Different theory. Your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
well I can't speak for everyone but I have to say this is one thing where a lot of civil libertarians agree with the democrats, especially now that we have seen the Republican tactics used against us as well with Dr Paul. I will add again that its just them being sheeple and following whatever their party tells them, a lot of dems are the same way really so its kind of a two way street here, people just need to take political propaganda for what it is and not be hypnotized. There are cases of voter fraud but they aren't perpitrated by the individual voters so I.D serves no purpose when the instigators/organizers can still skate around that , Joe smo isn't lining up to vote thinking hes going to get one over on the state, its the parties organizing this fraud themselves, this needs to be handled by auditing/counting the votes openly and publicly. This is how they suppressed Dr paul: Secret Ballots, "Trucks" of votes going missing, counting at secret locations, not allowing audio/video of counting, etc...We don't even need to example of Dr Paul to see the principle of this but I think its a good recent example.

Paul Lost becuase he is a nutcase, supported by like minded people


Well-Known Member
Yesterday the ACLU sent me a bumper sticker that says "Let People Vote!"

So yeah, it's a big problem caused by republican dirty-trickster swift boat bushies.



Well-Known Member
Union? They always did what they said they would.
Life was pretty good back then.
I wish i was in a union when I became disabled......just sayin.


Well-Known Member
I like unions

Union jobs always suck though
Not the union
The actual job
Oh man, my first union job was hard, I was like 30 had a newborn, and wanted advancement.
Every one would say slow down, don't work so fast! LOL I did get transfered into a department that only worked if something broke. A very happy place to work.

2nd Union job doing the same thing in the same dept. for an other co. but way different, no body ever smiled, no body wanted to be there, me included, management was under extreme stress, you could feel it as you drove up to the plant. nasty. A year later I went into business for myself.


Well-Known Member
I worked for a Union company
Good benefits
Good pay
YOu didnt have to worry about anything but doing your job

If i had stayed there I would be set for life
doing exactly the same thing everyday
over and over and over again
No thanks