almost ready to start need advice on a few things first


Well-Known Member
4x4 is 16 sq ft...

Biggest I would go for a 400 is 3x3

You could have it 12" or so from the tops if its a 400


Well-Known Member
So brother if your making a space to fit your lights it depends on, t h e watts of the lights. I can give you photos of the pages the info is taken from and site my sources not just give you an opinion but I will also give you my opinion based on my own personal experience. With all that said I have a few questions. Are you going to run one metal halide 400 watts and one 400 watt high pressure sodium or are you going to run the 400 watt metal halide with a 400 watt hps conversion bulb? Now for the advice. a single 400 watt metal halide is barely enough to light a 3'6x3'6x7 tent and you can max out the hight potential of any 400 watt light with a grow area that tall I started over 25 in my tent under a 400 watt mh last summer with poor results though most literature says it is sufficient I presume they mean bare minimum. My research says that in EU it is common for them to run 1 metal halide and 1 high pressure sodium both being 400 watts this presumably gives you better spectrum coverage and if you do your own research you will find that hps bulbs emit little to no waves of the uv spectrum and metal halide emit uv rays as long as they are not in a hood with a glass cover because this cover reflects the uv rays back into the hood further research will result in you finding that uv rays increase potency with that said a 400 watt light with the initial lumens of 3500-5500 will emit a mere 600-1200 lumens at 90 cm from the bulb so this helps you figure your hight now for the air circulation it is accepted that you need to exchange the air in the grow room with fresh air 3 times an hour. As far as your grow medium it's all about how much control you want over ph ec and nutrient uptake hydro offers emediate control because you control the nute solution exactly soil offers a little less control because it already has nutrients in itself I use peat mixed with Vermiculite and perlite and I add dolomite lime to stabilize the ph and I use this because I can buy it all at Lowe's and mix 3x3 cu feet for less than 30$ it is considered a soilesss mix because it has a nutrient value of 0 other thsn the miniscule amounts of calcium and magnesium the plants can get from the added lime with that said if you plant in a soilless mix you must water ND fert religiously unless you use time release formulated nutes if you have any more questions I look forward to assisting the roll it up community
That's 35000-55000 lumens not 3500

And 400w is plenty to grow some damn good nugs:


That's 35000-55000 lumens not 3500

And 400w is plenty to grow some damn good nugs:
so I want to grow 4 plants, should I make it 3x3 and just find small enough pots that 4 fit inside or use bigger pots and make it 4x4?
I don't think i'll end up with anything bigger then a 400w light. but I might end up using my 400w MH at the same time as the 400w HPS I ordered so I need enough room for both if I end up using both at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it was under 400 hps - that one was Mendocino Purple Kush

I use 400mh for veg and HPS for flowering

I couldn't fit 4 that size under a single 400 though, I only do 2 at a time typically

If you use both lights at once you may be able to do 4x4 but the 2 lights won't give you a square footprint if you know what I mean.
so when you say you couldn't fit them under that much light do you mean the light towards the outside of the box would be just weak?


Well-Known Member
hello everyone this is my first post.
im about to start a small indoor grow and I need advice on a few things.
I have a good amount of experience growing outdoors, I've grown a half dozen plants out in the sun every summer for almost 10 years now. All my outdoor has been complete organic grown directly in the earth, no nutes, no soil and training. I have also done 2 single plant indoor grows under cfls with just basic Walmart soil no nutes and lst.

so now that that's out there lets get to the new setup.
I just received my seeds today, 5 crop king fem auto northern lights.

I have a 400w mh light and a few days ago I ordered this hps off ebay

tomorrow im going to build a room inside my garage. its just going to basicly be a wooden box size yet to be determined.

I also have a few just regular desk fans I will be using.

as of now I need to figure out what size of pots I should get. I was thinking 3 to 5 gallons depending on whats available (most garden stores don't really have much stock in November)
what I should use for soil, there isn't any places around me to buy like brand name soil or anything.
and how big I should build my room? I was thinking 4'x4'x6' or maybe 6'x6'x6'

I would also like to use some nutes to try and get the best yield I can, I've never used nutes before so that's a whole new subject to me.

anyways im going to germinate the seeds in a few days when the room is made and I have my soil. then I plan to use the mh light I have until my hps gets here which shouldn't be more then 10 days or so.

any advice would be good. this is my first attempt at using hid lights and using autos.
I will make make a journal once all the pieces start to come together
3 gallon and I use black gold natural organic when using soil but mostly coco.
PureBlend grow/bloom hydroplex
amazon is good if u cant get locally


Well-Known Member
so when you say you couldn't fit them under that much light do you mean the light towards the outside of the box would be just weak?
It would be too weak for 4x4 space

A 400 really needs to be around 12" from the tops. If you put it 2 or 3 feet above the plants, the light won't be intense enough


Well-Known Member
hello everyone this is my first post.
im about to start a small indoor grow and I need advice on a few things.
I have a good amount of experience growing outdoors, I've grown a half dozen plants out in the sun every summer for almost 10 years now. All my outdoor has been complete organic grown directly in the earth, no nutes, no soil and training. I have also done 2 single plant indoor grows under cfls with just basic Walmart soil no nutes and lst.

so now that that's out there lets get to the new setup.
I just received my seeds today, 5 crop king fem auto northern lights.

I have a 400w mh light and a few days ago I ordered this hps off ebay

tomorrow im going to build a room inside my garage. its just going to basicly be a wooden box size yet to be determined.

I also have a few just regular desk fans I will be using.

as of now I need to figure out what size of pots I should get. I was thinking 3 to 5 gallons depending on whats available (most garden stores don't really have much stock in November)
what I should use for soil, there isn't any places around me to buy like brand name soil or anything.
and how big I should build my room? I was thinking 4'x4'x6' or maybe 6'x6'x6'

I would also like to use some nutes to try and get the best yield I can, I've never used nutes before so that's a whole new subject to me.

anyways im going to germinate the seeds in a few days when the room is made and I have my soil. then I plan to use the mh light I have until my hps gets here which shouldn't be more then 10 days or so.

any advice would be good. this is my first attempt at using hid lights and using autos.
I will make make a journal once all the pieces start to come together
the size of the room depends on how many plants u want to grow at the time, also u can get 5 gallon buckets at walmart or home depot. Like for 2 dollars. Soil its up to u also there's. A big variety in the market. Right now happy frog , sunshine mix #4, ffof soil, etc. Good luck!! Edit: i didnt c u already got all the info u need. Good luck!
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so I went and got the soil today. Its promix bx something or another... the guy said it was kind of just a basic vegetable/flower soil mix. I think it should work. I also got 4 5 gallon buckets. so tonight I will be filling the buckets with the soil and germinating the seeds. tomorrow I will be making my tent. I have all the lumber to make the frame, I just need to get something to cover it with. I will most likely need to go get some plywood to cover it with. I would like to use a tarp and staple it onto the frame so it looks nice and tidy but I think it would let a lot of light show through.

crop king has a germination guarantee so they send you a thing telling you how to germinate there seeds.
never heard of shaking the seeds to loosen the husk but if that's how they want It done then that's what i'll do.
Rolf this guy is gonna learn the same way I did..... the hard way. yes I ment 35000-55000
not sure what you mean by that but ya this will be a learning experience. I had decent results the two times I grew single plants under less then 10,000 lumens of cfls so im not worried about the lights
also I measured the buckets. I thought they were around 2' wide at the top but there just over a foot. so because I don't plan on ever doing more then 4 plants at one time the box im building will be a bit smaller then 3'x3'
the pics kind of back up what I originaly thought. says a 400w is good for a 4'x4' area, but im on my comp so I cant like zoom on the pics like I could with a phone so I could be reading it wrong. any idea if theres online copys of those books?