

Well-Known Member
lol stfu so sick of RIU people like u, u dont even know who ur talking to..i dont care if i ever cut my own clones, i know my shit and i actually work with marijuana for a living and tend to clones on a daily i've been growing for years and I KNOW for a fact your SUPPOSE to clone in not here to argue..i said SUPPOSE to..sure u can clone in flower but ur not SUPPOSE to so LOL to that lmao..i only give advice when i know what im talking about..and this guy isnt trying to determine sex so b4 u open your mouth maybe u should know what ur talking about
wow you throw the word supposed to around allot supposed supposed supposed to i never said he was trying to determine anything this is what the conversation turned into im just here to set the record straight for people who may refer to this in the future and see your load of crap. this is your living but never took cuttings yourself what do you have a team of people who do cuttings for you??? if your so knowledgeable on the matter why are you not appointed to this task??? you say you work with marijuana for a living is this supposed to mean you have a degree in horticulture or something like that.


Well-Known Member
There's no reason why you can't clone during flowering... not sure why people are telling you can't during flower.
YAY your right, i Heard some people pre-flower there plants for like 1-2 weeks and put back to vege state. You can take clones whenever, but its recommended that you take it at veg state as it is still growing.
Anyways anyone know, I just started cloning again and like the other attempts were fails. In peat pellets or soil, so i just had to try rock wool. I cutted the base of the cuttings, then got a razor blade to skin off the plant stem and dip in the rooting clonex. Then i dipped them down in the rock wools, i also heard you have to dip it deep but whatever. I actually think rock wool better as you can see the clonex still sticking on to the stems of the cuttings.
ALSO! do we have to put them under light. eg 18/6? Because i left all my cuttings in a humidifying dome with the two lids open with cfl light above on 18/6.
Feeding them in their cuttings state, apparently they can only drink from there leaves for the first few days 1-3 days but you also have to keep the rock-wool moist , am i correct? Can anyone point out my mistakes. if there is any.
YAY your right, i Heard some people pre-flower there plants for like 1-2 weeks and put back to vege state. You can take clones whenever, but its recommended that you take it at veg state as it is still growing.
Anyways anyone know, I just started cloning again and like the other attempts were fails. In peat pellets or soil, so i just had to try rock wool. I cutted the base of the cuttings, then got a razor blade to skin off the plant stem and dip in the rooting clonex. Then i dipped them down in the rock wools, i also heard you have to dip it deep but whatever. I actually think rock wool better as you can see the clonex still sticking on to the stems of the cuttings.
ALSO! do we have to put them under light. eg 18/6? Because i left all my cuttings in a humidifying dome with the two lids open with cfl light above on 18/6.
Feeding them in their cuttings state, apparently they can only drink from there leaves for the first few days 1-3 days but you also have to keep the rock-wool moist , am i correct? Can anyone point out my mistakes. if there is any.
yeah, leave the dome doors closed, mist the inside of dome and the clones for the first week or so, about 3-4 times a day. You need to keep them moist until they have roots to feed themselves,or they dry out.


Well-Known Member
If you have a branch you can clone...doesn't matter if it is one week or 12...and as for the whole as long as it is in veg thing that is even can clone a flowering takes a little longer for the clone to revert back to veg state, but ya can do it. You just have to do all your internet research and then decide which one works for you. Don't listen to just one person, or just one site, or just one everything you can, talk to people at gardens...hydro stores...anywhere...just tell them it's You'll figure it out.


Well-Known Member
YAY your right, i Heard some people pre-flower there plants for like 1-2 weeks and put back to vege state. You can take clones whenever, but its recommended that you take it at veg state as it is still growing.
Anyways anyone know, I just started cloning again and like the other attempts were fails. In peat pellets or soil, so i just had to try rock wool. I cutted the base of the cuttings, then got a razor blade to skin off the plant stem and dip in the rooting clonex. Then i dipped them down in the rock wools, i also heard you have to dip it deep but whatever. I actually think rock wool better as you can see the clonex still sticking on to the stems of the cuttings.
ALSO! do we have to put them under light. eg 18/6? Because i left all my cuttings in a humidifying dome with the two lids open with cfl light above on 18/6.
Feeding them in their cuttings state, apparently they can only drink from there leaves for the first few days 1-3 days but you also have to keep the rock-wool moist , am i correct? Can anyone point out my mistakes. if there is any.

I find the best way to clone is with a small DWC a hydro don't even have to use any rooting hormone. You can just cut off a branch and stick it in the cloner and there ya go. I am awful at about anything having to do with growing, but I can clone like


Well-Known Member
wow you throw the word supposed to around allot supposed supposed supposed to i never said he was trying to determine anything this is what the conversation turned into im just here to set the record straight for people who may refer to this in the future and see your load of crap. this is your living but never took cuttings yourself what do you have a team of people who do cuttings for you??? if your so knowledgeable on the matter why are you not appointed to this task??? you say you work with marijuana for a living is this supposed to mean you have a degree in horticulture or something like that.
yea ur the one with the big head and ego..said it before and ill say it again "because ur not suppose to..its recommended to take cuttings in veg but u can get away with it up to week 2 of flower but its still smarter to do it during veg" plain and simple u want to argue with facts then go right ahead..and when i say i work with marijuana for a living and tend to clones everyday i meant i work at a dispensary and get paid to tend to clones (the breeders clone them) we buy them...anyway..just cloned my first plant u argue with rooting clones in coco and perlite and just water?? cuz thats how im doing it and so far so good


Well-Known Member
i was just ganna top this DieselWreck because it was so much taller then my other plants..didnt plan on trying to root it i was actually just gonna toss out what i my boy was like "try to clone it, what do u gotta lose" and i didnt have any rooting hormones or rock-wool cubes or none of that, just perlite and coco..a vendor that grows for my work and sells us cuttings uses nothing but rock-wool cubes and water and says he has rooted cuttings with coco and perlite in the past


New Member
Try taking some clones off a vegging plant and then some clones off of a flowering plant.

The clones taken off the veg plant should root faster and begin growing faster, as well.

Its not that you CANT take clones off of a flowering plant, its just that there are much better ways to go about cloning.
Mostly agree!


Well-Known Member
hate to say this but, you are incorrect... you can and i have done... cloning from the flowering stage with excellent results.

You can clone as long as you are still in Vegetative state.
Once you switch to flowering (12/12 lighting) you probably don't want to clone that plant anymore.


Active Member
If you clone in a humidity box in rockwool,, DO NOT spray your clones... you want to get your 1" rockwool at about 25-30 grams with ph's water and leave them,,, open the dome 2x a day for fresh air... weigh every few days... use ph'd 5.5 water if they are getting light (under 16 grams) just slightly dip the bottoms untill you get them to 25grams again... I personally will never use rockwool again... If You spray them, the rockwool can/will remain wet and the roots will not look for water,,,, Even when you think you are not keeping them too moist , you Prob. are... best to keep track of the weight...
Personally I would recommend cloning from the veg state only.
Yep you can clone from flowering, but the hormones of the plant have changed and there is going to be a difference in how the clone roots itself.
Usually the time factor.

Best to cut a clone from near the bottom of the plant in veg state to guarantee you a cut with the correct type of hormones in it. Top of the plant won't have the same amount as the lower nodes.
Cutting from the veg state I rarely have to wait more then 6-8 days for a clone to have a 2-3 inch root forming just using pure R/O water @ 5.0 PH. (no nutes, 0 ppm).
From the flowering state, it takes much longer from what I've noticed, upwards of 3+ weeks and the clone doesn't seem as resistant to stress later on.

But to each their own, both ways are used successfully. I just prefer going with the better odds of success and my bet is on the veg state every time.