

Well-Known Member
Real simple was checking the roots on a plant , and was suprised to find ants everywhere.
About to transplant is it okay to be a little rough with the roots and say chop some the bottom section , off still got 5 weeks untill I can flower her , Female WW.

Also Fucking ants , house gets invade with them in the rainy seasons. Fuckers moved in from the bottom drain holes up.


Well-Known Member
If you are using molasses, stop immediately. Ants are attracted to the sugar in it. Just put a couple ant traps down on the ground, this will kill them off as they are attracted to it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you are correct I do use molasses and was thinking that myself thanks for confirmation. Also its warmer in there than ambient temps which may also draw them.
About to transplant here's some before shots of the white widow very stinky plant in veg was a severe helmet head with an extreme early topping a had to.20150714_205832.jpg 20150714_205158.jpg 20150714_205141.jpg 20150714_205220.jpg Also will snap some pics of the ants working before I some how remove.
Was thinking a nice dunk/semi soak in rainwater any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Looks like a few things going on.........1) a bit of over fertilization at some point. I'd ease off a bit and 2) the next to last pic looks like an early mite issue. Better check the underneath of the leaves that show discoloration. I'd also remove any and all of the lousy looking leaves. The plants sure don't need them as they are robust.

Who's W.W. is it?


Well-Known Member
Looks like a few things going on.........1) a bit of over fertilization at some point. I'd ease off a bit and 2) the next to last pic looks like an early mite issue. Better check the underneath of the leaves that show discoloration. I'd also remove any and all of the lousy looking leaves. The plants sure don't need them as they are robust.

Who's W.W. is it?
Female seeds femanized which I'm looking forward to only other plant that smelled this pungent was a skunky male I regret chopping, also this happens every time I use rain water ph'd to 6.4 , but already on the road to recovery. Hopefully..
Thanks for your insight will remove those after transplant.

And get some ant traps for further prevention , thanks BB

yeah B U B B A

Well-Known Member
I never heard anyone using molasses! Whats the knowledge of the molasses? Also im having the most difficult time finding w.w seeds, any ideas?


Well-Known Member
I never heard anyone using molasses! Whats the knowledge of the molasses? Also im having the most difficult time finding w.w seeds, any ideas?
Molasses is a food for you micro-organism that feed your plant and they thrive, I have seen great results but make sure you have you critter control down don't let ants migrate there.


Well-Known Member
Molasses offers some minor nutrients at low levels for the plants and feed the microbes in the soil that break down the fertilizer so the plants can use it. But be careful cause it will attract bugs and will inhibit nitrogen uptake if used in too large of quanitity (so go easy with it).


Well-Known Member
I never heard anyone using molasses! Whats the knowledge of the molasses? Also im having the most difficult time finding w.w seeds, any ideas?
Grren House, Dinafem, Seedsman..............numerous others offer pretty good W.W. seeds. It seems this strain is one of the few that a lot of breeders offer that is good across the board.


Well-Known Member
I have a household ant problem
Mix borax (sodium borate) with some honey or syrup and makes ant traps. They will swarm the trap and take the honey+borax mix and take it to their queen, who subsequently will explode.

You can also use the borax to provide boron if you happen to lack it!


Well-Known Member
Add a lot of perlite next crop......this will help greatly so the soil doesn't compact down.
Will do , been currently using ffof mix with roughly 20 percent more perlite. Added an inch of perlite at the bottom of this 5g fabric before I transplanted.

You can use some diotomaceous earth, spinosad, or neem oil
Yeah we have food grade DE we use on our dogs , does wonders , might incorporate it if the problem persists.

Mix borax (sodium borate) with some honey or syrup and makes ant traps. They will swarm the trap and take the honey+borax mix and take it to their queen, who subsequently will explode.

You can also use the borax to provide boron if you happen to lack it!
Sounds like the ultimate plan would love to see that process in ultra slow mo high definition , lol f uckers.

Buzz Buzzilla

Well-Known Member
Ants are awesome for plants in my experience! As long as they aren't cultivating aphids as previously mentioned! Here is another post I had on ants....
Lol I had a huge aquaponic dwc raft setup outdoors, (35,000 gal to be exact) and every now and again I would get fire ants building nests in 2" net cups...they would build trails from one whole to another on top of 2ft of water until 12 or more were connected. At first I was alarmed and thought just as you, "this can not be good", but after years of being used to seeing this I quickly noticed a huge difference In the health and vigorous growth from these plants that were chosen by the ants! So I'd watch and observe before dousing your plant with. Neem.

On the technical side I still to this day am not sure what they were doing, but at the very least puting holes near the roots allowing for more oxygen. Also ants carry bacteria that they make and cultivate in their burrows, so maybe the plant is being protected by the bacteria, much like worm casting bacteria?
But dte will also work for killing any hard bodied insect that walks over it...I also use it in a mist for mites on leaves. Lastly I would clean with h2o2 around the floor of plants as ants leave sent trails for others to follow even after the food source has been removed.