place it started. In your heart. Your core. there is something weird going on and this is the closest I've felt to enlightenment in a long time. I don't even care if I sound crazy.


Well-Known Member
this is cool i want to see that sig scan it
Yeah Im gonna get it tomorrow. Im gonna also scan the picture of him and me and my friend david. I wish his girlfriend would have been in the picture too