Ask the Next Person A Question Game.


A; only if we dont invite that bitch formaly known as prince
B if you where on top of the empire state building and had a bouncey ball would you go for it ?


Well-Known Member
a: Yes I just joined this Fooze-Ball Team last week thanks for noticing. & its leather.

Q: When will your plants be ready for harvest.


Well-Known Member
A: Urca is funny. <3
Q: Why is Urca so Funny.
a: cause its a fat chick defense mechanism. cant be pretty to most people, and if your a smart fat girl, you better be funny too or you'll have no friends. plus my dad rasied me, and he has a great sense of humor
q: weirdest place to fuck

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
a: cause its a fat chick defense mechanism. cant be pretty to most people, and if your a smart fat girl, you better be funny too or you'll have no friends. plus my dad rasied me, and he has a great sense of humor
q: weirdest place to fuck
sharing a bed with my exes cousin

where did all those bears come from??


Well-Known Member
A: Porta-Potty
Q: Do you find chocolate to be an afrodesiac or how ever you spell it.. DOES CANDY TURN YOU ON.


A i used to have a tiny jeep willys with a hardtop it was like the tinyest back seat but we made i work some how thought my jeep was ganna

Q who you ganna call