
Active Member
thanks cabinet,
yes that def answered everything i got the same situation i have an hps but it gets so damn hot and cant engineer a small stealthy cabinet.. sigh one day.. lookin forward to your harvest fo sho. gl!
You guys look like you got your cab dialed in pretty good now. Almost done... Enjoy the Harvest!!!
hmmm can't wait to see them yummy buds get harvested... i scratched my old pc plan doing another pc right now, had a way bigger server laying around ;p good luck on a huge harvest

Thanks a lot everyone!! We are looking forward to the harvest, but we still have a lot of work to do to get it finished. We'll keep you posted with pics and info along the way.

John Jacob

Active Member
Im trying to get my cfl setup much like your.. for flowering are all your 10 bulbs 2700k? or is there a mix from 2700k and 6500k and whats your ratio of bulbs for veg and flowering.. Thanks bro


Active Member
Im trying to get my cfl setup much like your.. for flowering are all your 10 bulbs 2700k? or is there a mix from 2700k and 6500k and whats your ratio of bulbs for veg and flowering.. Thanks bro
We are using 8 - 2700k and 2 6500k...I think! LOL
Hope that helps


Well-Known Member
Hey CabinetBuds, So this is just your second scrog, right? how do you compare this one with the first one?
as far as mistakes you made in the beginning & things you chose to do differently, like veg more or less? Is your light set up still the same/ added or removed lights or brighter.dimmer bulbs? All the nitpicky stuff, lol. Your got me researching scrog's. For a confined space it looks like it might be more convenient than out right LST'ing but maybe not easier. I guess I will find out eventually, lol.
Grow's looking good. keep it going man!


Well-Known Member
lookin great man, i had a question about your scrog, what did you make the screen out of? and how big where the holes?


Active Member
Hey CabinetBuds, So this is just your second scrog, right? how do you compare this one with the first one?
as far as mistakes you made in the beginning & things you chose to do differently, like veg more or less? Is your light set up still the same/ added or removed lights or brighter.dimmer bulbs? All the nitpicky stuff, lol. Your got me researching scrog's. For a confined space it looks like it might be more convenient than out right LST'ing but maybe not easier. I guess I will find out eventually, lol.
Grow's looking good. keep it going man!
Hey WWShadow, thanks for stopping by. No, this is our first scrog, but we got a lot more growth out of the girls this time because we are pretty sure we stunted them on the first grow. We couldn't have vegged much more than the 30 days we did, as it is we had to lower the plants just to make sure we had room in the cabinet.

Our light set up is exactly the same as our first grow (check it out in our signature), lights and all. I wouldn't call our grow a true scrog, more like a cross between LST & SCROG. We used our grid to guide the branches out and tie down any that were too tall.

One thing we would change was what the actual grid is made of. We used some speaker wire woven through the frame. While it was relatively easy to work with, it tends to get loose and stretch under the lights. But we are going to do some work to the cab before the next grow and re-string the screen. Hopefully that answered your Q's. :leaf:

lookin great man, i had a question about your scrog, what did you make the screen out of? and how big where the holes?
Hey MoNkO, our screen is a light-guage speaker wire (which we don't advise using), with about 1/8" holes spaced about 1 1/2" apart if memory serves. :joint:

woooo hoooo, dam cab, growin like a pro!! nice man.
Thanks Concord! We love the encouragement!! It's too bad you're not up here in the Great White North, 'cause we'd love to smoke a big fatty with you! :bigjoint:

Love this grow. Keep it up.
Thanks bud! It's great to have you along for the ride! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
thanks cab, thats cool, i like the spacing but got some ideas for what to use other then speaker wire.. Thanks again


Well-Known Member
You can get plastic fencing type stuff at wal-mart & maybe homeDepot. it's like 1" squares if that's not big enough you could cut it to make them 2" X 2". I also saw one where the guy used chicken wire...


Active Member
thanks cab, thats cool, i like the spacing but got some ideas for what to use other then speaker wire.. Thanks again
Basically you could use anything. We wanted something easy to work with, smooth on the outside, and readily available. Chicken wire is sharp and when you are pulling the plants between that you can shred them real good. With something like string or covered wire like we used, although the wire was not a good choice BTW, we thought that the plants would not get damaged from manipulating them. The wire basically got too loose for what we want. I think we will re string it with either that orange snow fence material or something sililar.

Anyway I hope that helps


Active Member
Cabinet, thanks for the journey. I have just read every word !! You ladies are looking fan-fricken-tastic !!!!! I am just about to put some clones into my cabinet (first timer) and if I get even CLOSE to the results you have here, I will be smilin for sure. Perhaps I missed it along the way but are you doing anything for odour control?
Thanks again for the ride, I will be following it until the end cause I HAVE to see that harvest hanging up.


Well-Known Member
Basically you could use anything. We wanted something easy to work with, smooth on the outside, and readily available. Chicken wire is sharp and when you are pulling the plants between that you can shred them real good. With something like string or covered wire like we used, although the wire was not a good choice BTW, we thought that the plants would not get damaged from manipulating them. The wire basically got too loose for what we want. I think we will re string it with either that orange snow fence material or something sililar.

Anyway I hope that helps
Yeah Cab thanks, you answered the questions I had lol...


Well-Known Member
I thought chicke wiren might be too fine for that but I read about it & saw the pics; the plant looked pretty healthy. I think a heavier gauge wire or the plastic would be the besto options. I don't have real steady hands & fine wire could probably tear up the plant if I was doing it & with my luck it would get me too, lol


Active Member
Cabinet, thanks for the journey. I have just read every word !! You ladies are looking fan-fricken-tastic !!!!! I am just about to put some clones into my cabinet (first timer) and if I get even CLOSE to the results you have here, I will be smilin for sure. Perhaps I missed it along the way but are you doing anything for odour control?
Thanks again for the ride, I will be following it until the end cause I HAVE to see that harvest hanging up.
Yes we have a can filter running 24 hrs a day.


Active Member
Ok, having a few beers, playing some vids we decided to post a few more pics. Harvest is in 4 more days. Enjoy the porn!! 'Specially those wicked Trich's!! bongsmilie

