Does anyone know what kind of spider this is?


Well-Known Member
Well things that leave webs on plants are usually spider mites, but if you are seeing an actual spider than I wouldn't worry too much...


Well-Known Member
Yea I know it's not a spider mite those are really hard to see with the naked eye. This is a regular sized spider. Just curious to know what kind of spider it is. I've also seen them sitting on the stems with their two front legs stretched out in front of them almost like huge fangs. They're pretty cool. I don't want to kill them. Anything I can feel sqaush, or pop between my fingers I can't really kill. It has to be tiny. Ha.


Active Member
looks like a funnel spider. The way a web that resembles a tunnel and are super fast, I had one last year. I let it be, and didnt have any bug problems. Well, that is until it started budding and the caterpillars/bud worms showed up.