Anyone you know been killed by a deer?


New Member
Peanuts Kill More Americans Than Terrorists
If western governments were really trying win the "war on terror" they wouldn't give terrorists so much credit
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Friday, January 5, 2007
The menace of global terrorism has been labeled the greatest threat to western civilization since communism and yet swimming pools, peanuts and lost deer kill more Americans every single year. Why are our governments facilitating the terrorist's agenda by hyping a peril that simply doesn't exist?
The number of Americans killed as a result of international terrorism since the 1960's gives us a benchmark from which we can correctly identify and target other dire dangers to our very way of life.
- Allergic reactions to peanuts
- Accident causing deer
- Lightning strikes
That's correct - all of the above have killed an equal number of Americans since 1960 as terrorism. One could even categorize M&M's, lost deer and the weather as an "axis of evil arming to threaten the peace of the world," as George Bush famously once said.

Enemy Combatant: Fear the deer.

As Ohio State University's John Mueller concludes in a report entitled A False Sense Of Insecurity, "For all the attention it evokes, terrorism actually causes rather little damage and the likelihood that any individual will become a victim in most places is microscopic."
Last summer's much vaunted transatlantic terror plot, a facade that has since collapsed under the weight of its own absurdity, led to ridiculous measures in airports banning any form of liquids in carry on luggage and mother's were forced to drink their own breast milk. Yet there has not been a bomb planted in a piece of checked luggage on an American carrier since the 1988 Lockerbie disaster, itself a false flag inside job. Since that time hundreds of billions of Americans have been routinely interrogated about the contents of their luggage while cargo remains completely unchecked.
To equal the danger that Americans place themselves in every day by driving their car down the highway, there would have to be a September 11 every month. To reach the same level of risk that one undertakes in boarding an airline, you only have to travel eleven miles on the interstate!

The principle goal of terrorists is to terrify populations and governments into acquiescing to their political demands. The only way they can achieve this is by generating a substantial amount of fear and making people believe the lie that their life is significantly threatened by potential terrorism, when in reality the swimming pool in their backyard poses more of a danger.
As soon as we lose the fear, the terrorists lose their power over us to control our behavior. If western governments were really trying to win a war on terror as they claim then they would downplay and sideline acts of terror, pointing out that an individual has more chance of being struck by lightning than being killed in a terror attack.
And yet what do we see? George Bush and Dick Cheney frothing at the mouth predicting mushroom clouds over America, Fox News telling us every day it's not a matter of if but when we're attacked again, the British government warning that only "a miracle" would prevent London from being attacked over the holidays.

Mueller elaborates,
"What is needed, as one statistician suggests, is some sort of convincing, coherent, informed, and nuanced answer to a central question: “How worried should I be?” Instead, the message the nation has received so far is, as a Homeland Security official put (or caricatured) it, “Be scared; be very, very scared — but go on with your lives.” Such messages have led many people to develop what Leif Wenar of the University of Sheffield has aptly labeled “a false sense of insecurity.”
By making these statements and continually recycling the hysteria, these entities are facilitating the goals of terrorists, driving forward an agenda that could not alone be fueled by relatively minor, rare and inconsequential attacks that take few human lives in comparison to the real dangers that we face every day - mundane things like car accidents, cancer and heart disease.
In that context, allied with the voluminous evidence that every major terror attack we have witnessed was either a provocateured set-up or an outright inside job, western governments are staffed at the very top by terrorists who are openly espousing the creed and statecraft of terrorism.
Only by coming to the understanding that terrorism is such a limited threat to our livelihoods and communicating that to others can we disarm the alarmist propaganda that governments utilize in order to enlist our obedience for the construction of the prison planet.
Fear is a lie.


Well-Known Member
That's a very interesting post medicineman. Definetly leaves a person with some things to consider outside of - they're probably hiding in a cave just outside the city limits waiting to pounce.


New Member
Actually, I used to have a boss (when I was in the corporate world) who had a friend that was killed by a deer. He was hunting and seperated from the hunting party. He shot a buck, the approched it to see if it was dead. When he poked the deer with his rifle, the deer jumped up and gored the guy to death. When he was found, the deer was laying dead, the hunter was dead and his rifle butt was shattered from the hunter trying to club the deer to death. Stupid hunter.



Active Member
you're trying to compare 47 yrs of the other BS to what it only took 10 yrs for the terrorist to do. Plus the other BS don't look for victims. Terrorist do!!!!! I don't think we're fighting hard enough. Because we're trying to fight a moral war. The terrorist don't give a damn. We need to warn the inocent people in Iraq and Iran to leave town And in a few weeks bomb the hell out of them. Iran and Korea never should have gotten as far as they are with their nukes. They think we're a joke. We need to stop playing with them!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Deer are a clear and present danger in my area.......I've had many close calls in my car....they jump right into the road....

Med, the author of the piece exemplifies the ostrich like mentality displayed by the left, IMO!

mookab has it right....welcome aboard!

I read this essay a couple of days ago and thought of it while reading meds' thread.
Real or imagined threats is the topic, I have excerpted the last section below......

[FONT=times new roman,times]All of the foregoing so-called "threats" to our existence (and there are undoubtedly many more which have been omitted from the list) have one important thing in common: None of them have come to pass. None of them.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]They also have one other, just as important, thing in common: They're either just blameless occurrences of nature or they're the fault of Conservative Republicans. In the case of Global Warming, the Antique Media clearly imply that it's the result of shameless capitalistic Republicans and their ruthless pursuit of profits, operating their money-churning businesses without regard to the environment, employing illegal immigrants for slave wages in sweat shops, while denying them taxpayer-funded health benefits. All authorized and approved by President Bush, needless to say.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]However, the AM are not quite so quick to point out the real threat to our way of life: radical Islamic terrorism. While the list of potential catastrophes listed above remains just that-potential-the threat from Islamic extremists is very real and immediate. Another historical recounting of innumerable terrorist acts against Western interests is hardly necessary, but the Kobar Towers, the African embassies, the U.S.S. Cole, 9/11, 3/11, and 7/7 all provide hard evidence that Islamic extremists are actively waging war against our culture. The availability of WMD to terrorists only heightens the immediacy of the danger.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]The secular-progressive/moral-equivalence factions in most Western countries will not even acknowledge that we're involved in a War on Terror. Most of them undoubtedly subscribe to the thought put forth by H.L. Mencken in 1920, recently cited by Jeff Jacoby in the Boston Globe: [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."[/FONT]
[FONT=times new roman,times]As Kerry so revealingly said during the 2004 Presidential campaign, he hoped that we could get back to the point where terrorism was a mere "nuisance," implying that the "War on Terror" was a trumped-up Republican political ploy. Yet if we're to have any real chance of ending (or at least controlling) terrorism, the liberal bloc-both media and political-must wake up to the realities of how things are, as opposed to how they pretend things are.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Is there any real hope of their coming around to support the War on Terror? Given the current state of rancorous political discourse in this country, it's tough to imagine.

American Thinker: Threats, Real and Imagined



New Member
Is there any real hope of their coming around to support the War on Terror? Given the current state of rancorous political discourse in this country, it's tough to imagine.
War on terror is an oxymoron, terror is a state of mind, and our esteemed government is the one fomenting it!


Well-Known Member
The guy who wrote that article is an ivory tower airhead. He builds a strawman by picking an arbitrary date and some unrelated statistics and then knocks it down. "The sky is blue, I ate grapefruit for breakfast.... therefore, the pope is the anti-christ." What a retard.

When peanuts rebel and start blowing shit up, or deer start hijacking airplanes, I'll reconsider my position.


New Member
When peanuts rebel and start blowing shit up, or deer start hijacking airplanes, I'll reconsider my position. The gist of the article, in case you missed it, was that we shouldn't live in fear of the "Terrorists" because we have a larger chance of being injured or killed by a deer, or lightning, or cancer Etc., The real terrorists are are The Government, for they are the ones fomenting the dangers of terrorists. ( terror: a state of intense fear; Terrorism; the systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion. Terrorize, To fill with terror, to coerce by threat or violence, terrify, alarm, frighten or startle!) I think these are the tactics used by our own Government to Coerce us into accepting things like the "Patriot Act", remember the color codes, we've never been below orange since 9-11, are you really scared? If so the government has won!


New Member
Personally, I want every Extremist Muslim terrorist dead. I want MY government to kill them. Preferably on THEIR territory and not in mine.



Well-Known Member
Yes, Vi, it is certainly true that these extremists have identified themselves to us.....They have basically put a bulls-eye on themselves, and have "double-dog dared" us to shoot. Shame on us for not obliging them!
Reality is a bummer!


Well-Known Member
The 9/11 attackers shouldnt even be called terrorists. as Med has said, the main tool of a terrorist is, by definition, the terror they cause. these guys dont want to scare us, they just want us dead. a more accurate term would be guerilla fighters. the big news companies as well as the government gain by spooking the population, so they use a sensationalistic phrase like "terrorist".

Mookab, how are we fighting a moral war? the extremist muslims are the ones fighting for morality!

if somebody suckerpunches u in the face, ur a pussy if u dont fight them. this same mentality shouldnt be used in supporting a war. especially this "war on terror". what does that even mean? at least the "war on drugs" has a target.


New Member
Yes, Vi, it is certainly true that these extremists have identified themselves to us.....They have basically put a bulls-eye on themselves, and have "double-dog dared" us to shoot. Shame on us for not obliging them!
Reality is a bummer!
Yes, they have put a bulls-eye on themselves, but most of us aren't looking at or listening to them.

I watch Glen Beck every day. One thing I like about his program is that he shows the Radical Islamic Mullahs giving speeches in the Mosques denouncing the West, Israel, and any other non-believers. They are calling for the complete destruction of all those who won't convert to Islam. The president of Iran has publically stated that Iran will wipe Israel off of the map. He has spoken of the same intent for us as well and he's developing nuclear tecnology for "energy purposes." Yeah, right! He's not alone in his thinking at all. Like I said in another thread ... listen to what they are saying.




Well-Known Member
Yea Vi, I agree, Glenn Beck is doing a tremendous job in disclosing the truly virulent nature of our self avowed adversaries. Many on the "ostrich" left are exerting an amazing amount of energy attempting to convince themselves that these extremists:

a) Don&#8217;t really mean what they say...or...
b) Even if they do mean it, they couldn't do anything anyway, so who cares, there is no real threat.
c) The government manufactured the whole notion of any external threat as a means of control over populace... infunitum!
they jump thru a multitude of intellectual hoops to arrive at their contorted conclusions.
There is no consideration on their part that they may be mistaken, what happens to this outlook, if, and, when a US target is vaporized?
Way too much to risk if they are wrong.
History is replete with examples of why self avowed enemies need to be dealt with on a timely basis.
We have to kill them all, or at least convince these evil scumbags that this is our intent!


New Member
Man, I couldn't agree with you more, Wavels. I don't wish any harm on any American, but its going to be interesting to hear the "take" of the left after the next major attack on our soil. Can you imagine if Hillary is serving as president when it happens? What will the libbies say then ... that its all Bush's fault? Maybe they'll dig up Nixon again ... or possibly Reagan. Couldn't possibly be the fault of the Cindy Sheehan "Amen Corner" could it? *lol*



Well-Known Member
The gist of the article, in case you missed it, was that we shouldn't live in fear of the "Terrorists" because we have a larger chance of being injured or killed by a deer,

I understand the "gist" of the article, and the gist of my response is that the article is fallacious and silly. It's like reading an article that says we shouldn't be at all concerned about breast cancer because heart disease is the real threat. One subject has nothing to do with the other. ANY concern can be marginalized by insisting upon looking at an increasingly large picture, thereby reletavizing the original issue into oblivion. But it's a bullshit tactic to use when trying to make a point.


New Member
understand the "gist" of the article, and the gist of my response is that the article is fallacious and silly. It's like reading an article that says we shouldn't be at all concerned about breast cancer because heart disease is the real threat. One subject has nothing to do with the other. ANY concern can be marginalized by insisting upon looking at an increasingly large picture, thereby reletavizing the original issue into oblivion. But it's a bullshit tactic to use when trying to make a point. I'll guarantee you, you have a better chance of getting cancer or having a heart attack or being killed in a car accident then you have in being killed by a terrorist. The terrorist scare is fomented by our government to allow them to foist shit like the Patriot act and illegal phone taps, and illegal mail openings upon us. Just keep running scared and believe "the terrorists are coming" if you like. Me, like the man from missouri, show me! Hey I guess I'm no chickenshit, The latest scare is that Vegas is one high target. No worries mate, If they nuke Vegas there will be a hole in the ground from Barstow to Ely as Nellis is where they store thousands of nukes, can you say Vaporized!


Active Member
I wonder what the victims 0f 9/11/01 thought their chances were of having a heart attack,car crash or cancer were to getting killed by terrorist?????????? The threat is very real. It started over 30 years ago in the west at the Olympics in Canada. It hasn't slowed down, but increased. That means the threat has increased. And that doesn't include our home grown terrorist like the Macfes and the American millitia groups. The threat is very real. We can't go around worrying about it. But we can't stick our heads in the sand and hope it doesn't find us!!!!!!


New Member
I wonder what the victims 0f 9/11/01 thought their chances were of having a heart attack,car crash or cancer were to getting killed by terrorist?????????? The threat is very real. It started over 30 years ago in the west at the Olympics in Canada. It hasn't slowed down, but increased. That means the threat has increased. And that doesn't include our home grown terrorist like the Macfes and the American millitia groups. The threat is very real. We can't go around worrying about it. But we can't stick our heads in the sand and hope it doesn't find us!!!!!![/quote]
So your answer is: Start wars in Islamic countries and kill all the bastards, much like Wavels and ViRedds? Killing for profit is pretty much the US foriegn policy, so I guess you've been brainwashed eh! The enemy my friend, lies within the borders Of the good old USA, Primarily holed up in Washington DC under the guise of our benevolent government!


Active Member
Whay world do you live in? We didn't start the war, we didn't draw first blood,And if it's about money, our country is spending not receiving. And if you think that pulling out will stop the terrorist,you need to take your head out of the sand. Or what ever you got your head stuck up in. You need to realize that if they attack Isriel, It's going to be world war 3. And if we don't do something 1st, Isrial will and should attack 1st. Because they are alone except for us. Either way we will end up in a war greater than the one we're in. We need to nip it in the bud now. Stop trying to see things with your eyes closed and wake up. No one wants war except the terrorist. They have no agenda but to die and take everyone they can with them. How many 9/11s will have to happen before people like you say"Oh shit, this is real"? I'm from NY. Maybe when it happens in your back yard, you'll wake up.


New Member
Whay world do you live in? We didn't start the war, we didn't draw first blood,And if it's about money, our country is spending not receiving. And if you think that pulling out will stop the terrorist,you need to take your head out of the sand. Or what ever you got your head stuck up in. You need to realize that if they attack Isriel, It's going to be world war 3. And if we don't do something 1st, Isrial will and should attack 1st. Because they are alone except for us. Either way we will end up in a war greater than the one we're in. We need to nip it in the bud now. Stop trying to see things with your eyes closed and wake up. No one wants war except the terrorist. They have no agenda but to die and take everyone they can with them. How many 9/11s will have to happen before people like you say"Oh shit, this is real"? I'm from NY. Maybe when it happens in your back yard, you'll wake up.
Hey chill out. I'm from Vegas and we've moved up to the top if the "Terrorists" hit list. Look, I'm not saying they didn't hit New york, they did, or at least that is what we're supposed to believe. There are a lot of conspiracy theorys about that also. Here's the deal, Kill Bin Laden, No problem. Kill 100,000-800,000 iraqis and 3,000++ americans, big fucking deal. The Iraqis had nothing to do with blowing up New York. Why are we killing them. It seems to me that maybe you should pull your head out of Bushs' arse and look for the truth. Whatever Bush says, you can expect the truth to be about 180 out. No WMDs, No ties to Iraq, No yellow cake uranium, we're not winning in Iraq, Things are not getting better in Iraq, they're getting worse, Not a civil war, yes it is! Wake up yourself and look at the Facts. BTW If they target Las Vegas With a nuke, you guys on the east coast will die from radiation poisening anyway as Nellis AFB has about a thousand nukes stored here, can you say Vaporized. Yeah lets kill more muslims and really piss them off. you ever heard of talking?