Are there only a few really-legit and effective strains?


Well-Known Member
No offense bru. You dudes sounding like things ain't better now. Granted, I smoked weed early 80's and I've clearly described that shit got me effed up big time. But, I remember going 30 mph on my first little motorcycle when I was like 9 or 10 or whatever and thought I was going 100 miles an hour.

Speaking of which. If I get the 63 resto(super six, 3 on tree, 13" wheels, 4 wheel drum, mostly all original) out of the garage and be pushing 68 miles per hour. That mother fucker is vibrating, bouncing, swaying, whining, shaking and I swear if your on a long twisty highway up in a mountain somewhere looking hundreds of feet over the edge you think you might die! Might as well be doing 200 mph in anything modern.

Back in the day reminiscing is cool and all. And that's just what old people do when they ain't talking about all their ailments and shit. I'm cool with it bru. It's all about peace and love pops.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm kinda stuck on this Amnesia for now it's so good to me. I mean, really really good to me. The best ever? Maybe the best ever right now? But, it certainly wasn't as good as it was 6 months ago. I think we need to keep moving tho, because we will get used to a particular profile if we just smoke the same all the time. Right now, I'm still good. If burn out sets in too deep, I know I'm gonna have to quit for a minute for sure.

Keep in mind. I keep burn out at bay because I don't smoke 24/7. I'm more of the evening and weekend type. My weed lasts a long long time. It's like most anything else. If you do it all the time you will keep chasing the dragon. And he gets further and further away.

We just gotta keep moving forward always.
I have no problem taking breaks from my smoking. I figured out that my average consumption is about 1/3 gram a day. I don't think that's excessive. Plus, when I take a trip somewhere else, I never Jones about not having my weed with me.

It's really not a matter of burnout. It really is a matter of there being some strains of weed that are on a completely other level from what has become the "norm" for what is thought to be great weed, today.

All the testing for THC in the world just doesn't change the question that maybe there was something else BESIDES THC that made some of "nature's own" strains better than what we have been able to achieve with the best growing technologies available, today. Maybe we should be testing for some other compounds other than THC and the cannabinoids. Maybe there is a certain combination of compounds that creates the astounding high. I don't know. I DO, however, know that the real deal is still elusive. It's out there, but it's apparently like trying to find that needle in a haystack -even in light of all the new things going on in the new industries of medical and recreational marijuana states.

I hope it reappears for us all to get ahold of one day! I'm certainly going to be looking for it in any way I can.


Well-Known Member
No offense bru. You dudes sounding like things ain't better now. Granted, I smoked weed early 80's and I've clearly described that shit got me effed up big time. But, I remember going 30 mph on my first little motorcycle when I was like 9 or 10 or whatever and thought I was going 100 miles an hour.

Speaking of which. If I get the 63 resto(super six, 3 on tree, 13" wheels, 4 wheel drum, mostly all original) out of the garage and be pushing 68 miles per hour. That mother fucker is vibrating, bouncing, swaying, whining, shaking and I swear if your on a long twisty highway up in a mountain somewhere looking hundreds of feet over the edge you think you might die! Might as well be doing 200 mph in anything modern.

Back in the day reminiscing is cool and all. And that's just what old people do when they ain't talking about all their ailments and shit. I'm cool with it bru. It's all about peace and love pops.
The thing about aging is that NOBODY can get away from it…and be careful HOW you speak to us old people, because it's coming for YOUR ass, too. son! :)

I'm not reminiscing about what happened in the old days. I'm telling you about an incident that happened just a few weeks ago -to a bunch of veteran smokers who ALL got turned up! We aren't a bunch of old, senile grampus who can't walk or see! But we DO have some historical experiences to reference in regards to marijuana.

Is the quality of marijuana today, IN GENERAL. better than the old, poorly-grown, ditch weed, Mexican shit? Yes.

But I'm talking about something that seems to be missing in the new progressive weed of today. I found it in my experience with an old blueberry strain. Maybe there are other strains out there that would have the same effect….but. like I say, I've been smoking it all for years -old AND new strains….I haven't smoked anything like it in years. The effects were n a whole either level. Had I not experienced that kind of high, before in my life, I wouldn't have recognized it….but I did….and it was gooooood! :)


Well-Known Member
I've had this talk with my brother recently, we seem to remember getting better weed in late 80s-90s than what we come across today. The tastes and smells we remember seem to be watered down in today's hybrids. Then we wonder how much of that is just nostalgia but we're not the only ones who claim the same thing.

I think homegrown from smaller gardens tend to have the better product than commercial operations like dispensaries. Toss that Candyland in that vets garden, let him do an actual cure vs rushing it to the shelves and I bet it'd put the same cut grown by the dispensary to shame.

Growing for enjoy > Growing for profit


Well-Known Member
I have no problem taking breaks from my smoking. I figured out that my average consumption is about 1/3 gram a day. I don't think that's excessive. Plus, when I take a trip somewhere else, I never Jones about not having my weed with me.

It's really not a matter of burnout. It really is a matter of there being some strains of weed that are on a completely other level from what has become the "norm" for what is thought to be great weed, today.

All the testing for THC in the world just doesn't change the question that maybe there was something else BESIDES THC that made some of "nature's own" strains better than what we have been able to achieve with the best growing technologies available, today. Maybe we should be testing for some other compounds other than THC and the cannabinoids. Maybe there is a certain combination of compounds that creates the astounding high. I don't know. I DO, however, know that the real deal is still elusive. It's out there, but it's apparently like trying to find that needle in a haystack -even in light of all the new things going on in the new industries of medical and recreational marijuana states.

I hope it reappears for us all to get ahold of one day! I'm certainly going to be looking for it in any way I can.
Alls I know is mine is putting me where I wanna be. As I said before, I'll probably never be in that place where I was with the Hawaii sins again. My mind and body where fresher to these new experiences. And as I said, when I first started smoking Amnesia it took a minute to get used to the new feelings from this new strain. The eye twitching. The body melt. And just two weeks ago when I ran out of flower, been vaping this kief left over from it. And I swear I won't drive. Hell, I don't even want to ride on it. I also had some DNA Lemon Skunk which was mind blowing. Before, the Amnesia. I ended up just mixing them together. To make the Dinafem Amnesia go further. Another couple of bad ass strains where Dinafem Critical Jack. And WOS Afghan Kush Ryder. I think the Amnesia is the best of them. At least for me. And we all may be different. That's cool.

GL on your blueberry. Might have a seed I dunno. Amnesia is where it's at for me now.


Well-Known Member
The thing about aging is that NOBODY can get away from it…and be careful HOW you speak to us old people, because it's coming for YOUR ass, too. son! :)

I'm not reminiscing about what happened in the old days. I'm telling you about an incident that happened just a few weeks ago -to a bunch of veteran smokers who ALL got turned up! We aren't a bunch of old, senile grampus who can't walk or see! But we DO have some historical experiences to reference in regards to marijuana.

Is the quality of marijuana today, IN GENERAL. better than the old, poorly-grown, ditch weed, Mexican shit? Yes.

But I'm talking about something that seems to be missing in the new progressive weed of today. I found it in my experience with an old blueberry strain. Maybe there are other strains out there that would have the same effect….but. like I say, I've been smoking it all for years -old AND new strains….I haven't smoked anything like it in years. The effects were n a whole either level. Had I not experienced that kind of high, before in my life, I wouldn't have recognized it….but I did….and it was gooooood! :)
look ya old fart. My grandpa (RIP) used to tell me them old WW2 stories every single time I saw him. He would relate it with tears running down his face laughing so hard. I am talking every weekend I would pop in for a few hours. He just loved sharing those memories he was so fond of. I laughed with him cause I loved him.

I love you too bro and your stories bring fondness to my heart. Peace and love my elder brother.


Well-Known Member
No offense bru. You dudes sounding like things ain't better now. Granted, I smoked weed early 80's and I've clearly described that shit got me effed up big time. But, I remember going 30 mph on my first little motorcycle when I was like 9 or 10 or whatever and thought I was going 100 miles an hour.

Speaking of which. If I get the 63 resto(super six, 3 on tree, 13" wheels, 4 wheel drum, mostly all original) out of the garage and be pushing 68 miles per hour. That mother fucker is vibrating, bouncing, swaying, whining, shaking and I swear if your on a long twisty highway up in a mountain somewhere looking hundreds of feet over the edge you think you might die! Might as well be doing 200 mph in anything modern.

Back in the day reminiscing is cool and all. And that's just what old people do when they ain't talking about all their ailments and shit. I'm cool with it bru. It's all about peace and love pops.
No offense? I'm an easy going person but it seems you went out of your way to make it sound like I'm stuck in the past. Kinda took offense to that.

There are a lot of better things out now.

Better is subjective.

I'm 33 years old btw, so I'm far from a old geezer. I've been around cannabis my whole life. I've got a great job, and a good education. I am no where near broke. I spend money on the finer things in life. I've bought thousands of dollars in packs of seeds from new breeders.

It's just my opinion, I have been to the high times cups, I've sampled some of the best out there. Ive grown some of the best cuts ever. Chems, sours, berries... I've grown gage green, rare dankness, bodhi, Dna, reserva, Dutch passion, I'm mean I can go on and on.

Bottom line is I hav 4 cuts of old school og kush, ghost, sfv, triangle kush, and legend. Although the last two are my newest editions, and I've sampled them from other growers, but I have yet from my own garden. Out of the hundreds or so plants I've grown, I personally have yet to find anything better. And when I say that, I feel there is a big margin, not a close race.

Feel free to disagree. Just don't patronize. If your ever in Michigan, hit me up and I'll give you some samples. If you enjoy flavorful pot that packs an intense well rounded high, I feel you would enjoy old school og. It's the only thing I smoke and still to this day, 3 puffs and it's all I need.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Seriously bro. Like 3 puffs of mine and I'm good to go too. What you don't get is. I know you love your stuff and that's all fine and dandy. Everybody thinks they have the best stuff. Tradition is a mofo to get beyond sometimes. For many.

Personally, I'm still trying new. I know I'll do better than the best I am currently smoking. Because I have an open mind about it. Plus, my tolerance to the properties of this same well cured Amnesia ARE NOT the same as when I first started smoking it. If our tolerances and everything are the same, I wish you could experience the feelings I got when I first experiences it. I'm telling you. It blew me away. Months later it is still great and probably will be for years to come. I know I will be on something different. And I may come back to this Amnesia some day. But, just like chasing the dragon. There will always be better out there. So many Hint for me too dab. I am against the extracts, because I fear it will blow up my tolerance. Anyway, you like yours. I like mine. Everybody's happy. Old school new school. Hey check this. 40 years ago you would have been putting a stamp on a letter and mailing your sentiments to me. Now we just chat to kill time. Instantly. Peace and love homes.


Well-Known Member
Dude, I had NO idea that the guy was going to walk up with something like that. It just happened. It wasn't anyone reminiscing about the old days or telling stories about what used to happen. You're missing that part, apparently. In fact, I was fully prepared to be the one who had the impressive weed that night. But I'm honest enough to face the truth when it smacks me in the face, too. Do you think I wanted my legal, above-board, high THC, super-modern weed strain to be shown up by some black market shit? Hardly!

But what I'm saying is that I HAD the experience of that kind of high back in the day, yes….then, throughout the years since then, I've run into many, many, MANY strains that made me believe that my tolerance had just gone up and I wasn't ever going to get that high ever again. But I'm telling you…I was wrong. There IS a borderline between really good strains and GREAT strains. That line is elusive because there are so many really good strains out there. Pretty soon, "really good" translates into "great" because it's all relative. But, for me, something came along and re-set that perception…and it just happened to be some black market stuff. Now ain't that a bitch? :)


Well-Known Member
Ok, here goes…

I kind of pride myself on knowing what good marijuana is. I've been around it for 40+ years and there probably isn'y any kind of marijuana that I haven't smoked….well, maybe a few strains, but…

So the other night, I am standing outside on a beautiful, starry night, with a couple of friends….and we are all smoking some strain that I got at a dispensary…"Candyland" is what it was. And we are all kind of looking like hipsters standing there, commenting on how great the weed is these days with legalization looming…etc. All the growers want to create the best strain so that they can become famous for it and blah, blah, blah…

And then another friend walks up and says hi and lights up a joint of "Blueberry" that his friend grows -just some black market shit that he has been smoking for years -homegrown by an old vet or something like that.

The joint comes my way and I almost pass on it because, after all, I am the pot connoisseur and this is just some dirty, old, homegrown, blueberry indica that doesn't even compare to this modern-day Candyland strain in any way shape or……*takes a puff*….Wait….WHAT?!?!? This is like the best-tasting, sweetest blueberry…skunk, berry flavor on the inhale and on the exhale…

And then the high…warm, flowing down my body like electricity -ears getting hot….SUPER color-enhancement…almost mildly psychedelic. It was "the" high that I had been missing since back in the days of experiencing Colombian Gold or Panama red for the first time after years of Mexican ditch weed. This was like that all over again.

And this is after years of smoking every conceivable strain from numerous dispensaries.

Even after all the hybridizing and growing techniques and all that's going on, WHY is it that I am able to only get at that real-deal experience from the underground? Why hasn't the real shit emerged into the public? I can't find shit like that blueberry -anywhere.

I am hoping that my next run of seeds will produce something that's even in the ballpark as that shit.

No, I can't get a cut from him. This cat is really, really underground from the OLD school and he doesn't deal with anyone. Too bad for me. And there I was thinking that none of that old, tired-out blueberry bullshit could hold a candle to my access to all the strains you could ever name! WRONG!

Have strains become so convoluted and focused on THC levels that something else has gone missing? Are we not allowing the strains to flower long enough to develop the "secret terpenes" -or something like that? Why isn't that real, real, REAL legit marijuana available everywhere?

And IF you know what/where/when/how it is, then please tell me about it in this thread.

Lol my familys been smoking on weed that still blows the shit outta some clinics. Im sure ppl on here will tell u a lot....i mean alot of grower keep the best of there shit. It never leaves close family and friends. Ive heard alot of older ppl, well im young , but my dad and grandpas age that will tell u weed isnt stonger its just different. Idk how true that is but i kno.mine beats the clinics everyday. Idc if its cali or colorado been there done that. The stuff grown by growers there is some killer. But clincs getting robbed of the best ofproduct and grower talent.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the post above. What you were smoking was probably a old pure blueberry. Most seeds nowadays are all hybrids. Blueberry crossed with this or that.

Candy land, is another hybrid.

I totally agree with you. To find something special you have to spend a lot of time and/or money sourcing one.

People who find keepers in every pack don't understand what a keeper is.
On the keeper subject,was the og a keeper from the start,or was it ran a few times,befor it became good?

Hope that make sense.
Same for the rest of the clones.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I see quite a display of ageism in some of the above posts. Totally missing the primary point of the OP, by a full country mile.

Comparing the quality of weed to motorbikes and the post office and the perception of reality when one is only 9 or 10 years old to the difference between the weed of the '70s, '80's and 90's to the current state of commercially available genetics is a truly bogus analogy.

It is like saying that the wine available nowadays is better than earlier vintages produced by mankind for centuries.
It is like saying that cigars available these days are all better than those available decades ago.
Of course, these are nonsensical, idiotic assertions, based upon sheer ignorance.


Well-Known Member
I think te only point here is we all have stated that we are smoking bad ass strains that is getting it done for us and it has become our preference? Like I said before. Everybody seems to be smoking great weed. We are all happy?

The underlying crap that is going on is. Momma's of Mirica titty babied there boys too much. Kinda like "momma told me I am more special than everybody else". What I like is more special than what everybody else likes cause that's what momma told me.

LOL! You dudes are riot. Not very special but extremely entertaining.

Peace and love bro's and girls. And it's ok to feel special. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
On the keeper subject,was the og a keeper from the start,or was it ran a few times,befor it became good?

Hope that make sense.
Same for the rest of the clones.
good question
they are what i like right from go for me . first run .
pests fuck stuff up bad though..
weed i like is cuts i keep . i listen to my lungs and head . hope you find good clones you like . that cherry pie is AWSOME and the GG#4 is good . but the sour and ghost i keep around always


Well-Known Member
good question
they are what i like right from go for me . first run .
pests fuck stuff up bad though..
weed i like is cuts i keep . i listen to my lungs and head . hope you find good clones you like . that cherry pie is AWSOME and the GG#4 is good . but the sour and ghost i keep around always
Same here...

And I can tell I'm keeping sour & ghosts..I just love the way they grow...the blue dream not staying,I'll be running at least one plant of sfv(head stash),and hitting her with afghan joe...

Hells og,I'm run her a few times.


Well-Known Member
On the keeper subject,was the og a keeper from the start,or was it ran a few times,befor it became good?

Hope that make sense.
Same for the rest of the clones.
See I've smoked it before I grew it. It was so good to me and so unique. It was the flavor and buzz I've been chasing. When I first grew it, I loved it immediately. The more I grow it, the better it gets, dialing it in was the key. Trying different, but similar og's you can fine tune for your preference and notice the difference between them where is most won't.


Well-Known Member
I think te only point here is we all have stated that we are smoking bad ass strains that is getting it done for us and it has become our preference? Like I said before. Everybody seems to be smoking great weed. We are all happy?

The underlying crap that is going on is. Momma's of Mirica titty babied there boys too much. Kinda like "momma told me I am more special than everybody else". What I like is more special than what everybody else likes cause that's what momma told me.

LOL! You dudes are riot. Not very special but extremely entertaining.

Peace and love bro's and girls. And it's ok to feel special. :bigjoint:

It's not a matter of being satisfied with the weed we happen t have access to. MY point is that I have tried a load of different strains over the last 40 years of smoking…INCLUDING everything that's available on the commercial market of today…because I live in a legal state and I've had a MMJ card for years. Now with all that life-experience, you would think that I would run into the so-called "real thing" at least several times over that span….but nope. Instead, what I'm talking about isn't even included in the "weed is generally better than it used to be" discussion. I'm not arguing that old weed is better. It's just that this blueberry experience I had happened to be from a cat who has always been into his own thing -off the grid, let's say. And so maybe off-the-grid is where the real-deal shit still exists.

I mean, yeah, man…Have fun with the Amnesia Haze or whatever. Good for you and all that. I'm sure it's as good as you say it is -in your experience. I never would have believed that an old blueberry strain would have even held a candle to a lot of these modern strains….And, I've even smoked several strains that people called Blueberry…some of them smelled like blueberry muffins -the whole deal….but not the effect (or the rich flavor) of this particular cut -not even close -startlingly different, in fact. -wasn't just me -was several people who smoke regularly. EVERYONE got schooled that night. It pissed me off deep down, because I thought, "Fuck! I want to get high like THAT again!"

Trust me…I'd like nothing more than to go out and find shit like that on a regular basis…But it's going to likely boil down to meeting up with someone who has the right cut or maybe someone who has some seeds that might hold the potential for something truly great


Well-Known Member
It's not a matter of being satisfied with the weed we happen t have access to. MY point is that I have tried a load of different strains over the last 40 years of smoking…INCLUDING everything that's available on the commercial market of today…because I live in a legal state and I've had a MMJ card for years. Now with all that life-experience, you would think that I would run into the so-called "real thing" at least several times over that span….but nope. Instead, what I'm talking about isn't even included in the "weed is generally better than it used to be" discussion. I'm not arguing that old weed is better. It's just that this blueberry experience I had happened to be from a cat who has always been into his own thing -off the grid, let's say. And so maybe off-the-grid is where the real-deal shit still exists.

I mean, yeah, man…Have fun with the Amnesia Haze or whatever. Good for you and all that. I'm sure it's as good as you say it is -in your experience. I never would have believed that an old blueberry strain would have even held a candle to a lot of these modern strains….And, I've even smoked several strains that people called Blueberry…some of them smelled like blueberry muffins -the whole deal….but not the effect (or the rich flavor) of this particular cut -not even close -startlingly different, in fact. -wasn't just me -was several people who smoke regularly. EVERYONE got schooled that night. It pissed me off deep down, because I thought, "Fuck! I want to get high like THAT again!"

Trust me…I'd like nothing more than to go out and find shit like that on a regular basis…But it's going to likely boil down to meeting up with someone who has the right cut or maybe someone who has some seeds that might hold the potential for something truly great
Dude I ain't reading all that silly diatribe. I think we all agree that momma made you super special and we're all cool with it. Peace and love bro. :clap:

Stop trying so hard. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
It's not a matter of being satisfied with the weed we happen t have access to. MY point is that I have tried a load of different strains over the last 40 years of smoking…INCLUDING everything that's available on the commercial market of today…because I live in a legal state and I've had a MMJ card for years. Now with all that life-experience, you would think that I would run into the so-called "real thing" at least several times over that span….but nope. Instead, what I'm talking about isn't even included in the "weed is generally better than it used to be" discussion. I'm not arguing that old weed is better. It's just that this blueberry experience I had happened to be from a cat who has always been into his own thing -off the grid, let's say. And so maybe off-the-grid is where the real-deal shit still exists.

I mean, yeah, man…Have fun with the Amnesia Haze or whatever. Good for you and all that. I'm sure it's as good as you say it is -in your experience. I never would have believed that an old blueberry strain would have even held a candle to a lot of these modern strains….And, I've even smoked several strains that people called Blueberry…some of them smelled like blueberry muffins -the whole deal….but not the effect (or the rich flavor) of this particular cut -not even close -startlingly different, in fact. -wasn't just me -was several people who smoke regularly. EVERYONE got schooled that night. It pissed me off deep down, because I thought, "Fuck! I want to get high like THAT again!"

Trust me…I'd like nothing more than to go out and find shit like that on a regular basis…But it's going to likely boil down to meeting up with someone who has the right cut or maybe someone who has some seeds that might hold the potential for something truly great
I think you answered your own question earlier...

Most places are not wanting to pay for that top dollar smoke/growers don't want to let that good smoke go it stays in the Streets. Amongst family, friends...


Well-Known Member
The best strain, grown bad, is bad herb… My biggest gripe is the consumers, the people who think "it came from a dispensary, it must be top shelf". I grew long before there were dispensaries in podunk kansas… and spent a lot of time in Northern Cali and Colorado and even B.C… and my conclusion (which was never popular to locals in those places) is that while there may be more good weed in some places, the best of the best is just in who you know and what you grow. Thing is, until your friend or you produce quality buds of your own you really won't know what good bud is, high is one thing but smoothness, taste, smell and smoke ability matter too.

Thing with hybridizing is that some plants are more difficult to grow or have super lanky branches.. like the Chem family… Chem 91 can't grow without staking up branches, Chem DD pretty much same but that Chem 4 it holds it's own. I am old school, the strains I read about 17 years ago I want to grow.. I've managed to acquire old school Blueberry (dj shorts) ATF, Sensi Star and a few others that are available still in seed form. Without the old you wouldn't have the new and often I find that the old was better but someone probably wanted to make money on "their" cross so it was made.