Defoliation, a scientific approach...


Well-Known Member
how many plants in there ?? i grow 12 plants 3 k make 7 3/4 - 8 pounds plus 3/4 pound of hash normally 8 1/4 - 8 1/2 in goods my best run ever was 2 k umbrella hoods 9 1/4 pounds 72 plants
week 5 12 k

4 plants per light, 6k room.

Imo those indoor pics don't look like 2.5-3lbs per light but who knows. Definitely a nice room though


Well-Known Member
Well 3 lbs has me beat on the last grow then. I'll sit down... The pic I posted barely got 2.. Perfectly healthy..


Well-Known Member
That makes more sense for 3k watts with a longer veg time and monocropping. , I grew that for a while and it did yield quite a bit.


Well-Known Member
Here's a plant I've been defoliating for about a month now that will probably go out side to flower. It's about 10" tall, virtually no stretch grown under 60w of t8 lighting.
Screenshot_2015-05-30-13-53-08.png Screenshot_2015-05-30-13-53-28.png


Well-Known Member
While I was defoliating it, you can tell in the middle of the plant, there was no stretch, until I stopped plucking leaves about a week ago, the top 4-5" started stretching. There's probably 25 tops on this little plant and at least 300 nodes

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Here a plant untouched other then topped once :) very tight and compact when this plant flowers outside this year i will show you 24" donkey dicks :)
s for nodes you can have a million nodes i there to far apart they will never join up to form a bud just small buds here i did a defoliated experiment and look at the pics you can clearly see the smaller buds were from defoiled plant lol just saying
also a pic of one plant with lots of nodes

PS: you seem like a fairly new grower ?? don't be mis lead into crediting that defoliating plants is giving you more yields ,,, Cause really its that your becoming a better grower



Well-Known Member
Not a new grower at all 8-) probably been growing as long as you, most likely many many more plants under my belt as well. This thread is about defoliation though, and I'm showing all my 'defoliation' projects, if you want to check my journals you're welcome to it. I don't always defoliate. And I don't grow high yield strains, I only grow top quality strains which for the most part will yield 2 pounds a light on the best ofdays with tthe best of growers, it's not about yield where I come from, though yield is nice, there isn't very many cuts that anyone will want that yield high , that'sthe draw backs.

Screenshot_2015-05-30-15-54-07-1.pngScreenshot_2015-05-30-15-54-14-1.png Screenshot_2015-05-30-15-54-19-1.png Screenshot_2015-05-30-15-54-39-1.png Screenshot_2015-05-30-15-54-45-1.png Screenshot_2015-05-30-15-54-59-1.png


Well-Known Member
The last pic is of the lower hbuds last crop. I guess if I added those to the final yield, it wwould have been 3 lbs, but I consider all that larf so it all ggoes to hash

I make quality hash as well, not about the yield, just about the full melt



Well-Known Member
Here a plant untouched other then topped once :) very tight and compact when this plant flowers outside this year i will show you 24" donkey dicks :)
s for nodes you can have a million nodes i there to far apart they will never join up to form a bud just small buds here i did a defoliated experiment and look at the pics you can clearly see the smaller buds were from defoiled plant lol just saying
also a pic of one plant with lots of nodes

PS: you seem like a fairly new grower ?? don't be mis lead into crediting that defoliating plants is giving you more yields ,,, Cause really its that your becoming a better grower
AP is one of the best indoor growers at RIU, hands down. Take a look at his grows and it's very clear he's been doing it a while.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words unwine99, I still learn new things everyday though like everyone else, it's the passion that matters :)

That'd be awesome semper, would love to get a few side by sides going. I'll try to get one going soon as well. I just moved recently so I'm trying to get the grow room back in working order, but I'm almost there. One month or so and I'll do the Grand daddy purp side by side. The a gg4 side by side after.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words unwine99, I still learn new things everyday though like everyone else, it's the passion that matters :)

That'd be awesome semper, would love to get a few side by sides going. I'll try to get one going soon as well. I just moved recently so I'm trying to get the grow room back in working order, but I'm almost there. One month or so and I'll do the Grand daddy purp side by side. The a gg4 side by side after.
Your not going to do a little bit? What about air flow down there?


Well-Known Member
I might Mongo, but with what I have in the 4x4 tray right now, I've never grown either of the 7 strains and they are pretty small plants. Also, they aren't as healthy as I'd like them to be so I'd like to try and leave them alone for now. I'm fighting a hefty mag deficiency on 3/12 of my plants and would like to wait a couple weeks to see if I can sort it out. They look sort of healthy, but if they aren't at 100% health plucking leaves can do more harm than good . Here's where the tray is at right now, 15 day flower, there's still some space to work with in there but it might fill in iI'm not sure


Here's a plant I'd like to work with defol next run, I have one topped once and one not topped in the tray, it's an extremely thick plant with leaves the size of my head, but it's also the mag whore

The gg4 I'll be flowering out in a week most likely will need pruning, I've trained them to be much more bushier than the last crop that died during my move, and those got huge. I trained the last batch to have 12 tops while these new ones have up to 22 tops. It might get out of hand quickly as the glue grows extremely fast and I'll probably have to do some pruning


Well-Known Member
Also, if any thinks it's not a mag deficiency, please let me know :p it starts in the top/middle not lower parts, so it's wierd. I might be wrong thinking it's mag, it's not getting worse but not better, 100ppm tap water with 200 ppm calmag, I figured that'd be plenty but this plant is trippy. The others seem OK.


Well-Known Member
I might Mongo, but with what I have in the 4x4 tray right now, I've never grown either of the 7 strains and they are pretty small plants. Also, they aren't as healthy as I'd like them to be so I'd like to try and leave them alone for now. I'm fighting a hefty mag deficiency on 3/12 of my plants and would like to wait a couple weeks to see if I can sort it out. They look sort of healthy, but if they aren't at 100% health plucking leaves can do more harm than good . Here's where the tray is at right now, 15 day flower, there's still some space to work with in there but it might fill in iI'm not sure

View attachment 3430644

Here's a plant I'd like to work with defol next run, I have one topped once and one not topped in the tray, it's an extremely thick plant with leaves the size of my head, but it's also the mag whore

View attachment 3430645
The gg4 I'll be flowering out in a week most likely will need pruning, I've trained them to be much more bushier than the last crop that died during my move, and those got huge. I trained the last batch to have 12 tops while these new ones have up to 22 tops. It might get out of hand quickly as the glue grows extremely fast and I'll probably have to do some pruning
View attachment 3430646
I would flower those glues asap yo. Hopefully that replacement glass I ordered you comes in monday;-) so you can flip
Also, if any thinks it's not a mag deficiency, please let me know :p it starts in the top/middle not lower parts, so it's wierd. I might be wrong thinking it's mag, it's not getting worse but not better, 100ppm tap water with 200 ppm calmag, I figured that'd be plenty but this plant is trippy. The others seem OK.
Remind me to ask my brother, being that he lives not even a 1/4 mile from you/same water. I'll ask him if and how much calmag he adds. I keep forgetting.


Well-Known Member
Right on bro, the glue are so close to the flip, probably Monday would be good, there 2/10 that are on the smaller side, but 8/10 are exactly the same size, gonna see if I can get the 2 runts to stretch a xcouple inches in the next 2 days 8-)

Definitely see what your brother is at for calmag, it's so wierd because the glue likes a lot of calmag and it's fine but the chemalope is being bitchy, I don't want to have to put it on a special diet because the other strains are fine with the same nutes. Other than the leaf color, the plant is healthy af and robust so it might not be too bad, nothing is crispy at least lol



Well-Known Member
I'm going to start a mini side by side. Two clones same age. Strain is gg4. This will be a veg side by side. I will not prune 1 and I will prune the other. After a month I will start pruning both though because I know pruning keeps gg4 smaller and tighter and it will eventually have to be done in my mama table.

I've topped 1 already. Should I leave the other untopped?

What are the requirements? Leave one alone and train the other?



Well-Known Member
Anyways, here's the schematics of this test.

Strain: gorilla glue #4
System: flood and drain table
Nutes: maxigrow
Lights: 8 bulb t5 @200-400 watts
Everything will get exactly the same environment, nutes, lights, everything. It's in a 2x3 table that holds a total of 8 plants.

After this is done, I can guarantee that defol haters will eat thier own words about defol being negative.

Maybe they haven't done defol before.. Maybe they follow uncle Bens guides and "just believe" as he's a jesus or something. Maybe people are in denial. I'm already prepared to hear, "that's in veg and doesn't count", because no results count being anti defoliator ;)

The thing is, defoliation is supposed to be done from early veg. So this test will prove a lot.

I'll probably hear "well, those results are strain dependant." from 100% anti defoliatiors.. Well that's the damn point pawdawans!

I feel confident enough to make "science" guys stfu once and for all. Because this is science. The science that hasn't been studied. The same sort of "science" that made other science EXPERIMENTS that everyone loves so much. Fact is, when I grow in my own systems, I can do whatever I want to the plants and they look better than 95% of others plants. I'll chop roots, I'll chop plants straight in 1/2, I'll cut 50% of leaves off, the end result is a plant many wish they'd have.

If science didn't change, our earth would be flat. Our gravity would be magic.

Let the damn games begin. At the end of my experiments (it may take a year), I'd like a select few defol trolls to at least admit they were wrong (though I know it won't happen because of ego and stubbornness), but would be nice.
Let the games begin.