Car batteries for POWER?


Active Member
Why don't you see how fast they spin with a little straw in the video and never forget that people of your ilk once also thought the world was flat:mrgreen:

I have already seen the video. Yes, wow! Fast spinning balls... I've seen this experiment in other Magazines before. I don't think anyone but you claims more energy out then in though.

That has nothing to do with anything. You stated you get more energy out then in. It is simply impossible. Have you ever seen a Tesla Turbine? They spin VERY fast on just air also, but you can actually connect it to a generator. But again, Energy out will always be less then in. ESPECIALLY with spinning balls. These aren't even magnetically levitated to further reduce friction.

That comment about the world being flat... Wow.. Nice way to use a Straw Man attack. Doesn't help your science violating arguements any.

AGAIN, what is this magic equation you spoke of? Where is the energy coming for the Air? How are you making up for frictional losses? You never answered my legit questions. Instead you chose to insult me.

To rebuttle your straw man attack also, You mention "people of my ilk" without taking into concideration that the "people of your ilk", for thousands of years, have yet to produce a single working prototype that runs forever. These Laws have yet to be violated.
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Well-Known Member
those marbles were hauling ass though......

i am no enginer or master mechanic or physics major and this is just a question....isnt a gears main function to produce more force or power out than is put i said just a not really looking to have my intelligence attacked here....
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Active Member
those marbles were hauling ass though......

i am no enginer or master mechanic or physics major and this is just a question....isnt a gears main function to produce more force or power out than is put i said just a not really looking to have my intelligence attacked here....
The same principle applies that I posted above.

Gears don't produce any more power then what is put in. They will actually produce LESS then what is put in due to frictional losses. However, as you notice on a bicycle, there is a trade off. Higher the Gear, harder it is to peddle, but faster the wheel will turn. Lower the gear, it is easier to peddle, but requires you to pump your legs twice as fast as the wheel doesn't turn as quick. (that may be reversed, I haven't ridden a bike in a while) It is all about the Gear Ratio to determine how much power is being transfered at what ratio. It is like a form of compression for effort. Say one rotation of the peddles produces one turn of the wheel. This is 1:1 and can be taken as a base line. Now if you have a ratio of 1 Peddle:2 Turns of the wheel, the ammount of effort you as the rider has to put in has doubled for the same speed. However, this is why once you get up to speed, you start shifting up (like in a car). It makes the best use of the effort being put out. You as a human can only peddle so fast, so gears are there to compensate.

might find a better explination at Gear - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and a bike is a good example of these spinning balls. Without you contining to peddle, sure you keep going, but at some point you will stop. (if flat or going up hill, obviously downhill you have gravity accelerating you.
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Active Member
Consider yourself lucky to have just been insulted by the violator :mrgreen:
You have shown nothing, thus violated nothing. Your theories and math don't hold up to the current science. There are a ton of spinning ball videos on youtube, none of them are perpetual. Didn't you say you haven't built or physically tested your theory?

All you have shown is a video with balls being blown on that causes them to rotate. Wind turbines do the same thing but no one claims they are perpetual motion.

Is there a reason you don't bother to answer any of the real questions and prefer to make silly comments like the one above?

Where is the power coming for the Air? Is is being powered by the rotation of the ball? If not, why do you need the air? Will the balls stop spinning without it? If they are perpetual, why do they need air supplementation?
What the heck was that equation? What do the variables stand for?


Well-Known Member
Nat, I am impressed by a lot of what you do , but you are definitely fighting a loosing battle here. You cannot ever get more energy out than energy in, period. I believe its call the "conservation law" or something like that if you want to read about it.

In fact this isn't effecient whats so ever. You basically invented something to make a windmill less effecient. Or a new exotic service. Thats it, you invented a straw that can be used as an air dryer for men's balls. Can't wait to see the the infomercial...

If someone were to invent something that could output more energy than the amount of energy inputed it would be the biggest discovery known to mankind. It would solve everything from world hunger to pollution. I doubt that will come from this board, there are some amazing minds devoteing their entire lives to this, or just making it the loss of energy in the conversion process less signifigant....
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Active Member
Nat, I am impressed by a lot of what you do , but you are definitely fighting a loosing battle here. You cannot ever get more energy out than energy in, period. I believe its call the "conservation law" or something like that if you want to read about it.

The law of the Conservation of Energy... I already linked to it above, but he didn't seem to care or take notice.

I mean, I would LOVE for him to be right, but it would mean a major technological break through, and like you said... I doubt it would come from these boards.

Especially given the billions of dollars that sort of technology would be worth under patent.


Well-Known Member
There is no point in arguing wuth a believer in perpetual motion. They have a different set of standards for science then the rest of the world. Delusonal , yes , but harmless, like the people who see Elvis at the7-11.


Well-Known Member
There is no point in arguing wuth a believer in perpetual motion. They have a different set of standards for science then the rest of the world. Delusonal , yes , but harmless, like the people who see Elvis at the7-11.
the king loves his slurppies and 99cent big bites:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
The US Patent office will consider patenting all concepts and devices, but one thing, perpetual motion. The ONLY exception to a patent on perpetual motion would be if someone, somehow, creates a cold fusion reactor or similar device. In that case more power is, in theory, produced than is consumed.

People have tried to patent perpetual motion with magnets a thousand times and have been refused.


Active Member
Perpetual motion and 'free energy' are taxes on people who don't understand science. natmoon's spinning balls stop spinning when he stops blowing. Energy is introduced to the mechanism every time he blows. It is not perpetual motion when energy must be introduced to keep the system going.

No way you can get more energy out than in- and just saying you've done it doesn't make it true. Your system must be replicated independently by other researchers before you can even call your case valid.


Active Member
I answered all of your questions already,you just didn't hear me:mrgreen:
I guess about all you can do at this point is lie. You haven't come close to bothering to answer them.

The US Patent office will consider patenting all concepts and devices, but one thing, perpetual motion. The ONLY exception to a patent on perpetual motion would be if someone, somehow, creates a cold fusion reactor or similar device. In that case more power is, in theory, produced than is consumed.

People have tried to patent perpetual motion with magnets a thousand times and have been refused.
They will patent a perpetual motion device IF YOU HAVE A WORKING MODEL. Not just a theory.

From wikipedia on perpetual motion:

Devising such inoperable machines has become common enough that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has made an official policy of refusing to grant patents for perpetual motion machines without a working model. One reason for this concern, according to various skeptics, is that a few "inventors" have used official patents to convince gullible potential investors that their machine is "approved" by the Patent Office.[citation needed] The USPTO Manual of Patent Examining Practice states:
With the exception of cases involving perpetual motion, a model is not ordinarily required by the Office to demonstrate the operability of a device. If operability of a device is questioned, the applicant must establish it to the satisfaction of the examiner, but he or she may choose his or her own way of so doing.[2]
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Active Member
Carl Tilley is the most well known free energy scammer. Claims 'over unity gain' (more out than in) from an electric motor driving a generator.

Motors are about 80% efficient and generators about 40% in best case. Batteries return about 75-85% of the energy used to charge them. Losses come from the electrochemical reaction in charging a battery, friction in bearings, eddy currents in iron laminations and electrical resistance in copper windings.

Just to reduce the system losses to zero, you need superconducting armature windings and zero-friction bearings. This does not address where the additional energy to do work will come from, aside from simply keeping the system running.

But you don't have to believe me- go get a motor, generator and a battery, hook it all up and watch it run... until the battery is dead.

There's a word for people who believe in perpetual motion and free energy: SUCKER.


Active Member
yeh, well some of us pot heads might happen to have a tiny little bit of science and mecho engineering schoolin' and some even hold down paying gigs in the field. That's one reason why I hate stoner stereotypes SO much, even if they are pretty funny.

I design stuff used every day by people who think stoners can't find their arses with both hands and a torch but these same jokers need an owner's manual to even work out how to turn my stuff on.

There's a cure for being gullible about conspiracy theories and techno-scams; education. Works, every single time.


Well-Known Member
what about a nuclear reactor in space. could nukes in space be considered perpetual. what is solar considered. A giant solar panel in space could generate endless electricity if near a sun. what about a bong that packed itself with a nice one hit and had a light. some scientist should invent that instead of a bomb.


Active Member
u get 12v convertor that converts from ac to dc how do u think ice cream van powers his fridge and the most inportent one the icecream machine thats alott of power two run them easy its only a simple convertor and bobs your uncel its good to have as a back up just in case the power goes out any way in the uk we run on 240 volts so in my case i would go and buy a 60 pounds convertor and get a coupel of heavy good lorry.its good if u got 2 run most inportant fans for the smell. pumps for your aeroponics have 250 hps which would last longer not saying that u cant run 600 hps.i think its a smat way 2 get yourself out of bother if the power goes out they lorry batts can run allot of power lets say we have 4 run 2 charge 2 u can get gadgets that can do everything for u .we sit on our lazy butts what we like 2 good comment from marks friend smart thinking if u tell me one step ahead of the shoe shine.thats the law.thats what we say here...keep on rolling safe growing to use all..the smartway to grow is a friends house so that we dont attract the fuss they r everwere they r using the internet to catch us out.but the internet can give u a good 2 steps in front of the shoe shine
see ya after.........................garry