CannaButter Fail


I bought butter from the dispensary the other day, realized it was 1348913294732409 times cheaper to make it myself so I went and bought some butter and threw in some ground up trimmings and water and I was ready to go.

Ok so it's not a's super potent, I licked the stirring spoon clean when I was done and a half hour later I was on the couch watching DVR for 6 hours.

The fail is, I put 12 sticks of butter in, went through the whole process perfectly, and in the end, it yielded 7 CannaBudder sticks.

Any thoughts into what i did wrong? I scraped the whole crockpot, squeezed every drop of liquid out of the mash in the cheesecloth, (it literally was 98% dry when i was done.

When I cut the cooled butter up and drained all of the water, I heated it up in my double boiler. It went perfectly and i completely scraped the pan

But I still got only 7 sticks (and exactly 7 sticks of budder. Any thoughts or tips.


Well-Known Member
WAIT?? WRONG??? I see nothing wrong... tell me how much you used total in pot? I have used 4 sticks butter 2 oz and cooked for 6 hours in a crock pot and the butter did little to nothing.. have stopped making oils-butters and just decarb the weed and then dry sift the weed (it looks like keif after it's been crushed up )

also what strain too?


I used 3....maybe 3.5 oz of ground up leaves and popcorn bud, 3 lbs of butter and 3 cups of water.

The thing wrong, somehow I lost 5 sticks worth of butter in the process....for me, that's $125 of product..

I just figured, if you put 12 sticks'd get at least 11 sticks back, if not all 12


Well-Known Member
Its because the sticks of butter contain water... once you melt them down the water is released in the straining/seperating process + you have evaporation during the simmering.


Well-Known Member
There are solids in the butter. These got strained out. If you make clarified butter first, you should get better results.


Well-Known Member
Ya or maybe the Trim was dry as well and sucks up some .. plus evaporation... UNLESS .. it was the HYDRATION FAIRY >.... HMMM?

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
some of the butter stayed with the bud it always is like that for me but i dont make that much at a time i make a stick or 2 and end up loosing a quarter of it or less