Blue Mountian Organics


Well-Known Member
oh haha that makes sense if you didn't purchase them. I was just assuming that you got the whole BMO package deal off eBay. that's what I did and my plants are loving every bit of BMO so far. well everything except the FP as my girls aren't flowering yet :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
sounds good, if you haven't already the only thing I would recommend is a general hydro PH up and PH down kit to keep things in check. It's almost as if the myco life sent my PH through the 8 range several times on me and if it wasn't for the kit, I would have lost the crop for sure. GL to ya


Well-Known Member
I ordered some BMO a few weeks ago based on the favourable reviews in this thread. I followed all storage instructions including keeping the caps slightly it was a big surprise to find chunks of mold floating at the top of my "grow it green" bottle this morning.

Should I consider the whole bottle contaminated and toss it? This sucks...I need to water today and will have to use hydro nutes now...could not be more disappointed so far.



Well-Known Member
I ordered some BMO a few weeks ago based on the favourable reviews in this thread. I followed all storage instructions including keeping the caps slightly it was a big surprise to find chunks of mold floating at the top of my "grow it green" bottle this morning.

Should I consider the whole bottle contaminated and toss it? This sucks...I need to water today and will have to use hydro nutes now...could not be more disappointed so far.
dude so did mine !!!! email bmo


Active Member
Ha Ha Ha The soil is full of mold, bacteria, and all sorts of little critters. So are compost piles. Some in a bottle has you worried.
It probably isn't mold anyway. And even if it is, just pour it out, scoop out the mold and pour it back in, if it worries you. Where are you storing your ferts in a dark, dank celler (mold country) ? I keep mine in the fridge, sometimes that plant fiber settles in the bottom, I say, so what, it doesn't hurt anything. When I get down to the last oz or so, I just toss it in the compost pile. The PH on the GIG stuff is pretty low, like 4.5 or 5, I don't even think mold can grow below 5.
Compost from my compost pile is full of mold and other microlife, and my plants love it. They grow big fat kick ass buds that will nail your ass to the couch, stoned to the bone. If a few chunks in the bottle worry you, organics isn't for you. Organic ferts are chunky, cloudy, dark, stinky and full of life. For pretty colors, less stink and no chunks, you need chemical ferts. I'm not recommending chem shit, I'm just saying that chem ferts come in pretty colors. LOL


Well-Known Member
Should I consider the whole bottle contaminated and toss it? This sucks...I need to water today and will have to use hydro nutes now...could not be more disappointed so far.
206.... No, the whole bottle is not contaminated, don't toss it. If that is mold, then it can only grow on the surface of water / ferts not in it. Mold requires a constant source of oxygen. Soil bourne molds also require oxygen, but a lower levels and generally don't grow on liquids.
Sometimes, bacteria in organic ferts will saturate semi-solid particles in a fertilizer eating into them. If they are soft like cellulose, when these bacteria fart, the methane will cause the cellulose to float upwards, like a small ballon.
Once at the surface, this little island of bacteria and cellulose can become a place for mold to set up shop. Or what you see floating could just be a large colony of fungi and/or bacteria. Simply dropping a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide into your bottle will kill everything on the surface, but is not enough to damage the rest of the bacteria in the mix.
Or you could just dump it out, like Catincombs said. Even if it's a common household mold, it will not ruin your ferts or hurt Mary. Or do a combination of both of these. But honestly, it's really nothing to worry about.
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real....Organic.....


Well-Known Member
mine have chunks floating in and on top of it as well. i always assumed this was alright and natural and wouldn't harm plants. should i contact bmo?
Sombody041.... The chunks are no big deal. True organic fert have them. Most often it's fungal colonies, plant cellulose, or a combo of the two. Both are good for the soil, adding life and nutrients/trace minerals to it. The fungi breakdown insoluble sources of NPK, the cellulose is a food source for both fungi and bacteria, plus it has some trace minerals.
Just like my peanut butter, I also like chunky ferts.....
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real...Organic....


Well-Known Member
i asked them why and this is tracys responce

Hey tracy,, why is their mold in my GIG

Mold will not grow in the Grow It Green. What you are seeing is cellulose falling out of the mix and settling, because of the humic acid in it. This plant cellulose comes in trace amounts from when we extract minerals from the comfrey, there is no way to completely eliminate it without using a harsh chemical. This cellulose is very soft and will not harm plants or damage pumps. You can simply strain it out with a paper coffee filter to remove it. It will not hurt a thing.


Well-Known Member
OHSO: where on your chart should i start my nutes if im growing autoflower? thye only need a regiment of flowering nutes, but what way do you suggest i do this?


Well-Known Member
OHSO: where on your chart should i start my nutes if im growing autoflower? thye only need a regiment of flowering nutes, but what way do you suggest i do this?
GhopZZ.... Autoflowering strains tend to need very little feeding as a rule. If you start them, in a good quality soil like Happy Frog or Natures Blend (both very mild nute wise), they will grow from breaking the surface to day 20 (the week they generally show sex) with no added ferts.
At day 20, I'd mix up my grow fert at 25 percent of the recommended mixing strength and water it in. Then 10 days later, I'd use my bloom fert, at 25 percent of the recommended mixing strength. Let ten more days go by and use the grow fert again at 25 percent of the recommended mixing strength. Let ten more days go by, and use the bloom fert at 1/2 the recommended mixing strength.
After that water only & let them coast to the finish line. The larger fan leaves will yellow and may fall off, but so what. That way you are sure, the extra ferts in the soil have been used up and the plant is stripping N from the fan leaves in order to finish. Plants without excess ferts in their tissues (smaller leaves/buds) smoke smoother and taste better.
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real....Organic.....


Well-Known Member
I thought I would chime in and say that Ive been using BMO for about 3 weeks or so and it works great. I think I could even use less than the recommended dosage. I still have a few other things in my line up but these are quickly becoming my favorites. Particularly the SPT. Soaked my rockwool in it and root growth was great for cloning. I highly recommend giving this stuff a shot to anyone. I am growing in 100% perlite Hempy buckets. :-)
Ok this is my first time growing so these questions prolly sound stupid. But I just want to make sure I'm doing things right.
Ok. Say your giving them GIG STP and FP all on one day. I'm guessing just mix all of the nutes together in the same water right?
I know with the Foliar Harmony it says how much to mix into the water. But how much should I spray onto the plants? Do I just kind of cover them with mist?
Also, Can I mix these with tap water? Or will the chemicals in it kill the living bacteria in the nutes? I don't really want to spend a ton of money on bottled water if it isn't necessary.


Well-Known Member
Ok this is my first time growing so these questions prolly sound stupid. But I just want to make sure I'm doing things right.
Ok. Say your giving them GIG STP and FP all on one day. I'm guessing just mix all of the nutes together in the same water right?
I know with the Foliar Harmony it says how much to mix into the water. But how much should I spray onto the plants? Do I just kind of cover them with mist?
Also, Can I mix these with tap water? Or will the chemicals in it kill the living bacteria in the nutes? I don't really want to spend a ton of money on bottled water if it isn't necessary.

if i need to give GIG and FP, i give it at the same time, but i normally alternate between feeding and SPT.

you can mix with tap water if your water doesn't have chlorine or cloramine. you'll have to check with your water company on that one.
Hey guys, about a month in on some Lowryder 2's. All organic grow and loving what I'm seeing. BMO products, from what I've seen, are so much gentler on plants than hardcore chem ferts and I'll never grow without BMO again.

Got a question for you guys. My girls are just beginning to flower and up until this point I have been giving them small boosts of Foliar Harmony in between feedings. Should I discontinue foliar feeding my babies now that they are obviously starting to flower?

They had just started shooting out pistils last time I foliar fed and the next day I noticed the pistils had turned reddish-brown, I'm assuming that means I need to stop. Can any of you enlighten me?

Thanks in advance