Maybe consider a glass stem to hold the joint, it will help reduce the smell on the fingers and keeps the joint that much further away. Also hand lotion or peel/eat an orange to cover up the pot smell.
Dr. Jekyll
Maybe consider giving up smoking at work, as it's not unreasonable of your employer to disapprove of you smoking up during working hours...get a grip on reality buddy
Mr. Hyde
I like your style, but Dr. Jekyll needs to get a grip too. Although, his ideas are ok. Hand lotion or smelly foods work for a while, but wears off faster than the weed infused clothes and skin on a person's flesh.
Stop smoking in your car before work. Way too fresh and no time to de-weed yourself.
Think of it as a mini-tolerance break. I find that when I smoke before and after work, the after work smoke isn't nearly as good. Also, my wife tells me I reek of weed when I think I'm being totally stealth. She's mean. In order to be odor free I need to:
A: Take a shower.
B. Get clean clothes.
C. Brush my teeth.
IV. Use mouth wash.
J. Keep my stash and pipes/bong/whatever in airtight containers when not in use.
{. Use Clear Eyes for the redness. I get insanely red eyes.
?. Don't smoke before work.
Edit to add:
14. Smoke in a bathroom with exhaust fan, or outside, or by a window with fan blowing the smoke out. This keeps your clothes and the rest of your house from smelling like a 420 festival.