Bored enuf to cut!


Well-Known Member
I read conflicting opinions on cutting leaves. I mean later in flower and trimming leaves to allow more light to budd sites. Now i have heard both sides of this arguement. As a lurker i wud have to report that most folks say dont! cut any fan leaves or leaves. Theirs no point and they state a lotta scientifc evidence that leaves are the engines of the girls and also fan leaves fall of later and the little leaves do the work, etc. etc. This morning one guy said he always cuts 75 percnt of the leves off in flower and showed good pics of some killer shit. I am so bored and am an impatient grower, damn, i love to tweek my plants!, so i wanna cut some fan leave to expose more lower buds or at least parts of plant that doesn't get the light other sections have been getting, I got 4 weeks maybe left, and the fan leaves are yellowing anyway as they transfer energy making power over to the little leaves who are flourishing under my wink ungodly skill , lol, and i was dying to try it. Any evidence that the lights help the buds directly. I always hear its the leaves that matter and i might ave said i have been previously inclined to agree with this.:weed:


Well-Known Member
there are no "two sides". leaves are like solar panels. they aren't "blocking light" they are "collecting light". plain and simple.


New Member
No offense, sounds like newbie jitters to me. In the beginning you just wanna "Do" for your plant. Thats why so many new growers plants get over watered, over fed etc. After awhile you will learn to let it just "be" and you will find you have far less to "Do".

I see no reason to remove a healthy green leaf, I do remove yellow leaves and see no reason to leave them as they are more of a stress on the plant but i leave the healthy ones to grow. Go read a book or play a game, watch tv or something, just leave the poor gal alone.

Good Luck


New Member
you'd be much better off trimming the branches that aren't getting light.
Now this is good advice, i have even removed lower bud sites before, they ain't gonna do shit anyway. Remove them and let the plant devote it's energies to where it is needed.


Well-Known Member
It is noobie excitement, and no i will not cut the plant. actually i am a bigger fan of lst, at least for the first grow i dont want anything to go wrong. I just having fun gents dont worry about me. I can spend hours just in my tent, i frickin swear! I got one plant and i pollinated her. Some of her seeds are about to pop. That will be fun. I love dwc!


Well-Known Member
I wondered if it was too stress ful tho to cut the plant in flower for it. Id love to trim the lower extremely small sites off. As i understand it, dont cut leaves, they do the work and cut worthles buds they taking extra energy. ANy fqs, i going to look now, on light actually on the bud sights? Does that i wonder do any good?


Well-Known Member
woulf u suggest i just cut the lower branches fan leaves bud sights and everythimg? Like a lollipop almost. Because that would be cool. LOl, i dont know if i could. Well i did clone her to a 100 succes rate and they in flower. Cn u clone a fan leaf? Hell i shud clone all the branches for a side project! This really is my hobby and pasttime for fun so i experiment on all manner of weird shit to keep my hands off the big girl till she gives me her digits!


New Member
I see a lot of people cutting off a large portion of lower branches cuz they don't produce how people think they should. I feel you would be better off to leave the plant be, then at harvest, crop only the top nugs that have decent size. Let the lower branches go another few weeks and they'll produce a nice second harvest for you. I can pretty much guarantee any extra "umph" the plant would put into the tops if there weren't any lowers would be outweighed by the kind of staggered harvest I'm talking about.


Well-Known Member
reps to E.S! thas ounds like a good idea. Plus the girls just went "light out" for night! Reps to yu all, this was a fun topic!


Well-Known Member
I see a lot of people cutting off a large portion of lower branches cuz they don't produce how people think they should. I feel you would be better off to leave the plant be, then at harvest, crop only the top nugs that have decent size. Let the lower branches go another few weeks and they'll produce a nice second harvest for you. I can pretty much guarantee any extra "umph" the plant would put into the tops if there weren't any lowers would be outweighed by the kind of staggered harvest I'm talking about.
that doesn't work. just trim the bottoms. IMG_6351.jpg


New Member
This is the kind of thing I'm talking about. People vegging these huge plants only to cut off half the growth at the most critical time. Why you veg the plants so long if you're just going to trim it all off?

Gotta keep the plants short when you're growing inside or grow vertical.


Well-Known Member
whats pretty much gurantee mean ES? I have to trust expereince. I have seen what it can do and i know from experience that specualtion and what shud happen is rearly right! I have a plant a month in flower. Do yu guys think i shud do what fdd did. I not sure becasue it looks liek u might have doen that to help in light penetraion. Mine is short and kinda patheric i just note that the lower buds are way smaller, altho some of theri seeds are showing first. It's weird the lower nugs are almost only seeds! The seeds look huge on my tiny plant, It wud be funny to pull them off now and see what happens. I know the plant gives a lot of energyto the seeds, i wonder if some nugs wud be stronger in potentcy. Not concerned so much i need thsoe seeds for a good size crop!


New Member
whats pretty much gurantee mean ES? I have to trust expereince. I have seen what it can do and i know from experience that specualtion and what shud happen is rearly right! I have a plant a month in flower. Do yu guys think i shud do what fdd did. I not sure becasue it looks liek u might have doen that to help in light penetraion. Mine is short and kinda patheric i just note that the lower buds are way smaller, altho some of theri seeds are showing first. It's weird the lower nugs are almost only seeds! The seeds look huge on my tiny plant, It wud be funny to pull them off now and see what happens. I know the plant gives a lot of energyto the seeds, i wonder if some nugs wud be stronger in potentcy. Not concerned so much i need thsoe seeds for a good size crop!
"Pretty much guarantee" is dependent on the capabilities of your plant and you skills as a grower. Lemme put it this way.... I can do it with my plants.

There is nothing for the light to penetrate to. He didn't trim the top to allow light to the bottom, he just cut off the bottom to be done with it.

I'm just pointing out it took weeks to grow everything that was cut off. Nothing right or wrong about it. Gotta do what's best for you.
