Club 600


Well-Known Member
We draw our water from a aquifer and it's hard as hell (830ppm) most of the white residue is prob. lime.
That's our trouble, I have to chuck my root pouches after 3 grows because the walls are rock hard with lime.
If your water source comes from limestone cal def could easily be the prob.
Check your runoff ph.



Well-Known Member
Holy shit! I wish I had 1/4 that seed stock! Crazy awesome!

lmao! Man, I remember those days. Straight zombie mode for days on end until you just happen to get the right opportunity to crash.
It will not a 1\4 but i am sell off some packs right now before the web page goes up. Anyone interested shot me a pm or email I pulled like 2k of them out or so that i can part with, and there is already people waiting on the list:)

Anyway i got on the tablet to put up some closeups so first is gatorballs still in veg ( put 20 more down last night) and second is a sfv og balling out for some femsIMG_20160129_155832.JPGIMG_20160129_160026.JPG
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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Damn doc... I love how much you get done. You'll be harvesting in no time.

DST, I remember doing stuff like that when I was sleep deprived. Everything was in a weird place. My favorite was the time I stopped myself from dropping the keys into the kettle. It's like I was sleepwalking and suddenly woke up like 'what the fuck am I doing?'
One time I went to make coffee. I scooped the coffee int the filter and poured the water in but forgot to put the pot under it.

Flooded the counter.


Hey everybody :bigjoint: Heres my current set up. 3 Tangi clones in veg under a 600w MH open reflector in 5x5x7 tent with one fan set on low circulating through the whole tent. In FF Ocean soil, As of last monday I introduced the FF(Fox Farm) "trio" (grow big, tiger bloom, big bloom). Starting with a low dose of the big bloom, adding 40mL to a gal. for all three plants once a week, the feeding schedule will change as time goes(and as I learn more, etc.) I should also add I haven't done any research on the PH levels for my water, I of course know this is a big step in nute control etc. but i haven't dove into the subject yet. With the way i am growing what will be the best way to check/keep my PH levels in the desired range?

Today I changed the veg hours, will now have my light on still 18-6 for veg, but running at Night ( due to cheap/much needed HEAT control. ) Currently looking into a small fan+duct to better the air flow from inside to out the tent. First indoor grow so, Im still new to this any help is appreciated!

Heres some pics, I will post more as the grow goes on. :joint:

IMG_2060.JPG IMG_2059.JPG
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