A trip report worth reading.


Well-Known Member
Yeah we did I forgot to put that in there lol he is a real person.. We were just convinced he was fake because he just seemed to perfect. But he does exist and he is perfect.. He's everything. He had this undeniable modesty about him but at the same time exploding confidence and contentness.. Its just fucking mindblowing. He's no angel, hes a fucking messiah, he's what we needed and he came to us. Just like the mushrooms did. A very close friend just practically threw them at us, none of us had money, he covered for all of us, then he left, just like that. A split second. Everything just came and went that night. The trail we were on was completely vacant, not one person or car passed us that night, except for that man. Very. Very strange..


Well-Known Member
Just the fact that that happened to us, us three. Why us? Its just exactly what we all needed and it came to us. It tracked us down and cornered us. People always discuss how powerful psychedelics can be, and I never truley witnessed the power, until now. Just why us? Its been a question we've been asking ourselves this whole time.. Its like a fucking movie or something.. It reminds me of what happened on like the myterious stranger, by mark twain.



Well-Known Member
Dont worry yall Ill put them up sometimes it just takes me awhile to get to things Ill forsure put them up at some point in the near future :) Im glad you guys liked this, its really neat :)