Beignets for breakfast..?


Well-Known Member
You know what my sister uses? She's got a mix, and I swear it's labeled Cafe du Monde, and it's super easy to use. Hers came out a lot different than mine, I'm pretty sure I rolled them too thick. They were huge (as in WAY bigger than my fist). :lol: They make my ass look fat(ter), too. No, not look, BE.


You know what my sister uses? She's got a mix, and I swear it's labeled Cafe du Monde, and it's super easy to use. Hers came out a lot different than mine, I'm pretty sure I rolled them too thick. They were huge (as in WAY bigger than my fist). :lol: They make my ass look fat(ter), too. No, not look, BE.

fat asses are good.... just sucks when the rest of the body gets fat too:lol:... but i like a big ole booty:hump:


Well-Known Member
As you see, though, BG, I made way too many and had to give them away. :)

Dave will only kick ass in the kitchen if you try to sneak bites of what he's cooking. :lol: Talk about a scolding!


Well-Known Member
Anyone care for some homemade beignets for breakfast? I ended up making a lot, and they're really much better fresh. Gogrow, what do you think of my first attempt? Dave ate three big ones, and I almost had a panic because I thought I'd run out of powdered sugar (it's not a beignet without the powdered sugar). :) How do you take your coffee? This is vacuum brewed, whatever beans Dave gets, he makes a wicked cup o' joe fo' sho'! I like mine sweet and white, mmm.. Oh! and be sure to take a napkin with you.

You and Dave are coming over here and we're gunna enjoy some niiiice coffee and some niiice cookin'!
Ph03nix and i love to cook too, and I just appreciate a really good coffee.

We'll cook some fresh garlic prawns, some damper. I'll do a souffle omelette to die for. We'll also score some nice Barra or freshwater Jew. Maybe some nice Queensland Mud Crab?

Or a rump that melts in your mouth?

Or, if meat isn't to your fancy, how about some fresh Lychee, mango, Pineapple, watermelon, peaches, pears, cherries, apricots, plums, bananas, pawpaw (Papaya), Rockmelon, Honeydew, Carambola!


Well-Known Member
You two will have to make a decision on where in Oz you want to go now. We'll be your guides.:mrgreen::mrgreen:
Magnetic Island. I hear there's good diving (we're SCUBA divers)from there, reasonable room rates, and close to the rain forests of Queensland, true?


Well-Known Member
Magnetic Island. I hear there's good diving (we're SCUBA divers)from there, reasonable room rates, and close to the rain forests of Queensland, true?
Yes... sort of... and sort of. But Magnetic sucks... you don't want to go there. The natives aren't real friendly. Remind me to tell you a story about a nightmarish drive down the mountain in a soft-top Californian Moke one day...

We know a spot where we could stay for free. The digs are a little primitive (about as basic as you can get), but the diving... well, you guys would be able to swim out about 50 metres or so from the beach and be right in amongst the reef fish. A 50 metre walk in the opposite direction will have you so deep in the rainforest that you won't see the sky. You'll see so many species of animals and birds in the wild, and there's a couple of good spots close by that have amazing waterfalls and crystal clear creeks. And if you really want to get back to civilisation, it's only a couple of hours or so to Cooktown.

Gryph says he'll make you a deal... We'll go into the forest and hunt down a suckling pig for the spit and then we'll dig up a few mud crabs from the mangroves... but you guys will have to be in charge of catching and cooking the fish... and the beignets, of course.

Does that sound alright?


Well-Known Member
Yes... sort of... and sort of. But Magnetic sucks... you don't want to go there. The natives aren't real friendly. Remind me to tell you a story about a nightmarish drive down the mountain in a soft-top Californian Moke one day...
Moke, as in Mokelumne River..? :shock: If you've been there you have no idea just how close you came. But, who needs people, really? The lonelier the better as far as I'm concerned. :)
We know a spot where we could stay for free. The digs are a little primitive (about as basic as you can get), but the diving... well, you guys would be able to swim out about 50 metres or so from the beach and be right in amongst the reef fish. A 50 metre walk in the opposite direction will have you so deep in the rainforest that you won't see the sky. You'll see so many species of animals and birds in the wild, and there's a couple of good spots close by that have amazing waterfalls and crystal clear creeks. And if you really want to get back to civilisation, it's only a couple of hours or so to Cooktown.
Only to supply up, maybe grab a bite to eat where someone serves you once in a while. Otherwise, keep it as human-free as possible and you'll make me happy. It's not that I don't like people, but... maybe it is that I don't like people. :lol:
Gryph says he'll make you a deal... We'll go into the forest and hunt down a suckling pig for the spit and then we'll dig up a few mud crabs from the mangroves... but you guys will have to be in charge of catching and cooking the fish... and the beignets, of course.

Does that sound alright?
Just fried up a second batch, they came out SUPERBLY. These are much more like what a beignet should be, lightly crispy on the outside, and so tender as to almost be like custard, or biting nothing, on the inside. 8)
Made the dough last night, so this morning it was a much quicker affair. I can help with that suckling pig, used to raise pigs when I was a kid and suckling pigs are DELICIOUS. I am calling the ears right now. :D


Well-Known Member
Moke, as in Mokelumne River..? :shock: If you've been there you have no idea just how close you came.
:grin: No, we've definitely never been outside of Aus. I meant Moke as in Mini Moke Californian... one of these...

It was a day that I prefer to forget... a bunch of drunks in a Moke, tearing down the mountain side... *brrr* Put it this way, right before the cops pulled the driver over and dragged him away, I considered wrapping a rope around his neck to stop him. By that time it didn't enter my head that we could all crash off the edge of the mountain. I have never been so glad to see a cop in my whole life. :o Needless to say the whole day left a bad taste in my mouth.

But, who needs people, really? The lonelier the better as far as I'm concerned. :)

Only to supply up, maybe grab a bite to eat where someone serves you once in a while. Otherwise, keep it as human-free as possible and you'll make me happy. It's not that I don't like people, but... maybe it is that I don't like people. :lol:
I know what you mean. I'd be quite happy to live away from civilisation permanently. We'll supply up on everything we could need... any special requests, just let us know.

I can help with that suckling pig, used to raise pigs when I was a kid and suckling pigs are DELICIOUS. I am calling the ears right now. :D
Okaaay. You can have them if you like. Around here, that's usually what the dogs get for bringing the pig down, if you have pig dogs. Luckily for you, we don't... only Jack... and he'd just want to play with the pig.

So, just to tempt you guys a little more, I googled and found some pictures that were taken in the same area we're thinking of... round or about. Well, this is the type of stuff you could expect to see, anyway...



Well-Known Member

Thanks for sharing the pics, but you certainly don't need to convince us. Seriously...we do intend on visiting Australia just as soon as we can. We've done Bali, The Cook Islands, Puerto Rico, Belize, Guam so it's time we consider Australia, yes? One of the "wayward" boys that I cared for years ago hailed from there. His grandmother lives down Melbourne way right on the beach where all the penguins congregate. She had some awesome pics from that region as well.

Now as for the grub...Pork is awesome. I just made a superb Chili Verde. And the coffee? I've got some of the best Columbian Peaberry coffee that you'll taste. When I brew it in our vacuum pot, it's simply perfection. :)


Well-Known Member
This is my geek; as I'm scrolling through the pictures, I'm naming the fish. Oh, there are some anthias, a tomato clown, better watch your wrasse! (It is not pronounced "ross-ee", like a he-she did on one of our tattoo shows, that was some funny shit right right there, I spent the whole show trying to figure out what this "ross-ee" fish was he-she was talking about, and finally they show the tattoo, and I busted up laughing, that's a WRASSE! :lol:)

Jesus, do I go off on tangents, or what?