Cotton Mouth?All Time Fav Beverage


Whatevers around really, im too stoned to notice half the time. Anything fruity flavoured I guess.


Active Member
Sprite or 7 up, even ginger ale tastes amazing. If it's in the morning, black cherry grape juice. oh, and red kool aid. Chocolate milk also rocks. Damn, what about mint chocolate chip milkshake and of course the best of them all, purified water...any of these satisfy my cotton mouth
mint chocolate chip milkshake *YuM*yUm* thinking of it makes my mouth water:p


Well-Known Member
Beer = cold STELLA from the tap, Sports drink would be the blue POWERAID and fav fizzy drinks are Original JAMAICAN GINGER BEER (full sugar) or Cream SODA, There are some others but they've stopped making them as far as I HUBBA-BUBBA CREAM SODA etc....

Oh in the morning its all about Ocean Sprays Blueberry Juice mmmmm :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
ive been drinking monster lately, only 1 a day max but it taste so damn good... other than that strictly ice water is my jam

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Dr pepper. Or bawls.
1st Place - Iced Water.
2nd Place - From the tap Dr. Pepper with Ice.
3rd Place - Iced Tea with little lemon. No pussy sugar.
4th Place - Sugar Free Red Bull on Ice.
5th Place - Ice.

Also...speaking of bawls. This little convenient store down the street about 3 years ago ordered a bunch of cases of Sugar Free Bawls and didn't sell any for like a month so I asked if he would sell em to me at 10 a case and he agreed. I was stoked. Ended up spending $120 and made $400+ selling em at school. Profit margin bitches. I also drank to many I seized an opportunity.


Active Member
Kool-Aid, the red kind. I think it's supposed to be cherry. I can drink a whole pitcher sometimes.


Active Member
Ditto on the fruit punch, also Wal-Mart sells sugar-free mixes (their brand not that chrystal light shit) in a bunch of flavors, they're as good as if not better than Kool-aid, without the sugar. The strawberry is awesome. I love the taste of Red Bull too, but damn is it expensive. If they made a lower caffeine version (like Vault or Sun-drop) in a two-liter, for a reasonable price, I'd be all over that.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I love drinking Horchata when I have dry mouth but if I can't get that I drink SoBe Liz Blizz (similar in taste).


bud bootlegger
i'm not big on soda, but i'm down with some welch's white grape and pomegranite.. that shit is bomb, but its got to be ice cold..

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i love a good malt whiskey and the only thing you should ever put into malt whiskey is another malt. that said i was baked last week and had to go out for the evening with friends and i mixed a 12 year old glen livet with cheap knock off redbull. i know. im ashamed. but it really is good crack. bar staff look at you funny though.