AG Deluxe $ 150 , Converting Wife's Armoire into Stealth Cabinet " Priceless " Grow


Well-Known Member
Well Karp, thats a tough question. So my kids are in their teens. When they were old enough to understand I sat down with them and explained it by comparing it to alcohol and prohibition. My now 19 year old son, tried it in high school didn't like it much, and hardly ever smokes now, he is a health nut. My 14 year old daughter has yet to yield to the pressure, she is way more mature than my boy. I think she will be fine. I did not hide it but didn't stick it in there face either, but never ever anything stronger than weed. The hypocrites you speak of are only fooling themselves. Kids miss nothing, I wanted my kids informed, not educated by some other kid. Everybody tries it sooner or later, I tell my daughter when she tries it her childhood is over, she can never go back. lol some boy that she will hate to dissapoint will get her to, hopefully she be informed enough to handle it. I grow stealth because of thier friends not them.
Your a good man I don't care what the rest of the forum says. LOL!


Well-Known Member
Who the hell is karp? an why does it say pinkish posted my post? hahah you have my respect sir. My girl just read what you wrote and she said "thats the way i wanna be". I think you have a good handle on your life man, kids, and strong marriage, a good hobby, your straight. I appreciate every piece of info you give me. one hell of a guy.


Active Member
Who the hell is karp? an why does it say pinkish posted my post? hahah you have my respect sir. My girl just read what you wrote and she said "thats the way i wanna be". I think you have a good handle on your life man, kids, and strong marriage, a good hobby, your straight. I appreciate every piece of info you give me. one hell of a guy.

Thanks man, my honesty gets me into much trouble as well. Kids are great they make you be a better person without trying. sorry about the typo. I fixed it...should have been Kap



Well-Known Member
i was just messin with you natural. i could give 2 shits less about how my name was spelled. im out for the night. im on the last bud light anyways.


Well-Known Member
i take it you forgot the laptop, winning big money, or you decided a vacation isnt a vacation if you take RIU along.


Active Member
Well guys, I wish I could give this tale of wild nights, fast women, crazy drinkin' and big money, but 3 out of 4 ain't bad. The drunker I got the more I By Sunday they had got most of it back, but we had a great time. I kept enough to cover the trip, that aways makes it much more fun....

My helper did a great job with the cabinet, I can't find anything wrong. I was lucky, kids did'nt burn down anything, it all looks fine...If they threw a kegg'er I cant find any evidence...hahaha...... good help was hard to come by. I almost had to put them in 48 hrs of dark along with almost no flushing...Glad I didn't have to find out how that would have come out..

i take it you forgot the laptop, winning big money, or you decided a vacation isnt a vacation if you take RIU along.
lol Kap. I was too fucked up to type........

Having fun yet.
Ever do shrooms?
Yea, we got to figure out how to get together at Windstar sometime and do some of your killer shrooms and gamble in slow motion.....!!!!I saw you're post but kept fucking up typing, it got really funny and I had to say " Fuck it" ha ha

What up Natural!!! Lookin good bro... and damn 16wks...well i will not complain if mine go 12wks

Lightguy!! Dude, good to have you stop by. I've had a lot of fun with the learning process, can't wait to chop, but looks like they are going to keep on growing..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................until they decide to finish out some time next summer.........



Well-Known Member
Haha the biggest live pot I can remember was around $450 and I left with around $900 that night. I was for real about hitting some tourney's down that way.
Maybe 1 1/2 months or so. I'd like to wait till this round finishes and I have plenty of shrooms for the trip.


Active Member
Hell yea natural had a good time. What was your biggest pot?
Yea. I think the the biggest I won was around $1250. The biggest I didn't was almost $6000. I didn't last long at the $3.00/ no limit tables.

Haha the biggest live pot I can remember was around $450 and I left with around $900 that night. I was for real about hitting some tourney's down that way.
Maybe 1 1/2 months or so. I'd like to wait till this round finishes and I have plenty of shrooms for the trip.

excellent, they grow that fast?


Well-Known Member
Shrooms grow pretty fast. And if I had won $1250 Id be building a hell of a setup. Thats awesome. The best I have ever done at Texas Hold`em was 7th place at a bar... I have never been to a casino and im 22. Wtf am i doing with myself?


Active Member
Shrooms grow pretty fast. And if I had won $1250 Id be building a hell of a setup. Thats awesome. The best I have ever done at Texas Hold`em was 7th place at a bar... I have never been to a casino and im 22. Wtf am i doing with myself?
Yea, wtf ? lol Well, dragin a pot is easy with good cards. It's more when not to go in that got me, I haven't played at those no limit tables before and lost fast. I won at slots when we first got there, so I gave it a try. I sucked, no limit kicked my ass, fast. I lost twice with four of a kind. Hard to fold with 4 fucking queens....But, you're not missing anything. I rat holed enough to cover all the frills so it was all good, we saw a couple good cover bands,but I haven't left there a winner in a long time. But damn good to get a break with just the two of us..