Anti government in the politics section

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I seem ignorant yet you do not have a grade school understanding of our laws?

I seem rude yet you would like to reserve the right to shun people based on your arbitrary biases?

Are you fucking stupid? ( need to answer)

"I detect a high level of government bag lappery" -- Yukon John

What you detect (and, unsurprisingly fail to identify) is a high-level of respect and empathy for others as well as a lack of feelings of superiority and entitlement. You're overflowing with those last two.

Are you dumb enough to believe I can answer your hypothetical question with any degree of certainty? Are you also dumb enough to believe that the passage of more than one hundred and fifty years is contextually neutral? Why are you conservative jackasses so incapable of thinking abstractly and applying situational context? I would like to believe that I would have felt the same way, but one hundred and fifty years of progressive enlightenment did in fact make my current position much more likely.

But why are you changing the subject? We are in the here and now and you are a racist piece of shit. Let's focus on that.

That was quite a pile of vomit you projected to avoid answering one question.

You said - "What you detect (and, unsurprisingly fail to identify) is a high-level of respect and empathy for others as well as a lack of feelings of superiority and entitlement. You're overflowing with those last two."

Okay, here's another question for you - If you have respect for others why would you use force to insist a person who doesn't want to associate with you be made to associate with you? How does forcing a person to associate with you, show them respect?

I'm not a conservative jackass, I'm a Voluntaryist jackass, and I'm usually able to buttress my position with a consistent argument, sometimes that bothers people who have a high level of government bag lappery.

As far as changing the subject, if you think the subject is about racism, you might want to pay more attention.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You're a member of the exact same society I am.

You can pretend it's something else but you'll be responsible to pay taxes and follow laws like everyone else.

You can be a whiny bitch about it all day long.

But you'll still pay your taxes and follow the laws of society or be separated from society.

Cry me a river.

You sound incredibly antisocial to me. You'll still pay those taxes though, unless you're very poor. (financially, not mentally).

Now try to act intelligent by asking for definitions my 4th grade grandson could rattle off in a second.

You sound like you may have wet your pants. I bet that is terribly uncomfortable.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
That's all you got?


You're white as a ghost, better get some sun.
I would be happy to have an intelligent conversation with you, where we both exchange ideas and answer each others questions etc.

How do you know ghosts are white? Fucking racist!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member

States have complete autonomy with two exceptions:
  • Interstate commerce
  • The Constitution of the United States
Any law or practice anywhere that is a part of the former or a violation of the later falls under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government.

As such, Federal laws enforcing the U.S. constitution are State laws by proxy.

What is the Federal Government, is it a group of people ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
how does society force you to conform? reward and punishment is one. another is through propaganda. if you Analise the propaganda it doesn't say to help people it says you are independent as long as you fund the machine . and then there'sView attachment 3905485

he said associate with not help. i agree with you.

I would rather not analise propaganda, well not on the first date anyway.


Well-Known Member
Okay, here's another question for you - If you have respect for others why would you use force to insist a person who doesn't want to associate with you be made to associate with you? How does forcing a person to associate with you, show them respect?
You didn't understand a goddamned thing I wrote. The public entity you formed would be forced to equally serve people of all races, religions, national origins, age and gender. The very stupid entity that is you wouldn't be forced to do anything. Don't create a public entity if you are unable to abide by the laws that govern such entities. If you do so, you're FORCING YOURSELF, asshole. Please! You can't really be this obtuse, can you?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The "ghost" comment just shows how goddamned stupid he really is.

You didn't understand a goddamned thing I wrote. The public entity you formed would be forced to equally serve people of all races, religions, national origins, age and gender. The very stupid entity that is you wouldn't be forced to do anything. Don't create a public entity if you are unable to abide by the laws that govern such entities. If you do so, you're FORCING YOURSELF, asshole. Please! You can't really be this obtuse, can you?

So, you default to the idea that a group of people, none of whom have a right to force another person to associate with them, can aggregate their zero right into a sum and then arrive at a positive number, thus creating a right from an accumulation of nonexistent rights ?

Sounds like a rationalization.

If you understood what I said, you still couldn't rebut it.


Well-Known Member
So, you default to the idea that a group of people, none of whom have a right to force another person to associate with them, can aggregate their zero right into a sum and then arrive at a positive number, thus creating a right from an accumulation of nonexistent rights ?

Sounds like a rationalization.

If you understood what I said, you still couldn't rebut it.
This is Norse, eh?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
All you bring here is unin

This is Norse, eh?

No, but perhaps the reason you don't comprehend it, is it relies on logic and consistency, which is in short supply among government worshippers.

I was hoping you would ask me a question or two, but I'll go first since you seem to be having trouble getting past personal insults.

Can a person delegate a right they don't possess?

If you or I don't have any right to force a person to associate with us, does anybody and where would that right come from?


Well-Known Member
No, but perhaps the reason you don't comprehend it, is it relies on logic and consistency, which is in short supply among government worshippers.

I was hoping you would ask me a question or two, but I'll go first since you seem to be having trouble getting past personal insults.

Can a person delegate a right they don't possess?

If you or I don't have any right to force a person to associate with us, does anybody and where would that right come from?
Oh, I completely understand the point you're trying to make and recognize its lunacy. Like it or not, we are members of a society in which we are governed by laws. This idiotic rabbit hole you're attempting to drag me down into is Norse's MO and idiotic rabbit holes are exactly why political discussions in GC suck so bad. Arguing with you idiots is like trying to nail jell-O to the wall. You get one more chance before I drop you into my 'Ignore' list. Make sense. Last chance.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
so then why can't you name a single store where people are forced to serve other people?

should be easy if everyone is getting slavery-raped in the fashion that you are telling me is happening.

guess it's all just imaginary made up nightmares from a neo-nazi white supremacist who thinks hanging "no negro" signs is a polite and reasonable thing to do.

In your haste you asked your incessant question of me wrong.

You likely meant to say, "name a person who was forced to open a store". Instead you said "so then why can't you name a single store where people are forced to serve other people?
Oh, I completely understand the point you're
trying to make and recognize its lunacy. Like it or not, we are members of a society in which we are governed by laws. This idiotic rabbit hole you're attempting to drag me down into is Norse's MO and idiotic rabbit holes are exactly why political discussions in GC suck so bad. Arguing with you idiots is like trying to nail jell-O to the wall. You get one more chance before I drop you into my 'Ignore' list. Make sense. Last chance.

The funny thing is, you're trying to say that people have a right to force another person to associate with them (we disagree there) and then you say if I don't dumb my idea down for you, you're going to ignore me / elect to end our association. That's pretty funny.


Well-Known Member
In your haste you asked your incessant question of me wrong.

You likely meant to say, "name a person who was forced to open a store". Instead you said "so then why can't you name a single store where people are forced to serve other people?

The funny thing is, you're trying to say that people have a right to force another person to associate with them (we disagree there) and then you say if I don't dumb my idea down for you, you're going to ignore me / elect to end our association. That's pretty funny.
Very well...
