Cheap indoor grow daily journal

Ok so im growing with very little money. This is for every one to put in their opinions. First off this is cheap everything, so dont start in on the man ur system sucks stuff. For now im using 2 75 watt flourescent grow lights. These light r cool cause they only use 17 watts of power for 75 watts of power. I plan to get 4 more of these. Sooo i ll have 450 watts for 4 plants (will tha be enough...?) i got them in keg cups now the first pic is day 1 and the 3rd is day 5. I put a pic of what im workin with for right now. Imm thinkin of moveing them to 5 gallon buckets when they out grow the cups. I need some advice on when and what do i feed them the soil i have will feed em for a bout 2-3 months with out adding more nutrients to the soil what should i do after that. Also i dont know if anyone can tell me can u guys look at the last 4 pics and tell me if u can tell what kinda bud plant it is... Indica..ect... Soooo ill try to add new stuff every day so people can watch and help grow my plants


Well-Known Member
those 2 cfls will start you off, but you really need more for four plants. you can never have too much. and you failed on your pics. they will outgrow those cups soon, so be ready. if your gonna just use cfls you wont need 5 gal pots, 2-3 will be fine since you shouldnt veg for too long. keep those lights close, like 1-3 inches and try to keep them in a small space so your light reflects back on them. check the growfaq for info on nuts, basically high nitrogen for veg, high phos. for flower.


Well-Known Member
These light r cool cause they only use 17 watts of power for 75 watts of power.
your comparing apples to oranges. 17 watts florescent is = to 75 watts incandescent light NOT high output light. you've got enough light to start seeds for a couple of weeks then you'll have to keep adding more & that isn't cheap.


Well-Known Member
everyones starts out somewhere :hug: you will find out that more light the better.....start out and practice and gradually increase your lighting....then jump into HIDS they are addicting :hump:
