Do small amounts of H202 kill my good fungi and bacteria in soil


Active Member
Does is make any sense to add low amounts of H202 to my soil watering system when I am giving my plants healthy doses of Compost Tea.

I've read that 3% H202 in my watering will aid in oxygen availability in my soil, but does this kill the good fungi and bacteria I have given them with my compost tea?

Thanks for all the help!


Active Member
I would still appreciate any help I can get on this.

I've seen some very good response from my plants putting about 1ml 35% H202 per gallon of water.

However, I've started brewing compost tea and adding beneficial bacteria (GH Sub-B).

Two thoughts:
Is 1 ml 35% H202 per gallon going to kill the fungi and bacteria if added to the water with tea and sub B?

If I only add H202 on watering where there is no tea or Sub B will I be undoing the positive soil culture I established with the tea, etc.

Thanks, All!!


Well-Known Member
Well answer your own ?....will H202 kill beneficial or non beneficial organisms on a surface or in the air? Well, yes.
So in soil I think the answer is the same. Will it kill all of them? only if your a gorilla with the H202, I suggest a bubbler in the water also. Same effect.


Well-Known Member
It will help some, and hurt others at reasonable levels.. Both cases can be beneficial since the ones likely to die will be weak anyways, so you'll be clearing out habitat for the stronger ones.. Alot of the purpose for having oxygen in the soil is for the micro-organisms.. Even the ones that can survive in an anaerobic environment will change their routines.. For instance, yeast don't really ferment much sugar to alcohol when oxygen is relatively available in solution..