almost ready to start need advice on a few things first

Rolf this guy is gonna learn the same way I did..... the hard way. yes I ment 35000-55000

I am curious though, I don't want to learn the hard way lol I want to do it the easy way. the soil I have seams to have everything you say you use, and 400w hid is a lot of light. nothing compared to running 1000w or multiple 1000w but still.
do you think the soil will be no good? or do you think I just don't have enough light?


Well-Known Member
No offense to St1nkybuds but I think he's just trying to talk shit

Lights always overstate coverage for what we want. You could grow awesome tomatoes or lettuce in a 4x4 with a 400w but for dense buds 3x3 is a better size
I have some small pots that are for seedlings, the kind the roots just grow out through. im wondering if I should use them? ive seen a lot of people say autos don't like to be transplanted so should I plant them right into the 5 gallon pots?


Well-Known Member
All my seedlings get germinated then rooted in the half size red solo cups then transplanted to different pots


Well-Known Member
I've grown a few under my 400 watt metal halide in my 3'6x3'6 and was not satisfied that's why I'm going to get a 400 watt hps and run both lights in the same tent


Well-Known Member
so I went and got the soil today. Its promix bx something or another... the guy said it was kind of just a basic vegetable/flower soil mix. I think it should work. I also got 4 5 gallon buckets. so tonight I will be filling the buckets with the soil and germinating the seeds. tomorrow I will be making my tent. I have all the lumber to make the frame, I just need to get something to cover it with. I will most likely need to go get some plywood to cover it with. I would like to use a tarp and staple it onto the frame so it looks nice and tidy but I think it would let a lot of light show through.

This is a soilless mix partner....... your gonna need alot of nutes I'm using the same thing pretty much I have to fert every other watering with flora nutes and every watering with cal mag. I'm growing in peat spagnum moss that I amended with Perlite,vermiculite, and dolomite lime I've had a calcium deficiency since the plants were two weeks old
what nutes will I need to use? one of my seeds cracked today and im waiting until the root is about an inch long before I plant so I have time to add some other soil to the mix if that would work


Well-Known Member
what nutes will I need to use? one of my seeds cracked today and im waiting until the root is about an inch long before I plant so I have time to add some other soil to the mix if that would work
You can use miracle grow if that tickles your fancy but me personally I wouldn't recommend it I'm using down to earth bat guano 9-3-1 1 tsp per gallon of medium flora nova 7-4-10 dose varies I'm using 1 tsp per gallon atm and I'm using cal mag plus 2-0-0
so soilless medium has no or very little nutritional value for the plant? I know the stores around here have miracle grow brand nutes so that's prob what i'll have to get. is 9-3-1 what I should be looking for?
so I wondering now if I should get some stuff to mix into the promix? I don't want to be in total control of what the plants eat. I was tossing around the idea of giving them nutes when they were flowering to try and make the buds a bit bigger, but im not sure I want to feed them the whole time. im kind of worried about not giving them the right nutes or to much/ to little


Well-Known Member
If you don't want to fertilize much, go with something like FFOF that has a bit of nutrients. You can also mix in earthworm castings, bone meal and blood meal if you want

I'd just get something basic like the FF trio or something if I was you
since my seeds are just starting to crack and I haven't found anywhere to buy fox farm near where I live would a generic brand of nutes that has the same n-p-k count as the FF nutes work the same?


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily. The FF big bloom is a bunch of earthworm castings and organic stuff that help out too.

You can probably get by on generics if you want to, but I have no experience as far as they go
if you were in my situation would you get stuff to add to the soilless medium to avoid needing nutes. or would you just buy generic liquid nutes as similar to the fox farm stuff as you can find? keep in mind I don't have time to order it from the internet as the seeds have already cracked.

first lesson learned... get all your shit in order before you even germ the seeds.
right on that's actually a good deal. Im just going to order the nute for flowering. im going to just use generic wall mart stuff for the first few weeks then i'll switch to the tiger bloom.