Car batteries for POWER?

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Ok, let me stop scoffing and start denouncing.

Anyone who thinks they can get perpetual motion or free energy has their head so far up their ass they need a navel lens to see daylight.

natmoon, your stoned idea of blowing marbles around in a dish isn't perpetual anything other than stupidity.

Are we clear now?


Well-Known Member
Ok, let me stop scoffing and start denouncing.

Anyone who thinks they can get perpetual motion or free energy has their head so far up their ass they need a navel lens to see daylight.

natmoon, your stoned idea of blowing marbles around in a dish isn't perpetual anything other than stupidity.

Are we clear now?
The only clear fact is that your a negative tosspot who likes to think he can crit everything and anyone.
You haven't a clue what your talking about and no one has actually read what i said properly.
As for my head being up my ass thats exactly where your head would be in real life if you ever spoke to me like you are now:twisted:

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Actually, yeah- I CAN criticise anything and everyone. Stop me! Go on, stop me! :D

Yeah, you're a baaaaaaaad muthafucka and I'm SKEERED. :lol:

Perpetual motion/energy doesn't work now, never has, never will.


Well-Known Member
Actually, yeah- I CAN criticise anything and everyone. Stop me! Go on, stop me! :D

Yeah, you're a baaaaaaaad muthafucka and I'm SKEERED. :lol:

Perpetual motion/energy doesn't work now, never has, never will.
What has amazed me, over the years, is that I have talked to many otherwise reasonable and intelligent people who think it has been proven to work.

I'm from Missouri, show me how it can work.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Typical exchange:

"Free energy doesn't work."

"You're just a negative nelly"

"Free energy STILL doesn't work and you can't prove it does."

"That's because the oil companies/government/illuminati/freemasons are suppressing it."

"So, where's your proof it works?"

"You're just a non-believer."

"I'm not important here, but if I said I was a believer, would that change the science enough to make it work?"

"You're one of THEM."

"Well, yeah, I might be. S'cuse me, I've left my smokes in my black helicopter."

"You better stop talking because I'm a baaaaaaad muthafucka and I might argue with you over the internet."

"One of life's little hazards. So, where's your fully functioning perpetual motion/free energy box, you know, the one that puts out power forever with no energy input?"

"You'd LIKE me to tell you- so you could STEAL it!"

"So, it doesn't exist, does it?"

"It sure does and it's been powering Cincinnati since 1987!"

"Aha! It's in Cincinnati! Let's go have a look."

"Cincinnati doesn't exist!"

and on... and on... ad nauseum.


Well-Known Member
al B is right...have any of you ever heard of the "law of conservation of energy"? It can never be created or destroyed...therefor...perpetual energy is impossible :blsmoke:

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Don't try to confront 'believers' with science. Science is proof- you need not blindly accept nor believe any of it.

Remember- the more you believe, the less you know.


Well-Known Member
Don't try to confront 'believers' with science. Science is proof- you need not blindly accept nor believe any of it.

Remember- the more you believe, the less you know.
Yeah and the Earth is flat,we cant put fire in a sealed glass bowl as it would go out,we should sacrifice our first born children to make sure it rains,the old woman with the healing powers is definitely a witch she smoked some fragrant cane(cannabis),blah blah...blah blahhh blahblah.....etc......on and on...and on.......
All lies,errors,ignorance but mostly just spite,hate and ignorance.

Hey guess what your a monkey with a new toy and you have a brain that only reads and believes "supposed facts" and muddies his own mind with the fact of forgetting the facts basis in the first place being proposed by monkeys with toys all thinking that they were right in an impossible universe when they don't have a clue as to many parts of the puzzle are still missing.

So to end with the actual "fact" that if you had bothered to even read properly what i had typed in the first place none of this would even be said.
But then this is much more about your hatred for people that believe in Jesus instead of science isn't it:mrgreen:

Also of note is that we all have the right to free speech but you also have the right to remain silent in case of injury to yourself for being a rude,obnoxious and arrogant tosser:blsmoke:

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Wow, how did Jesus get in this discussion? :lol:

Wait... waiiiiit- he mighta had a MA in Mech Eng from Bethlehem Tech, didn't he? :lol: Nah... I think he was a Liberal Arts guy, lots of poetry and stuff.

Free energy and perpetual motion don't work. Go blow on your brass balls, nattie. :D


Well-Known Member
And where is there a saving? It would actually use more energy to charge the batteries than you would use just plugged into the grid, due to losses in the charging. You have to look at the whole picture after all not just one part. Your day to day electrical use would drop sure , but at the end of the billing period it would have undergone an increase in total usage because of the high draw during charging. I personally can't see any rational reason to do this unless you are off the grid and are using a hyrdro-electric turbine, wind turbine or solar panels. Sorry to ramble on, but this question made me think a bit.

Jimmy you have made a great point.... I think i might be the guy hes talking about .... I know for a fact how to run continuous loads with batteries and inverters ..... BUT , i never took in account the cost of charging those batteries....

I will do some math and get back to you .....
I guess that would be the only downfall...

P.S. to all the name callers... SHUT THE FUCK UP ...... dont give your 2 cents if you dont know shit about electricity....kiss-ass

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
As for my head being up my ass thats exactly where your head would be in real life if you ever spoke to me like you are now:twisted:

Also of note is that we all have the right to free speech but you also have the right to remain silent in case of injury to yourself for being a rude,obnoxious and arrogant tosser:blsmoke:
Oh, you're so scary!

More empty threats! It'll make me shut up! Really! And it it doesn't- It'll give me perpetual free entertainment! :lol:

I LOVE the thought of you stumping around in your hovel in impotent rage because no one believes you and you can't seem to threaten them into doing so.

Tell me, will you boil me in oil? Dunk me in the lake? Beat me senseless with your keyboard? OOOOH!

Can I get a little slap-n-tickle first? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Allow me to give everyone an example of perpetual motion.

Take a gallon of water. Add electricity and break the molecule into a new form: Hydrogen, Hydrogen, and Oxygen. Burn the new form and create steam to drive a turban. Make electricity to start the process all over.

If, after one cycle, you have excess HHO, you have created perpetual motion. People have done variations of this experiment for almost a century, and gotten the same result. It is a bust, because it violates the laws of physics.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
If, after one cycle, you have excess HHO, you have created perpetual motion.
Actually, if, in your scenario, the system can produce just enough hydrogen and oxygen to just keep itself running constantly, without any more fuel being added, you have perpetual motion... but you're right, it won't. The losses and inefficiencies in the system will see to that.

On a related topic, there's scammers out there at the moment trying to sell 'Brown's Gas' or 'HHO converters' that are supposed to allow a car to run on water. This is claimed to work by using the car's charging system to electrolyse water into H & O. The H & O are then burned in the engine, turning the alternator and sustaining the electrolysis.

Problems- it takes more energy to separate H2O into H & O than you get back when you recombine them in combustion. The charging system in an automobile (normally 40-80A) wouldn't come anywhere near close to electrolysing enough H & O to keep the engine running.

The same system is also sold as a fuel economy improvement device. Similar problems; not enough H or O can be produced by the currents available in an automotive charging system to have any effect at all on the amount of fuel used by the engine. The additional load on the engine from the alternator running the electrolyser in fact worsens fuel economy.

P.T. Barnum knew it many years ago. One sucker per minute.


Well-Known Member
As Barnum also said," You'll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the average customer." There has always been a market for snake oil, and there always will be. If you doubt this just look at the history .Somebody will always be a true believer in anything, no matter how strange and implausible. I've almost given up on trying to educate the foolish. Nothing is as irritating as willful ignorance, and I see it more and more these days.


Well-Known Member
Actually nothing is more annoying than an internet spass who makes several accounts at a forum and then backs himself up all of the time.
What a saddo.

All you haters can go and f... yourselves for all i care,simple as that really and if your really so passionate that i made a mistake and that i am a very stupid and a weak minded fool that needs to be taught a lesson why don't you come and tell me face to face in Glastonbury?

Assumer's and presumer's.

I would love to meet you so you could tell me how shit and dumb i am in person,face to face.
You know,put your money were your mouth is.

Seems to me like a bunch of kids,talking shit and smoking tea bags and copying and pasting old "facts" with no real understanding of the information they are pasting or reading.

I wonder how many of these guys/kids have ever actually even smoked a real joint?
Not to many i think.
So many fools full of hate,spite,intolerance,anger,etc.... and not much more still never ceases to amaze me.

For the minute i just wish your karma onto you.
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Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Actually nothing is more annoying than an internet spass who makes several accounts at a forum and then backs himself up all of the time.
What a saddo.
Who has multiple accounts? More of your yap running with no proof.
All you haters can go and f... yourselves for all i care,simple as that really and if your really so passionate that i made a mistake and that i am a very stupid and a weak minded fool that needs to be taught a lesson why don't you come and tell me face to face in Glastonbury?

Assumer's and presumer's.

I would love to meet you so you could tell me how shit and dumb i am in person,face to face.
You know,put your money were your mouth is.
Idle threats, idle threats and more idle threats from a truly 'stupid and weak-minded fool' (your own words fit you the best). You really should try to make threats you can actually carry out, loser.

...and NO ONE is going to Glasto after Jay-Z headlined. You think you're worth the trouble to seek out? You're SO full of yourself. I wouldn't piss on your feet if your shoes were on fire.

You're leaving? THANK FUCK! Best move you've made so far. Sayonara, ball blower.