Ask the Next Person A Question Game.


Well-Known Member
!!! I have a fresh batch of pruno in the toilet should be done in the AM..

If it takes me 12 minutes to get you off, and your parents will be home in 1 hour. How many times can I get you off before they arrive.

5 good sir.


A; he is

Q ;When someone asks you, "A penny for your thoughts," and you put your two cents in, what happens to the other penny?


Well-Known Member
A:Only one thing I can do, is Ding a Ding Dang My Danga LongLingLong !!!!!

Q: How many times would I have to roll over to get off of you after sex.
a: you wouldnt have to, lol i know better than be all clingy and shit, dont even expect a cuddle or even looking me in the eyes ;) jk jk
q: do you wanna partay like its 1999?