Cat piss

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
You can't just stick something in the corner to block that spot? That's what I did when the cats were little and kept going in the corner of my bedroom. My calico pees in the bathtub and sink drains when she's in heat. I've gone to get a soda out of the fridge and she'll be sitting in the kitchen sink taking a piss right into the drain, not sure why.


bud bootlegger
Sunnis animal advice, as always, was spot on..

My cat might piss in the house if her litter box is the slightest bit dirty, and I mean only a lil bit.. so now we scoop the poo and pee pretty much right after she goes.
She also like to pee in one box and poo in another one..

Maybe try putting a cat pan in the pee corner.. but that cat is going to continue to pee there if you don't get rid of the smell for sure..


Well-Known Member
what about the ole spray bottle? blast that little bitch in the face with a good stream of waa waa when she is about to piss.


bud bootlegger
what about the ole spray bottle? blast that little bitch in the face with a good stream of waa waa when she is about to piss.
I've tried that with an old dog.. not for pissing in a corner, but all it seemed to do was piss the dog off even more ime..


Well-Known Member
yea, just what ive heard. never had a cat. a friend did, and their house smelled worse than a pile of goat nuts.
lol this is a weed forum if you need advice with animals i would suggest going to a pet store like a normal person or just do what most ppl do get some pet stain spray and put some double sided tape on the area you dont want your cats at. I had a cat take a shit in my car once, febreze took it out with in mins, and this was a toyota supra race car that was only used a few times out of the year so i have no idea how long said shit had been sitting in it.


Well-Known Member
most my cats would fuck you up if you tried to take it outside... that being said, anyone who keeps their cat OR dog outside are just ASSHOLES. Plain and simple. you are an asshole to your pet and you are certainly an asshole to your neighbors that have to deal with your fucking animal you are too lazy to deal with. I don't want your cat shitting in my veggies, I will fucking poison it if it comes down to it. I don't go shit in your yard... unless I'm drunk.

Dogs outside barking all day is just plain ignorant as well.. oh what, the dog stinks, mudds up your house and gets into everything? Then don't be a fucking dog owner, your neighbors shouldn't have to hear the fucking thing outside all day barking its ass off cause you don't want to deal with it. My GF had a neighbor two doors down, two dogs two cats all outside ALL mother fucking day.... I made her sell her house before I moved in with her (closing new one next month) because of them. Cat over shitting all over the garden, dogs barking all FUCKING day. I wanted to napalm that fucking property


Global Moderator
Staff member
Not to mention the destruction cats cause on wildlife.

"both the pet Fluffies that spend part of the day outdoors and the unnamed strays and ferals that never leave it — kill a median of 2.4 billion birds and 12.3 billion mammals a year, most of them native mammals like shrews, chipmunks and voles rather than introduced pests like the Norway rat.

The estimated kill rates are two to four times higher than mortality figures previously bandied about, and position the domestic cat as one of the single greatest human-linked threats to wildlife in the nation."

That's 14.7 billion total - with a B.


Well-Known Member
It's all relative to the animal and the area in which you live.. My dog won't come in the house unless in goes below zero in the double digits! He doesn't bark at all.. He is a Australian Shepard and enjoys his life outside! I think he just has a warm coat. I try to call him in the house every night and sometimes he wants in, but most of the time he stays outside! His choice, I am a loving pet owner and provide quality food and affection for them... I'm not an asshole, I just want what's best for my dog! If I bring him in the house on a cold snowy night, as soon as I let him out he rolls his entire body on the snow... He also has no leash and is free to go wherever he wants! To poison an animal period is fucked up... Try dealing with the owner first before murdering an animal for being an animal!


Well-Known Member
Try dealing with the owner first before murdering an animal for being an animal!
if that doesn't work. dump cans of Hormel chilli over the fence. dog loves it, owners don't.... the dog would bark at a mouse fart. had to ask several times to stop their dog from CONSTANTLY barking, especially when he lets it out @ 2 am after his shift was done. never again will I have neighbors. feel guilty now, but I was a young and dumb.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I suggest u get a donkey and paint it like a zebra. Bam! Get an old Polaroid camera now you got yourself a full time job.


Well-Known Member
well depending of course where you live cats shouldnt be outdoor animals, many people loose their cats due to wild animal killings, car accidents or cats who just dont find their way home. more often than not cats end up dying from being outdoor animals.
cats can get a number of diseases and parasites from being outdoors including fleas, ticks, ringworms, ear mites. they can get aids, distemperment, and feline leukemia.
depending on what type of area here we live in a city but close to all wild animals many cats are killed by cars or by coyotes or bears .
Loose dogs or dogs on leash can kill cats and humans arent always the nicest people and sometimes will beat stray cats or shoot them with bb guns im sure its happened more than you think.
cats also like the taste of anti freeze for some reason which will poison and kill them , pregnancy, neighbours dont want your cat shitting in their garden, cat fights, getting trapped in something

Just not worth it if you love your pet imho. I do let sunni out but she goes on a harness and i am always outside with her
Yeah, I agree, cats are really in a dangerous spot outdoors. I've lost one to coyotes before I knew it was at risk. The damn thing would go outside the fence into the desert. I'd find him a quarter mile from home running out in sage brush. I'd yell at him and he'd run to my car and jump in the back seat. He was a cool cat but I let him down due to my ignorance. He came home once missing an eye and all scratched up. He recovered but he wouldn't stay inside so in a few months he just vanished. I got a new cat but she stays in the yard. Even then I think an eagle or a hawk got her once and caused an abscess near her eye. I even worry about eagles carrying off my dog since he's only 5.2 lb. I've seen them fairly low over my yard before. That would be heartbreaking too. Good advise on cats sunni!