Bernie Sanders Spearheads a Call to Defeat Our System that Deliberately Creates Massive Poverty


Well-Known Member
But did you know that white people do not know what life in the ghetto is according to Bernard the Retard AKA Bernie "I like Titties" Sanders.
Confusing seeing how the ghetto was introduce to describe were Jewish people who were restricted and segregated lived. Wait... is Bernie not Jewish and white ?
so then YOU don't like titties?


Well-Known Member

Literally the first result in Google.

Are you naturally this stupid or do you have to work at it?
How dumb can Bernie supporters be? The man talking about rich getting richer and how unfair it is...and he goes out and buys his THIRD fucking home while you fools defend him. The fucker has one pad in the Washington D.C. neighborhood of Capitol Hill where the median home price is roughly $726,000, another in Vermont values at approximately $320,000. He then puts down 600k for a new beach home, whilst his dumb ass supporters say it is ok because Janes family GAVE them a home and they sold it to get this third one. WTF. Is this the same Jane that received a fraudulent loan with the help of Bernie. Is this the same Jane who ran a college into bankruptcy and then received a nice parachute package out the door.

I have two homes, with one now a rental property. The first was achieved when me and the wife first married, the second was purchase as our family got bigger. Was not given anything and we both busted our arse to achieve what we have. Bernie is a lazy fucking SOB who has done nothing in his time in government and his wife is a fraudulent failure.
Who gets kicked out a commune for being fucking LAZY...Bernie. Who took 40 years to earn a fucking paycheck...Bernie. Just promise other lazy fuck fucks free shit and BAM you are a fucking hero.


Well-Known Member
so then YOU don't like titties?
Do you enjoy intercourse with your man — as you fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.
do you believe a man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused.

Your Bernie wrote some sick shit. Did it turn you on?


Well-Known Member
I've noticed Bernie supporters defend him not being a democrat, but at the same time are upset with dems not giving their nomination to an outsider.
Barnie supporters begin with the conclusion (Barnie is a Saint who should be President right now) and work their way back to create whatever fantasy is necessary to support it. If they end up saying insane things or quoting totally bogus news, that's ok - Barnie is a saint who should be President right now.


Well-Known Member
But that's because the MSM is blacking him out. Because Barnie is a saint who should be President right now.
oh, I get it.

MSM blacked out reports on what he hasn't done which is why Bernie's followers are angry that MSM hasn't reported what he has done even though there is nothing to report in that area. It's so clear now.


Well-Known Member
oh, I get it.

MSM blacked out reports on what he hasn't done which is why Bernie's followers are angry that MSM hasn't reported what he has done even though there is nothing to report in that area. It's so clear now.
Exactly. They criticize the "MSM" for not reporting on the things they want to hear (usually Barnie saying words) because they are certain that the entire country, even red states, have a hidden majority that is in favor of Progressive policies (those are progressive policies brought up by Progressives, not progressive policies brought up by progressives) if only the MSM would not black them out so they could hear about them and respond with the same sort of empty adulation as they do. Because Barnie is supposed to be President right now; do your homework. All other outcomes are illegitimate.

If you stopped living in your own little echo chamber, you would know that.


Well-Known Member
How dumb can Bernie supporters be? The man talking about rich getting richer and how unfair it is...and he goes out and buys his THIRD fucking home while you fools defend him. The fucker has one pad in the Washington D.C. neighborhood of Capitol Hill where the median home price is roughly $726,000, another in Vermont values at approximately $320,000. He then puts down 600k for a new beach home, whilst his dumb ass supporters say it is ok because Janes family GAVE them a home and they sold it to get this third one. WTF. Is this the same Jane that received a fraudulent loan with the help of Bernie. Is this the same Jane who ran a college into bankruptcy and then received a nice parachute package out the door.

I have two homes, with one now a rental property. The first was achieved when me and the wife first married, the second was purchase as our family got bigger. Was not given anything and we both busted our arse to achieve what we have. Bernie is a lazy fucking SOB who has done nothing in his time in government and his wife is a fraudulent failure.
Who gets kicked out a commune for being fucking LAZY...Bernie. Who took 40 years to earn a fucking paycheck...Bernie. Just promise other lazy fuck fucks free shit and BAM you are a fucking hero.
@schuylaar is right; it's natural.


Well-Known Member
I've noticed Bernie supporters defend him not being a democrat, but at the same time are upset with dems not giving their nomination to an outsider.
Our country's electoral system is rigged.

The whole planet knows it. The only ones who remain fooled are American citizens.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. They criticize the "MSM" for not reporting on the things they want to hear (usually Barnie saying words) because they are certain that the entire country, even red states, have a hidden majority that is in favor of Progressive policies (those are progressive policies brought up by Progressives, not progressive policies brought up by progressives) if only the MSM would not black them out so they could hear about them and respond with the same sort of empty adulation as they do. Because Barnie is supposed to be President right now; do your homework. All other outcomes are illegitimate.

If you stopped living in your own little echo chamber, you would know that.
MSM should have a segment each night that reports exactly what Sanders hasn't done that day. Break the media conspiracy that denies us what we need to know.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. They criticize the "MSM" for not reporting on the things they want to hear (usually Barnie saying words) because they are certain that the entire country, even red states, have a hidden majority that is in favor of Progressive policies (those are progressive policies brought up by Progressives, not progressive policies brought up by progressives) if only the MSM would not black them out so they could hear about them and respond with the same sort of empty adulation as they do. Because Barnie is supposed to be President right now; do your homework. All other outcomes are illegitimate.

If you stopped living in your own little echo chamber, you would know that.
I get it; you'd rather hear the Chump saying words.


Well-Known Member
Our country's electoral system is rigged.

The whole planet knows it. The only ones who remain fooled are American citizens.
Here we go again.

tty has incredible powers of observation and sees truth when everybody else is fooled.

The great tty who has never accomplished anything of note. Doesn't work and hasn't for practically all his life. Has never been able to maintain a healthy relationship with another and lives alone in a (reportedly) dirty hovel. But HE SEES ALL!!!