Did the terrorists win?


Well-Known Member
I'm just wondering, look at the things we allow in the name of saftey, pat downs at air ports, ndaa, sopa, patriot act. I look around and all I see is a nation in terror, so I guess they did.


Active Member
War isn't over bro and it never will be as long as there's different religions and beliefs. This war will end when there's no more religions and in this one no one wins friend.


Active Member
War isn't over bro and it never will be as long as there's different religions and beliefs. This war will end when there's no more religions and in this one no one wins friend.
I think his point was... Did the terrorist succeed in destroying America as we knew it...

Answer is yes!

Since 9/11 we have lost many personal freedoms and our right to privacy is just about gone, I say comparable to what has been lost to the war drugs! Not to mention the 1,000's of lives and the billions of $$$ spent on waging police actions!

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I'm just wondering, look at the things we allow in the name of saftey, pat downs at air ports, ndaa, sopa, patriot act. I look around and all I see is a nation in terror, so I guess they did.
Yes, the terrorists won if we are going by the standards of winning and losing put out there by GW Bush. He said the terrorists hate us for our freedoms. Well the terrorists should love us now.


Well-Known Member
I think "Bill Gate's",,,was a terrorist,,,With all the Technology he created it sold big time It was just a matter of time till our freedom was gone!...


Well-Known Member
You can't kill all the terrorists but you can kill the reason they want to become terrorists


Well-Known Member
well, i have to send a report in triplicate every time i defecate that details the minutes of my defecation, how many flushes were used, and how many squares of toilet paper, so i would say my freedom is gone.

in fact, this country is so shitty, i am going to move to syria in an act of protest. that'll show 'em.


Well-Known Member
In a way. they wanted a long drawn out holy war to bleed the united states financially and reduce us military strength abroad by drawing us into a guerilla war with them.


Active Member
well, i have to send a report in triplicate every time i defecate that details the minutes of my defecation, how many flushes were used, and how many squares of toilet paper, so i would say my freedom is gone.

in fact, this country is so shitty, i am going to move to syria in an act of protest. that'll show 'em.
I hope that part is sarcasm :?


Ursus marijanus
Yaay ... another Poo Thread! A RIU tradition.

As UB well knows ... "the job ain't over 'til the paperwork is done." cn