Are you one who feels the bern really bad?


Well-Known Member
Are you also going to vote for Hillary?
Please voice your opinion on the matter here.

Hillary Clinton WILL be the democratic nominee.

If you don't get out and vote this election cycle, you could very well be electing whatever retard the Gop has unwillingly nominated.

How does that make you feel?
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Well-Known Member
Are you also going to vote for Hillary?
Please voice your opinion on the matter here.

Hillary Clinton WILL be the democrafic nominee.

If you don't get out and vote this election cycle, you could very well be electing whatever retard the Gop has unwillingly nominated.

How does that make you feel?
The only way I could justify voting for Clinton is if I was voting in a swing state


Well-Known Member
I might write in The Bern.

If everyone did, he'd win. Boy, would THAT send a message to the relevant party apparatchiks!

For those who would like this option, please remember that the correct spelling of his name is;



Well-Known Member
Are you also going to vote for Hillary?
Please voice your opinion on the matter here.

Hillary Clinton WILL be the democrafic nominee.

If you don't get out and vote this election cycle, you could very well be electing whatever retard the Gop has unwillingly nominated.

How does that make you feel?
Unknown.png Since '84


Well-Known Member
Trump aint GOP... They hate him because they cant control him.

And he certainly is not a conservative Republican. That would be Cruz.


Well-Known Member
I'm a registered Republican. My state has open elections in the primaries and I proudly cast my vote for Sanders and would do so again in November.

If he is not an option in November I will hold my nose and vote for the Republican. I'm not a fan of anyone they have right now.