Advice please. Check out pics of bottom leaves!


Active Member
Here is a good looking healthy plant I have that has been veg'n for sometime. It has prolly 250-300w CFL on it 24/7. It looks great and healthy with the exception of the bottom leaves. They are all shriveled up and dying. Is this normal?? Of course I realize that the bottom isn't getting light like the top. Thanks guys! =) (the 2 pics are 1 of the entire plant looking good and healthy and the next pic is the bottom leaves of it when it I pull it up and expose it to be shown).


What soil mix? How long have they been in those containers? What's your feeding schedule? A little more info should help get the correct diagnosis.
It could be that the bottom leaves are too close to the soil keeping them wet and causing them to die. The reason I say this is because the rest of the plant looks healthy. I would snip off those bottom leaves and see if other leaves change. But I wouldn't worry until another leaf dies not as close to the bottom. Mikeharold asked a good question and further info could help. Let us know.

Ps. What strain is that?

I dont think id worry about it to much, if it continues to creep up the plant you have a problem, but it is quite common for vegging plants to drop leaves:)


Active Member
They are 5 gallon buckets and have been in there about a month. The soil mix is Miracle Grow. Since the soil mix is supposedly time release prefertilized, it has never been givin any additional nutes.
What soil mix? How long have they been in those containers? What's your feeding schedule? A little more info should help get the correct diagnosis.


Active Member
Chrystal from Nirvana
It could be that the bottom leaves are too close to the soil keeping them wet and causing them to die. The reason I say this is because the rest of the plant looks healthy. I would snip off those bottom leaves and see if other leaves change. But I wouldn't worry until another leaf dies not as close to the bottom. Mikeharold asked a good question and further info could help. Let us know.

Ps. What strain is that?



Active Member
Thanks bro. I appreciate your reply. I realize that MG is rough on the youngins, it definitely is. I doubt that is the problem right now though because they have been fine up to this point.
MG is hard on young plants of certain strains. ride it out; don't over-water (and release more nutes)
ya dont stress about it mate, there are no signs of neut burn on the other leaves and the plant looks healthy keep it up:)