attitude seeds rox 100% approval rating,no rips


Well-Known Member
no,i tried purple lightening about 6 years ago. real strong .low yield though.they didnt turn purple either . and was supposed to 50% of the plants


Well-Known Member
just put a order in with attitude..spent the 30 some extra bucks on the international stealth express guarenteed makes me feel that much better...and you get a t-shirt:bigjoint:...i got:the NEW EXCLUSIVE AUTO AK47 X AUTO HINDU KUSH F1 HYBRED..:mrgreen::blsmoke:bongsmilie:peace: i prey they get to me :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
no this will be the frist auto i do i seen the ak47 was in a 5gal bucket it was like 3 hopeing the hindu and master kush will make it more dense and going to do a seed run with the first 10 beans..


Well-Known Member
you do know you have to have that male growing in another room growing once flowering starts. you dont pollenate the female till35 days into flowering.once pollenated it no longer produces bud growth and puts all its energy to seed making youll thousands of seeds, the pot will be worthless, not worth a shit, but have seeds.if pollinated to early very small skimpy ,prmature buds, with premature seeds.
wat you do wen you get ready to pollenate the female turn all fans off, put a trash bag over each plant, except lower branches where some nice buds are . lightly tap the male , a small amnt of dust{pollen}will fall onto the exposed buds, does not need but just a little..remove bags off the plants . in 2 to 3 weeks you will have sensi and seeds.been there ,done that. i had to give up my other room so i cant do it no more.:weed:


Well-Known Member
thanks....but i want about 1000 seed if i can...ill be happy with 100..i think im going to start a sog once i got my also gives me the op of breding the better of the bunch


Well-Known Member
Iv been debaiting if i should get some low rider or low life seeds over the net but it soundz like you all like it wat seeds should i go wit for the ag


Well-Known Member
spend a little more go with serious seeds or sensi seed breeders ,excellent gen. and if you do seeds, youll have the strongest gen. in the world.


Well-Known Member
do you know that Howrd Marks is doing a grow journal from his basement he just started. youve heard of Mr. nice seeds. well hes mr. nice.
i just ordered hisMr. Nice g13 hashplant sensi seeds.
yea attitude it is. Heres you a short cut to get there dude.


Well-Known Member
my order just leaving uk. on its way here, just needs to get through. using trak and trace . it may not trace far in the u.s. but it shows your beans were sent.:leaf: