Anti government in the politics section


Well-Known Member
It is self evident. For instance if I told a neutral person they were going to associate with me and threatened the use of force to make that happen, would you say that person has the right to refuse my "offer" ?

Where did you learn that forcing a person to associate with you against their will is an acceptable thing, Ted Bundy or The Candy Plantation?
Our laws and constitution trump (no pun intended) what you may find self-evident. Get over yourself, Yukon John.

While you may be correct when it comes to personal associations (although your remedies seem oddly paranoid and reactionary), when you decide to form an entity that interacts with the public you are not permitted by law to exclude classes of people from associating with that entity based on certain protected characteristics of those people. Don't like it? Then don't form a public entity that is so constrained. It's as simple as you are.


Well-Known Member
Our laws and constitution trump (no pun intended) what you may find self-evident. Get over yourself, Yukon John.

While you may be correct when it comes to personal associations (although your remedies seem oddly paranoid and reactionary), when you decide to form an entity that interacts with the public you are not permitted by law to exclude classes of people from associating with that entity based on certain protected characteristics of those people. Don't like it? Then don't form a public entity that is so constrained. It's as simple as you are.
Lol. A point for the Yukon John snipe.



Well-Known Member
Viewing government as the parent as you do, to follow this logic the People children gave birth to the Federal parent. Sort of a silly position to take don't you think? I will take your next insult as agreement.
government as a parental figure is probably more inspiring than a parent who lives in a trailer out in the woods running a knife sharpening biz and arguing that the political shift of the south is all imaginary because it hurts his poor wittle neo-confederate feelings.


Well-Known Member
arguing that the political shift of the south is all imaginary
You argue the political shift in the south after civil rights was racism based and cannot name any legislators that voted against that legislation that "switched sides" besides Strom Thurmond.

So now you are appealing to the Executive elections after civil to follow that through to conclusion? It's been days and you havent yet, so you don't really care to but still, the offer is on the table.


Well-Known Member
So all the white racists switched after civil rights?

Failure to simply answer yes or no basically means you lie more than a Persian Rug on a rich man's floor.
nice projection, liar.

what percentage of southern state legislatures were republican before the civil rights vote? how about now?

try not to lie when you answer that one, liar.


Well-Known Member
nice projection, liar.

what percentage of southern state legislatures were republican before the civil rights vote? how about now?

try not to lie when you answer that one, liar.
How does it help your position that the south became less racist as it shifted Republican?

So you say civil rights vote is what drove racist whites to be Republicans in the mid-late 60's. So naturally the black vote shifted to Democrat about this time correct?

Heil Tweetler

Well-Known Member
How does it help your position that the south became less racist as it shifted Republican?

So you say civil rights vote is what drove racist whites to be Republicans in the mid-late 60's. So naturally the black vote shifted to Democrat about this time correct?
demonstrate your thesis with a vinn diagram, fucking half wit

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
what's the most voluntary and peaceful part about kicking black people out of stores, bobby? ya fucking neo-nazi bitch.
Oh, clever. Okay, how about for a change you answer a question for me?

What's the most peaceful way to force an unwilling person to associate with you?

Fucking neo-Nazi bitch ? Nope. My squeeze is definitely not a neo-Nazi bitch. I'm not even sure I know of any neo-nazi bitches, are they the ones that put the rubber ball in your mouth, crap on you and and stuff like that?