Comment on my CFL Flowers

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
looking good. Have you thought about hanging cfl's all around the pant as side lighting??
I will have side lighting on my next grow. I don't have many options for light atm.

The clone I have vegging right now is under t5 pl. So I will use the cfl as side lights.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I bought superswell bat guano. gonna add it to water. I don't think ill be making compost teas anytime soon.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
SO I got home from work today and noticed a deficiency has started! I grabbed the smallest leaf with the problem and took a picture. It has started at the bottom of the plant. I am thinking nitrogen. What do yall think?


I really do not want to supplement her with nitrogen tho.. her middle is very dark green. I also noticed the VERY bottom fan set has shriveled up and died. Can lack of light cause a leaf to die?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Lack of light. Plants that are receiving too little light will often start to yellow on the lower leaves before dropping leaves. One clue: if the yellowing begins on the side away from your light source, it might be caused by too little light reaching these back leaves.

Can that be the case for me? Its only on the 3 lowest sets of main leaves.


Well-Known Member
Lack of light. Plants that are receiving too little light will often start to yellow on the lower leaves before dropping leaves. One clue: if the yellowing begins on the side away from your light source, it might be caused by too little light reaching these back leaves.

Can that be the case for me? Its only on the 3 lowest sets of main leaves.
No it's nitrogen deficiency try a folar spray mixed with seltzer water for the added Co2...Go with your gut!! plant's lacking light lighten all over first before sacraficing older leave's where nitrogen deficiency allway's take's oldest first bottom up....jack


Well-Known Member
You are far enough into flowering this will cause no harm...i would not folar feed this late!! should have looked at your timing first!! older leave's will start dropping at this point and will not cause any issue's now the root's controll the flowering and as little photosynthisis is happening now...sugar's not necessary for plant production this phase...just watch them bulk up and get ready to harvest!! jack

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
superswell. bag says to just add to water. doesnt say to boil or anything. *shrugs* 0-7-0 i believe if you use TBSP. i used a tsp for first time.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I have garden tone already in with promix.. so I don't know how good leaching th soil will work for end flush.. but I have read that if you have a 2wk cure that is properly done, it gets rid of the mineral starches anyways.