Did God Create Man?


Well-Known Member
I was talking to my friend and he was talking about how they dont want schools to teach evolution, and how churches want people to beilve in adam and eve, but then he made a good point which was what if god created evolution, say he created a single cell organism designed to evolve gradually into humans. Whats your opinon?


Well-Known Member
fuckin hell mate u hit a nerve, its all about control, if you think of evolution your should start thinking of your previous situation and how the media or whoever is trying to persuade you to think another way, i think its a violation of free thinking but still, religion always seems to have a resemblance to the big book of the law. the government just want a lock down of how people think and what they follow, without knowing this information they cannot plan future events or misconcepshions. yea i dont know what im talking about right now YERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


Well-Known Member
fuckin hell mate u hit a nerve, its all about control, if you think of evolution your should start thinking of your previous situation and how the media or whoever is trying to persuade you to think another way, i think its a violation of free thinking but still, religion always seems to have a resemblance to the big book of the law. the government just want a lock down of how people think and what they follow, without knowing this information they cannot plan future events or misconcepshions. yea i dont know what im talking about right now YERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
true, i dont think it matters what religion anyone is or even if they have one as long as they dont push theirs onto other people


Well-Known Member
its funny how they think every book was written by the power of god but all have different stories, maybe god smoked :)
perhaps, if you ever get a chance to see the Reefer Madness dvd, there is a short film called Grandpas marijuana handbook, and he some stuff that links the bible to marijuana, like how people saw god and burning bushes, and how no one sees that unless they are on something lol.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
i think a commet hit earth and cell organisms evolved to bvecome humans cuz we dont look at all like any naimal on this planet lol were too smart for them


Well-Known Member
we are the aliens attacking the planet yeye i hear u pal

we crashed n started growing then we killed the dinosaurs n ate em n doug graves thats why theres always a layer of dirt between em, and now the animals that are alive are the ones they didnt want, eventually machines will take over because they will be the only source of food.

have u seen star wars?


Active Member
Evolution is the accepted scientific theory for the development of all species, just as gravity is the accepted scientific theory for the way in which bodies of mass interact.
As for God's involvement, it depends on your conception of God, even then, science generally does not attempt to overrule spiritual explanations of events, how could it? Science deals with physical reality, religion, for the most part, does not, and even when religion does address physical reality, it generally does not make dogmatic demands of reality, as if religious dogma has any sway over the way in which the physical world operates.

Many people, I'm sorry to say, cling dogmatically to the words in their spiritual texts, only causing problems. The idea that the world flooded for forty days and forty nights and that Noah built a giant boat to save the animals is absurd; however, what the story of Noah provides as a spiritual lesson may have a great deal of value. And that's just the thing - most spiritual teaching comes in allegory, and in language that makes rather difficult metaphysical subjects available to the masses - this is why Schopenhauer calls religion "folk-metaphysics", though he was only partially correct.

And, of course, questions like this always create semantic issues. Imagine two unacquainted scientists meeting to debate, for example, the development of the universe. One scientist employs common scientific terminology, the other was taught science just as the first except that the terminology used in the second scientist's country is entirely different - instead of atoms, the second scientist was taught "spirit" and instead energy "karma" and so forth. Imagine these two scientists debating such an issue, being unfamiliar with one another's terminology - they would both think the other to be an absolute fool!


New Member
perhaps, if you ever get a chance to see the Reefer Madness dvd, there is a short film called Grandpas marijuana handbook, and he some stuff that links the bible to marijuana, like how people saw god and burning bushes, and how no one sees that unless they are on something lol.
i saw that guy on youtube. i know the bible very well from my previous life. he's reaching.

and if you believe that god created man using evolution, it's possible YOU'RE reaching from some sort of compromise between religion and logic.

of course, anything's possible. and i appreciate your friend trying to be a mediator between believers and nons. but, the god hypothesis lost footing a long time ago.


New Member
The only way for there to be a god is if that god is not a god at all, but merely the CATALYST for the creation of the UNIVERSE. WE, don't even come into it.


Master of Mayhem
I was talking to my friend and he was talking about how they dont want schools to teach evolution, and how churches want people to beilve in adam and eve, but then he made a good point which was what if god created evolution, say he created a single cell organism designed to evolve gradually into humans. Whats your opinon?
This all depends on what your definition of "god" is............:neutral:


Well-Known Member
if god created man then god is an asshole. to have the power of god and have to add misery and suffering to the equation is stupid. why not give man a full life of bliss? what the fuck is with the child molesters? for what reason did god create them?


New Member
if god created man then god is an asshole. to have the power of god and have to add misery and suffering to the equation is stupid. why not give man a full life of bliss? what the fuck is with the child molesters? for what reason did god create them?
Shit man, I hate that subject. terrifies the fuck out of me... I have 3 little kids and the oldest is 3.

Nonces actually drive around in teams now to kidnap kids off the street. These type of people would get no mercy from me.

Ah, the point. The point is that these people are serving their time and meeting fellow nonces, making plans for when they get out. This is why the danger levels have risen considerably the past few years.


Well-Known Member
I wish people would take religion less seriously.
Who the hell knows.

The bible is a copulation of stories to impart wisdom through the generations.
Most of the stories in it are remix's of much more ancient stories.

What really gets me are these televangelists.
I see this dribble on tv and it blows my mind that people actually send in money.

Then you have the people who feel their god wants them to kill in his name. WTF.


Well-Known Member
I wish people would take religion less seriously.
Who the hell knows.

The bible is a copulation of stories to impart wisdom through the generations.
Most of the stories in it are remix's of much more ancient stories.

What really gets me are these televangelists.
I see this dribble on tv and it blows my mind that people actually send in money.

Then you have the people who feel their god wants them to kill in his name. WTF.
i agree, what he said.

plus god and jesus are lies to make us think a certain way.......fact.....and u KNOW it makes sense